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How Can I Choose The Right Products To Drop Ship?

How Can I Choose The Right Products To Drop Ship?

We believe that you must have clear product selection processes in place in order to get the best results. People often pick ideas on a whim, with little consideration, and end up wasting a lot of time and effort for no results. You can brainstorm hundreds of products ideas, but the tricky part is knowing which products will sell.

When picking a product to drop ship, you want to consider these elements:

1. Products with good markup opportunities

What do I mean by this? In other words, you should sell a product that you can source cheaply enough, but also has a good enough perceived value that you can add $$$ to it, and profit more. (For example, you can easily source a product for $2 on Aliexpress, and sell it for $15 or $20)

2. Products with a passionate following

Make sure that the products you source have a passionate enough following. The more emotions you can evoke with products, the more likely you are to sell well. (For this reason, it is good to sell products that appeal to a niche/ passionate audience)

3. Products with a big enough audience

Ensure that the products have a big enough audience to take advantage of. Firstly, you’ve got to be able to pick out the audiences that will be interested in the product. If you can’t do that, good luck marketing the product. Secondly the bigger the audience is, the greater your ability to scale your advertising and sell more of the product long term.

4. Think Viral 

If you find a product that has the ability to go viral, it will decrease your ad cost in the long run. Viral products get a lot of engagement, and high amounts of engagement, cause the organic reach of your advertising to go up and drive your ad costs down.

Take a look at our latest webinar about How To Choose The Right Product before getting started. This will help you be prepared and choose the right products going forward.

Niche Filter

With the rise of dropshipping and the relative ease that an eCommerce store can be created, niche shops have become the trend.

It quickly turned from an eCommerce novelty to a proven, successful strategy.

Don’t fight the big stores.

Avoid too broad and general categories.

The masses are already exposed to thousands of offers daily.

Look to supply niche products that are underserved by larger players. For example, there is no specific interest group for a normal belt, but you can easily tell that cycling gear will resonate well with cycling enthusiasts. Find your niche.

Stay Away Categories Filter

It may overlap with Niche Filter, but it’s essential to narrow down your product selection by excluding the ‘stay away’ categories.

Some product categories have grown significantly over the last decade and there are already many strong players and smaller shops out there supplying these products.

Just look at the eCommerce growth rates: books sales are flat and the jewelry market is shrinking. 80% of Americans say they’ve bought electronics or apparel online in the past three months, which means they already have their choice of trusted store.

Cross off the following general categories from your idea list: books, jewelry, electronics, and clothing — you will need to be more specific and find a niche.

Please note: We don’t suggest crossing out these categories entirely. You could sell plus size women’s clothingmen’s clothing, custom hiking/cycling electronics gear, or jewelry hidden in candles. We suggest you pay more attention to finding an interesting subcategory that will make your store unique. Don’t fall into the trap of selling in general categories.

Price Sweet Spot Filter

Andrew from eCommerceFuel says the perfect eCommerce product price is from $100 to $200. Richard from ABLS argues that it’s $75 to $150.

There are a few general rules to remember: the lower the price, the better the conversion rate. The higher the price, the more support you will need to provide.

With a $40 to $60 price range, the profits are relatively good and you can still cover the marketing costs of up to $20 per sale. The conversion rate is usually higher because the purchase requires less consideration on the part of the buyer. There is also less support.

You increase the odds of the success of your store in the developing markets. With Chinese dropshipping, you can sell everywhere in the world. Although $30 may not be much to people living in the US, it could be a lot for someone in South America or Eastern/Central Europe.

Bonus Secret: You should definitely try selling in developing/neglected markets. Lower advertising costs and competition equals a higher ROI. Don’t worry about the language barriers.

Look over your list and cross out product ideas that are more than $60.

Marketing Channels Filter

You have to think about your marketing strategy before you even launch your store. You may change it, but you must have a plan, to begin with.

To put it simply, different marketing channels are great for different products. Once you pick the product, you have to figure out which marketing channel will be best for it.

Advertising an $800 hoverboard on Facebook might not be the best idea, but you might succeed in advertising it on Google Adwords. A hoverboard is not a spontaneous purchase, in most cases, people will Google it to learn more about it and find which stores sell it.

The Right Products For Dropshipping Takeaway:

How Can I Choose The Right Products To Drop Ship 2
If you’re finding it hard to choose the best product to pick and advertise for, take a look at our Must Have Shopify Apps which will help you with your Dropshipping business. You can also easily choose from the products we highly recommend on our website https://ecomhunt.com/ which will show price, analytics and how much you could make selling them.

Did you say Oberlo?

Oberlo partner with Ecomhunt

Before announcing the big news, a few words about Oberlo in case you have no idea what this is about 😉

Oberlo allows you to easily import dropshipped products directly into your Shopify store and ship them directly to your customers – in only a few clicks.

You can also find on Oberlo a really cool feature called “Oberlo Supply” to use verified suppliers to ship your dropship orders with a one click processing!

Oberlo Supply

Now back to our big news !

It’s been a while Oberlo and Ecomhunt are working together in order to provide our users better experience and help them finding the best products to sell and supply them easily.

And this is when we came up with the idea of add this tiny cool button to our products on Ecomhunt to easily import products to your store using Oberlo app, you will find the “Import to Oberlo” button only on products that are available in the Oberlo Supply feature, why? we want to make sure you have the best flow and experience when it comes to: Finding the product -> Import to store -> One click fulfilment with verified and trusted suppliers.

Click here to see a live example.

This is only the beginning of Oberlo and Ecomhunt partnership, we are working together to bring you guys many more cool features !

So you better stay tuned 😉


P.S – You can click here to read more about Oberlo Supply

6 Quick Tips To Grow Your Email Opt-Ins

6 quick to grow your email optins

Are you writing email marketing copy that’s just not getting the conversions you need? Getting your email marketing strategy right is both an art and a science. Part of both is understanding how to create the high-converting offer.

1. Scarcity

Which of the following two stirs you to act ASAP:

  1. Storewide savings: 70% on all furniture and bath items
  2. **ENDS TODAY** 70% savings on all furniture and bath items

If you’re like most people, chances are you said “2.”

Nothing spurs urgent action more than a concrete deadline. The fear of missing out (FOMO) kicks in when we realize that our desired object is moving out of our reach. Even habitual procrastinators are not immune to the lure of deadlines.

There are a few ways you can go about adding a purchase deadline to your emails:

  • Offer ends on MM/DD/YYYY at 12:00 am
  • Offer ends in 48 hours
  • You only have 2 days to save

Just remember to tell the truth and add actually urgency, nothing will ruin your trust faster than a made-up deadline.

2. Likability

We also want other people to like our emails and websites. If on our site, we come across as likable, we tend to become more profitable.

So, in conversion optimization, likability is an important and powerful psychological trigger. Likability is nebulous, though. What’s it mean and how can we optimize for it? How can we measure it?

We like to identify as being part of a group, and in turn, groups can define our personal identities. This is when you can add testimonials and proof of the clients and groups you’ve worked with.

3. Tell Your Story

In a research paper published in the Fall 2014 issue of The Journal of Marketing Theory and Practiceprofessor Quesenberry and his research partner Michael Coolsen studied plot development in commercials.

They found that regardless of the content of the ad, the structure of that content predicted its success.

“People are attracted to stories,” Quesenberry says, “because we’re social creatures and we relate to other people.”  This statement is also backed by talented professor and scientist Paul J. Zak. And it’s no surprise. We humans have been communicating through stories for centuries, even back when our news feeds were cave walls.

4. Social Proof

Social proof is one of the most powerful drivers of our everyday behavior. Psychologists estimate that over 90% of our decisions are subconscious.

When our brain makes decisions, it looks for cues. The strongest of those cues is to see what everyone else is doing. For example, according to a study done on airplanes, passengers were 70% more likely to order a meal if their neighbor ordered one.

5. Commitment and Consistency

There are two easy ways you can inject your email marketing with commitment and consistency:

  1. Get commitment with your opt-in form
  2. Ask for a small sale first (foot-in-the-door technique)

Build your list by getting your site visitors to commit to something relatively small and usually free-of-charge, such as a sample guide or a white paper that they can gain access to after opting in. But add a “commitment checkbox” to get commitment and consistency to start working in your favor.

6. Reciprocity

You have to give a little to get a little!

Have you ever noticed that just before you pay your bill at a restaurant, your waiter presents you with a small gift – often in the form of candy or a mint?

I bet you’ve never sat back in your chair and wondered why. You were probably too traumatized by the three-digit number on the small piece of paper informing you that you’re going to be broke.

Well according to numerous psychology researchers, the mere act of giving this small gift has a subtle effect on how much you’re willing to tip! This is how you make sales in every way possible.

The Grow Your Email Takeaway

6 Quick Tips To Grow Your Email Opt Ins Image

Start by improving the user experience. Don’t annoy or irritate your audience. Give them time to check out your site. Encourage reciprocity by being generous with information. Show you’re willing to give away something of value for free. Use social proof, authority, likability, and scarcity to further reel in the subscribers.

5 Low Cost Marketing Tactics


When looking for marketing tactics for your business we always recommend putting your consumers needs first. You must do market research, get consumer feedback and find what your customers are searching for online.

Without understanding the problem you need to solve, you can’t even begin to choose which technique will be the most effective or the most cost effective. And even then, to find the most effective low cost solution will require research, thought, experience, creativity, and intuition.

There is no magic marketing solution for all types of businesses, but the majority of situations content marketing and branding remains the best marketing tactic for your business.

5 Low Cost Marketing Tactics

Why consider Content Marketing?

  • You become an expert in your own field
  • You build trust and positive reputation and when someone needs to buy, she/he will be thinking to contact you
  • Good articles attract customers even years after the publishing date
  • Most content marketing tactics can be executed for free
  • It helps you in customer retention

Here are some more tactics you can start implementing right away to help grow your brand and revenue for your business:

1. Social media marketing

Social media is a powerful tool today. Advertise on the different channels like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Once you figure out the formula that works for you, you will be able to target your ideal audience at a comfortable budget.

2. Search Engine Optimization

Optimize your website for keywords to help improve direct and organic search results for your website. This is very important to drive the right traffic to your website that could convert to qualified leads. Though it is time consuming and the results take some time to be noticeable, it is completely worth the effort.

3. Marketplace listings

Ensure your company is listed in relevant journals and resources so prospects looking for a product/service similar to yours can find you easily. Also you can submit your website in all search engine websites so it is indexed.

4. Referrals

This is the most effective way to market and drive qualified leads to your website. Reviews of happy customers who are using your product will help open many doors for your business.

5. Value Exchange

Once they are in your website motivate them to sign-up for your newsletters. Now you need to give them benefits for signing-up for your newsletter. For Example: You must have seen many eCommerce retailers providing discount coupons etc. When you’re able to give a value exchange for your customers contact information you’ll be able to continue following up and sending future promotions.

The Marketing Tactics Takeaway

Practicing the above steps will help you accomplish the following:

  • Awareness
  • Customers perceived value
  • Quality/Hot leads (customers at a later stage)
  • Higher rate of conversions
  • More referrals

As far as our experience in online marketing is concerned, the best way to grab the market is by building your brand online so customers search for you when they’re ready to buy your product.

Your brand strategy should not be focused only on immediate tactics but on long-term goals and sustainable growth. Your strategy should always be flexible to cater for the ever changing market, consumers and competitors in order to succeed.

Does Drop Shipping Work?

Does Drop Shipping Work?

For those who are unfamiliar with the term Dropshipping, it is basically a network of 3 person; the actual seller/supplier, you (dropshipper), and your customer. You act as a mediator of the order. Thus, you don’t have to keep any stocks.

Every order that is made through you will transferred to the seller and the seller ships the product under your name.

Dropshipping works well, if you know the strategy and tricks for it. Don’t even bother doing it if you think you won’t be needing any effort on this. One thing that we can guarantee is that it definitely takes time and patience.

PreSale Research

  1. Do your research – For new dropshippers, you must select a niche, an industry you’re familiar with or the one where you see an opportunity. We recommend selecting with a product that is highly accessible (don’t worry about competition for now), meaning people won’t be needing to think twice before buying your product as it is exactly what they’ve been searching for.
  2. Find a reliable supplier, someone who you will source your product from. This is arguably the most difficult part, not only that you can be backstabbed, but also your supplier can and might be your biggest competitor.

Selling Products

  1. Find a selling medium like Shopify in which you can offer your product to potential customers. The most common place to sell is through your own website and marketplace. You can find someone to build it for you or find tutorial online and do it yourself.
  2. Gain traction – This is the part where you might incur some cost, but if you do it correctly, those costs will be offset by the revenue you gain and you should at least gain some clients for this. People will start hearing about your business and probably become your customer.
  3. Build a strong customer base – If you’re using a website as your medium of sale, I would suggest you to use email marketing as one of your tools. Do flash sales for your social media followers or subscribers.

Track Progress

  1. Keep a record of every transaction that occurs; financials or your customers details. This will be useful in the future for your growth. You need to actually note down and calculate every action customers have taken from your business.
  2. Track analytics and traffic, continue doing your best to grow your “new visitor” count every month. Once you have consistent monthly traffic you’ll be able to track conversions.
  3. Focus on conversions and making sure you’re proving ROI on your marketing efforts. If you can calculate cost per conversion and sale you’ll be able to start scaling your business.

Action Steps

You’ll be successful if you follow these tips –
  • Advertise different products each time to see which ones bring in the most sales.
  • Test different social influencers on Instagram and Facebook by paying them to display your ads.
  • Use Google AdWords to show up in Google search results for keywords related to the items you’re selling.
  • Create a blog and religiously post interesting related content to build a loyal following.
  • Use Facebook Ads to advertise your blog posts and then use data on the people who clicked the ad to create a Lookalike Audience for advertising your products.
  • Once they’ve purchased, you need an email marketing system in place to send them information on new products, discounts, offers and the most popular blog posts to entice them in to purchasing from you again.
  • If you’d like to start your own dropshipping site, the best setup in many ways is with Shopify, the Oberlo app, and products from AliExpress.

Take a look at this amazing story from one of our users on how he went from Zero to $187,435 in 3 months!

The Dropshipping Takeaway

It is important to understand that you have to work at your store! Building a marketing strategy, supporting your customers, creating ads – all of that you have to do. Take a look at an article we wrote about the Pros and Cons of starting a dropshipping business like this.

The information given to you above is the bare minimum you must know before starting an drop shipping business. You need to get your hands dirty to learn the most out of it. Whether you can succeed or not completely comes back to you.

Comment below if you like this post 🙂

Meet Harry Coleman Over $1,000,000 In 2 Months Using Manual Bidding


Meet Harry Coleman, with the help of Ecomhunt winning products he was able to generate over $1,000,000 in 2 months using Shopify and Manual Bidding !

We spoke to Harry and got for you an exclusive interview with all the juicy details about his big success!

How did I get started?

My story started when I was searching through Black Hat Forum website and I seen a thread called “How I Made $5000 Selling FREE Products” or something titled similar.

At the time I was working full time in a 9 to 5 and running a small gym clothing brand. I have always been into having a side hustle online and always wanted to live a laptop lifestyle.

I read the thread on the forum from start to finish on how this guy was using Shopify and Facebook ads to do Free + Shipping and crushing it. He made it sound so simple that I just had to get in on it and give it a go. I knew that If I could make 1 sale then I could do thousands.

I then started to do research on who will killing it, joining loads of FB groups and following guys who were doing big numbers. I never purchased any courses and learnt from handwork and testing a lot of stuff, refining my strategy over time

Before Dropshipping?

Before drop shipping I was working a normal 9 to 5 job I didn’t like. I always wanted to be my own boss, have time freedom and live a laptop lifestyle allowing me to travel and wake up when I wanted.

I have always been entrepreneurial, especially with Ecom. I have sold on eBay, imported snapback hats, sold gym clothing, shisha pens everything but nothing was a breakthrough. I knew I would find my way at some point I just had to keep trying.

At my 9 to 5 I remember getting called into the office and being made to sit down with the CEO, director and my line manager. I had my first store up and running but it only had made like 2-3 sales… I knew what was coming, I just had a gut feeling and they dropped it…

“Sorry we have to let you go”

I had to call my parents to tell them I had just lost my job and had to basically go on welfare baring in mind I had a 1st class degree from university.

It was at that point I decided to give it all to Ecom/Shopify and dropshipping to make sure that NO ONE could ever dictate my life like that again.


First Sale where did it come from? what was your experience with FB ads?

I remember it like it was yesterday. You will NEVER experience a moment like receiving that first order, no matter how much money you go on to generate. Even to this day if I set up a new store, the first sale is a crazy feeling for me.

I was sitting down and getting the green Shopify notification buzz and ping to say I had sold an item. I couldn’t believe it, I was over the moon. It validated everything I had been doing and proved that I can to achieve the big numbers I was seeing in the groups.

My experience with FB was VERY basic. I’m talking I would do what most clueless people would do and hit ‘Boost Post’. It was once I dived deeper into things that I learnt what I needed to do. But most importantly put things into action and actually spend money testing.

My first sale came from by 3rd product I tested, the first 2 didn’t work at all. I started doing Website Conversion ads and learning how the pixel works. I broke each adset into a catagory for example:

  • Brands
  • Websites
  • Celebs/Public figures
  • TV Shows/Events
  • Broad (EG large audiences)
  • Precise (E.G I love…)

This is how I learnt to see which types of people were reacting and bringing me the sales. Before I used to just stack a load together and run it

How did you learn, what keeps your motivated?

I learn my following a lot of guys in the scene that were doing great. I would go into FB groups ask questions and also watch YouTube videos.

There weren’t many YouTube videos or that much content out there as there is now so most of the value was inside of the FB groups.

I learnt the most from testing and actually spending money. You can learn as much as you possibly can but if you do not actually spend money to test you won’t get nowhere. Ecomhunt is great for shortcutting products that are actually worth a test.

It’s a great product research tool and a real game-changer. My VA can literally login and add the products right away so I can then run the tests.

I’ve spent over a million dollars on FB ads and now I really only do Website Conversion ads and go straight for purchase unless the pixel is fresh, then sometimes I’ll go for ATC instead. I never optimise for VC or rarely do PPE (Unless scaling a campaign even further).

What I have found is FB are extremely good at sending what you want. So PPE just give me engagement and not sales and VC just give me the time wasters. I want BUYERS so always go for the buying intent objectives

My saying is:


Staying motivated is easy for me because I have always set myself a goal. Once you have a goal to work towards you shouldn’t stop until it’s achieved AND once you have achieved it you set another and keep moving forwards.

I wanted to do $100k a year and smashed that. I wanted to hit $100k a month and smashed that. I wanted to hit $10K a day and smashed that and so on.

One of my goals now is to get 10K subscribers to my YouTube channel by the end of this year so that is what I am working on along with everything else.

Plus, most people fear losing their job. I fear having to go and get one.


Why did I want to succeed so bad?

I wanted it because I didn’t want to have a boss, or have to ask for time off to have a vacation or spend time with family or just chill when I felt like it.

I didn’t grow up rich, nor did anyone in my family. I inspire to be that one that pushes the boundaries and inspires a group of hustlers because I know how Ecom has changed my life.

I’m not driven by the money, that is a by product. I am driven by the lifestyle that this brings, the money is a bonus.

What is your sales record?

I have done the figure days and 6 figure months and 7 figure years. I have done $50K per day and this year I done over in just $1,000,000 in 2 months already.

I would of course like to hit $100k per day. VERY few Ecom guys out there have actually hit that.

I hit most of these large days doing manual bidding and LLA’s. Auto bids are great but once one adset is doing great I like to duplicate it into a new campaign and run it as a manul bid with a budget of at least $1000.

You have to be careful with manual bidding and watch it like a hawk each day to lower or increase your bid. It is a lot harder to master.

Retargeting and email marketing is another thing people don’t get right, yet when done correctly, they will single handedly be your most highest ROI campaigns.

Some of my big campaigns have come from Ecomhunt products. Some people say that if a product is already doing well on Facebook then it is saturated but I don’t think that is the case (depending on how long it’s been live for). I have sold some of the older products on Facebook from Ecomhunt that most would deem saturated but you have to remember that audiences are always changing, people get new hobbies and have new life experiences everyday so the same audience will not be the same year on year.



Start again what would you do different?

I would of tested a lot more and not been scared to spend money. When you start out you are constantly looking at your ads and cut stuff too soon. You get scared to spent money and keep low budgets.

I would of outsourced things a lot quicker too. You can only get to a certain point by yourself, once you hit this you HAVE to outsource unless you cannot grow. We all get scared to let go when we are not in total control but in order to grow you must have trust in your team to build a scale your business.

I wish I would of found Ecomhunt a lot quicker too as finding products can be a long process.

Top tips

Learn as much as you can from those who are doing well.

It is NOT a get rich quick scheme and you have to treat it like a real business

Stay in your lane and don’t worry about what anyone else is doing. Take inspiration and move towards your goal

Most importantly TAKE ACTION spend the money on testing product. Remember never see it as LOSING money…. See it as BUYING data.

Look for products that are either cool, quirky and unique OR products that solve a problem.


The manual bidding breakdown:

Want to learn more about Harry? Click here

Ready to start making some $$$ ?

How to Find Winning Products and Start Selling Online

Pros and Cons of Dropshipping and Wholesaling

Niche Store VS General Store

How to Make Sales in Every Way Possible !

Have a question? Got some killer tips? Comment below!

Introducing AdHunter – Reveal Your Competitors Facebook Ads Performance !


Hey there!

Mordechai Arba here from Ecomhunt with a new 100% FREE
app to help you make more money with your store and huge success with Facebook ads.

This app will give the power to Hunt down any sponsored ad on Facebook and
reveal your competitor ads performance LIVE!!

AdHunter is the first chrome extension of this kind.

I have made for you a quick video tutorial to help you getting started:

Ready to Hunt down your competitors Facebook ads?
Click Here to install AdHunter 100% FREE

(I’m not sure for how long AdHunter will be free… but if u install now I promise you it will stay free lifetime for you.)

For any question/ bug report/ ideas:
[email protected]


The 6 Best Shopify Apps to Increase Sales in 2018


Shopify is used by tens of thousands of entrepreneurs to sell products online. The Shopify app store never falls short of hosting thousands of intuitive apps that are simplifying lives and boosting productivity every day. The sheer number of apps in the store may find you confused and overwhelmed to find the perfect app, as the search results can leave people scratching their heads. Some high quality while others happen to be quite efficacious…and yes, free! The free apps elicit a great deal of interest from store owners at Shopify because it gives them an opportunity to generate revenues and maximize sales without incurring any costs. Here are ten awesomely amazing Shopify apps that allow you to boost your sales for free in 2018.

1 – SMAR7 Bundle Upsell

To ensure that your business thrives in a competitive online environment, it’s important to maximize the revenue generated from every dollar you spend. Smar7 Bundle ensures your store does just that… By putting the first “Smart” Upsell & Bundle app on your store. No more buggy apps that don’t even pop up half the time & no more lost revenue. It’s time to maximize the amount you earn for every dollar you spend.

– Show Products Related to the Products in the Customer’s Cart

This is where Smar7 Bundles “Smart” technology comes in.. We know the best way to ensure high conversions and to maximize your revenue is to upsell similar or complementary products… Thanks to Smar7 Bundle this is now an absolute breeze.. Pick a category and you’re good to go. This feature ensures happy customers being shown the items they want to see, more sales for you & ultimately more revenue

– Bundle Upsell’s  gamification encourages users to spend MORE money on each purchase

Bundle Upsell  turned buying your products into a game! The Smar7 Bundle technology rewards your customers and encourages them to spend more… In theory we making shopping from you… FUN! This increases user engagement on your websites, making your customers more likely to buy, come back & refer you to friends.

Click here for pricing info

2 – Dropified

If you don’t know what Dropfied does and why it’s great then here are the reasons we use it.

You can import products and images directly from AliExpress, you have automated tracking updates meaning you don’t have to check manually for tracking codes then upload them to the back end of your store. Dropified also automatically sends a shipping confirmation email to the customer which is handy as it can get overwhelming keeping an eye on hundreds of tracking numbers at once. The best feature though is the one-click orders saving you hours of fulfilment time but simply clicking one button then Dropified does the ordering for you!

– The Dropified App Look and Overall Usability

It consists two parts; the app and the chrome extension. Basically, the app has all the necessary information you would find necessary. You can choose products and keep tabs on every product that you are dealing in. When you combine the typical tools offerer The best thing about the Dropified is that it adds an overlay to Alibaba and AliExpress. All you do is add products to your store by clicking them. Each of the features is designed to assist the business process. Furthermore, the app allows you to view useful info on the item itself. For example, you can see shipping info, and this is critical when determining the most appropriate items to stock. For some individuals, the app is a little cluttered. For others, such information is invaluable. However, Dropified could do with a bit of more functionality.d by Shopify, you will find yourself having every data you require to succeed.

– The Good and the Bad of the App

One disadvantage of the app is the reduced features of the Lite package. Honestly, this package cannot compete appropriately with the competition. The numerous features that the app carries may be overwhelming for the new and inexperienced users. With an app like Orbelo, you do not have to sift through options. Therefore, Dropified may come off as a complicated app. The app also loses in terms of usability and aesthetics.

However, the pricing of the Elite package is appropriate. The app comes off as feature-rich and so good value for money. Dropified has gotten glowing reviews from hundreds of users, and that underscores its usability. The app’s customer care is very responsive, and this enhances the user’s experience. Given that the app becomes an extension of your store, it is appropriate that you get all the necessary support.

Click here for pricing info

3 – Hurrify

Hurrify helps you encourage shoppers to purchase items by showing them how many units of a particular product you’ve sold, as well as a countdown timer.  Plus, this Shopify app includes 2 timer styles for you to choose from, easy text, font, and color customization, and more.

Hurrify Gives you the ability to create different kind of timers options.

– Option 1: Raw text with a timer

This is the simplest form. 

– Option 2: Sold number with progress bar

In this option you set the initial sold number, then with every sale Hurrify will increment the sold number automatically.

– Option 3: Left In Stock number

This option will show how much left in stock. Make sure you set the real inventory number before you turn on this option. 

– Option 4: Decreasing Left In Stock

While option 3 tracks the real inventory number, this option here decreases automatically to form some kind of urgency on your customers. 

– Option 5: Increasing Sold number

Similar to option 4, but it increases instead of decreasing.

Click here for pricing info

4 – Wheelio

the power of Wheel of fortune tool is well known among old marketers and so is the power of (exit) pop-ups. When you merge something good together, it usually ends up even better. This was also the case for Wheelio. By combining two very powerful marketing tools, we created an even better one.

– Where can you place the Wheelio?

You can place the Wheelio site-wide or on a specific URL. This enables you to do different kind of promotions on your site. You can even exclude certain URLs, where you dont want Wheelio to be shown. (cart, special promotions,…)

– How is Wheelio triggered?

You can chose between exit intent trigger (desktop), scroll intent trigger (mobile), time on site (seconds) trigger and also the NEW TAB trigger. You can even use the combination of different triggers for maximum exposure.Exit intent: When the visitor tries to leave your site. Scroll exit intent (mobile): When a user scrolls down on the mobile device and suddenly scrolls back up.Time on site: Select a timer on each visit.NEW – Tab trigger: A small button like tab on the left part of your site, that wiggles and alerts a user that something special is in line, if only he clicks on the tab. When he does, Wheelio appears.

– How do I know that Wheelio works?

Analytics. You can see the stats in your backend and stats never lie. Stats are connected to your site and they are shown live. We are the only app that offers real time statistics.

Click here for pricing info

5 – Loox

– Let your customers post beautiful product reviews to your store

With Loox, your customers can easily give you five-star ratings and add photos of themselves using your products.

Join thousands of Shopify stores already using Loox to easily collect beautiful product reviews and boost conversion through increased trust.

Loox reviews have proved to increase trust and sales for a variety of segments: apparel, home decor, tech gadgets, jewelry, beauty, toys, accessories and others.

– Products with photo reviews increase conversion by up to 91%

You put so much effort into driving traffic to your store. But when shoppers first visit your online store, they are not familiar with your brand and they can’t check out your products physically. You need to win their trust before they make the purchase.

One of the easiest and best ways to do that is to include social proof in the form of product reviews & ratings. However, in a web ruled by visual content, textual reviews don’t cut it anymore. Customers want to see your product in action, used by real people like them, in a wide range of uses.

Consumers trust user generated photos 12 times more than professional photos taken on a white background or with a paid model. In fact, research shows that customer reviews that include photos are the number one purchase influencer today.

Our data here at Loox shows that products with customer reviews have a 26% higher conversion to checkout than products with no reviews. Products with customer reviews that include photos, increase conversion by up to 91%.

– Key features

  • One-click setup – Click “Get” and you’re all set
  • Import reviews (even with photos!) – From any source. NEW – 1-Click import from AliExpress
  • Made to fit – Works with any theme, mobile-friendly, 100% responsive plus you decide where reviews will appear on the page
  • Automatic email review requests & reminders – Sit back and relax as reviews flow in
  • Fully branded emails – Your name, logo, subject, and text
  • Customization – Define email timing, reviews widget color, size and position
  • Moderation – You decide which reviews get published
  • Offer reviewers a discount – Incentivize adding a photo to their review. NEW – Generate a unique, non-reusable, code for each customer!
  • Review form questions – Get more information about the customer or purchased item
  • Textual reviews – Customers can submit a review without a photo, with the option to add one later
  • Inline SEO – Display reviews & ratings on search results with our rich snippets integration
  • Social reviews sharing – Share reviews on social media, inspire your fans, and gain free traffic and exposure
  • Ratings widget – Display star ratings on collection pages and higher up on product pages
  • Happy customers page – Show off all your reviews in one place
  • Upsell – Smart product recommendations in review request emails
  • Translation – Available in English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian, Turkish, Icelandic and Dutch
  • World-class customer support – Always happy to help at [email protected]

– Bonus feature

Collect reviews from past customers – When you install Loox, send review requests to customers up to 3 months back. This is the best way to generate lots of reviews right after installation and fuel your store with social proof. The best part is – it’s completely free! No matter the plan you choose, we won’t count these requests.

Click here for pricing info

6 – Hopify

This is the simplest way to increase your buying customers checkout conversion and gain more trust from your visitors and make them buy other products on your store.

– How it works?

1) Install our app

2) We will start showing on your store hopify’s

3) You collect more $$$

– Why does it work so good?

Imagine you go out with friends to a bar and the bar is empty with poor vibe. This is when you notice that the bar a cross the street is full with people, good music and crazy good vibe! We all know what will happen next 😉

Hopify uses the same concept to increase your store sales and trust by showing in real time your store most recent activities such as visitors and purchases. This will create urgency and scarcity on your new visitors and apply the bar effect to make them want to join the party (aka buy from your store).

– Why should I use your app?

We have a strong team of e-commerce and marketing expert and run 6-7 figures Shopify stores therefore we know exactly what it takes to boost your store sales. Did we mention our price? $6.99 monthly for our awesome app.

– Will you release new features?

Yes! we want our users to always have the best and newest features to make you even more sales !! since we are running multiple stores we will always be a head of the market.

– What about your current features?

Don’t even get me started 😉

  • Full hops (notifications) customisation
  • 7 Amazing animations!
  • Desktop and mobile responsive
  • Built-in FREE themes
  • One-click installation, Zero coding knowledge required
  • Create your own custom hops to fit your store look & feel
  • Show real time visitors count on your store

And many more…

Click here for more info…


Shopify stores of all scales can take advantage of these apps, as long as you use and implement them appropriately, they will get your stores up and grow. Spending $0 and get an immediate boost in sales, what stop you from installing the apps right now? That’s our list of the 6 best Shopify apps for 2018. 



From Zero to $187,435 in 3 Months !


Amazing story from one of our users on how he went from Zero to $187,435 in 3 months!
If you lack in inspiration then this story is for you.


How did you get started in Dropshipping Ecommerce?

I was introduced to the concept of Drop Shipping in August 2017 at the end of the “Fidget Spinner” craze. It seemed like everyone was making a fortune off of these stupid toys and I wanted a piece of the pie. So I purchased Anton Kraly’s course “Drop Ship Lifestyle” and briefly went over it, but I actually ended up charging back because they wouldn’t refund me (or pick up the phone) and the course didn’t really add much value to me (I still had no idea what drop shipping was at the time). After quickly putting up a Shopify store and then researching Google Trends and such, I realized I was too late to the game and there really wasn’t much opportunity left.

But I kept on dabbling in Facebook Advertising and kept exploring my options when one of my entrepreneur friends mentioned to me,  “Dude, you should get into Drop Shipping, Kevin and Brian are killing it. If you need cash flow Drop Shipping is money.”  It was hard for me to believe this until I actually spoke to them. I saw their numbers and discovered they were actually doing extremely well (and still are) so it was proof of concept for me.

I had a really vague understanding of the business model, but I saw this as a opportunity I couldn’t pass up. At that point, that was all the proof I needed to know that this business model was actually lucrative. I finally had some clarity as to what I needed to put my energy & focus into. I was determined to make something work because it seemed like the ticket out of my loads of debt and a path to making stable income, again. So I pitched the idea to a close friend and we decided to partner together and build our first store in October 2017.

What were you doing before starting your successful Drop Shipping Business? 

Prior to Drop shipping I was (and still am) a direct response internet marketer. I was the Chief Creative Officer & Partner in a 7-figure supplement & branding company. I was the Web Designer, Conversion Rate Optimizer, Split Tester, Analytics Person, Funnel Builder, Video Editor and Strategist. I helped start this company with 2 of my best friends straight out of college. At the time we actually employed around 10-15 people and were growing at a quick rate. At this point of my life, I was partying almost everyday, spending recklessly and “living the dream” as you could say because I was finally enjoying the fruits of my labor. People had warned me to slow it down, but I didn’t listen. But in the summer of 2016 I was kicked out (bought out) because my partners felt as though I wasn’t adding anymore value to the company. When my partners sat me down and told me they were going to buy my shares in the company, I broke down.

I literally poured my blood, sweat and tears day in and day out and spent ENDLESS nights working to build these companies up. So you can only imagine how painful it was to hear that. Talk about reality check. These were my “babies”.  It felt like everything I had worked for all these years, was for nothing. Imagine building a house that took you 4 years to build and before you could actually enjoy living in it, it was bulldozed down and all that was left were the scraps and blueprints. This was a HUGE kick in the balls for me, but fortunately they couldn’t take away my experience and knowledge.

So in spite of them, I decided to start another supplement company in the Hangover & Recovery niche. I had some pretty ambitious goals for this company and wanted to be the leader in hangover recovery supplements, we saw early success with high hopes for the brand. But a few months later I ended up burning through most of my financial resources because of poor strategy, bad luck with manufacturing and legal issues. I really wanted this to succeed to prove to my ex-partners that I could make it without them, but it reached a point where I could no longer fund the company and eventually had to stop all marketing & investment in inventory.

Even though my brand didn’t “succeed” it was actually one of the best learning experiences in my life. It set up a solid foundation for me and taught me invaluable lessons that you can only learn by starting your own business. Then came Drop Shipping…that was a whole different beast to take on.

Do you remember your first sale and where it came from? There are many ecommerce success stories associated with using Facebook Ads. What was your experience with Facebook Ads before your dropshipping success? 

I was an amateur with Facebook ads before drop shipping. I had some minor success in the past with my hangover brand, but nothing compared to my store today. I honestly didn’t really know what I was doing for the first 2 months of drop shipping. I bought some Facebook courses from Maxwell Finn & Ezra Firestone, listened to many pod casts, watched youtube and they helped to a degree. But with Facebook it’s all about testing and getting your hands dirty. It’s hard to conceptualize Facebook in its entirety, without actually doing the work.

After launching our store and setting up ads, we made sales right off the bat. I wasn’t completely shocked at this because I had made sales in the past with Facebook, but I wasn’t able to turn a profit for about 2 months. The first day I hit $1000 in sales was pretty exciting, that was the moment I felt like there was actually a chance to make it in Drop Shipping.

I stumbled across Ecomhunt.com and was AMAZED to see everything done for you. After utilizing all of the resources available to me on Ecomhunt.com I then joined the inner circle and that’s when I found my first winner. Once I found that, my life changed. After discovering one winner, other winners were much easier to detect. Mordechai, founder of Ecom Hunt, pushed me to keep testing and learning. If it wasn’t for him and his program, I think I would’ve quit too early. Success can literally be right around the corner, you just have to keep at it long enough until you finally reach it and when you do reach it, that’s when you really start evolving as an entrepreneur. DO NOT ever give up too easily. Understand that this is a process and it does take time.

How did you learn to use them? What keeps you motivated as an ecommerce entrepreneur? 

What keeps me motivated as an entrepreneur is growth, passion and financial goals. Everyday I want to wake up a little bit wiser than the previous day. I love learning new skills, new strategies, new hacks that improve my business and personal development. Growth is everything in life, if you’re not growing you’re dying. Time is SO valuable and you need use it wisely, cause it’s the only thing that is finite in our lives. We can’t buy more time.

Second is passion. I absolutely LOVE marketing. I live and breathe this stuff. Marketing is the future whether you accept it or not. It is everywhere and it will only become more and more present in this world. To be ahead of the game you need to fall in love with it, because if you’re in business, you’re in the business of marketing whether you or not you believe it. Without any sales, you have no business. Marketing comes first! That’s why I love it so much, you can literally turn words and images on screen into MONEY in your bank account. Unbelievable. I love the psychology behind advertising and marketing and also learning new strategies that increase ROI and pretty much everything in-between.

Third is financial goals. I’m not building a business for free and pats on the back. Financial goals are CRUCIAL to staying motivated as an entrepreneur. I’m not trying to become a multi-billionaire. But I have set financial goals for the next 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 3 years and 5-10 years.

Money makes the world go round and if you don’t have it, you’re going to suffer. I’ve had negative balances in my bank accounts so I know how painful it can be to be broke. Broke is such a powerful motivator because you really don’t have any where to go but up. If you’ve hit rock bottom (like I have) then you have nothing to lose because you lost it all! Haha.

No but seriously, setting financial goals and hitting them is the best feeling. Knowing that you’ve put in the work to make that a reality is priceless. Now what you do with your money is up to you. Remember, it’s easy to make money online, but keeping it is even harder ?. So be smart and don’t buy a Lambo because you want to feel cool. Invest in your future and live modestly, that’s even cooler.

Why did you want to achieve ecommerce success so badly?

I didn’t have a choice. My finances were reaching an end and I had to make something happen QUICK. Taxes, debt and bills were piling up and I was making ZERO dollars. In fact, I was losing money everyday. My savings were drying up and my credit cards were maxed out. Drop Shipping was the only chance I had to turn my life around. When you’re desparate to make things work, you’ll do whatever it takes to make it. There’s a bright side to everything. You gotta be able to push through all the shitty, hard, painful times to come out on top. When you finally reach a point where all of your efforts become fruitful, you will appreciate all the hardships you went through in order to achieve that success. These are words I live by, “There is no growth without suffering.” Everyone has different path and different struggles. Understand that you WILL succeed if you keep pushing.

As an ecommerce entrepreneur, what is your sales-per-day record as a successful eCommerce business ?

For only doing this about 3.5 months, we’ve been able to hit $12k days with one single product only at 10%-20% margins. We’ve been able to generate over $350k in revenue in the last 3.5 months. This number is not even close to what is possible. With the right team in place and right processes in place, we plan on growing to 50k – 100k days by the end of the year. There is no limit to this business. Although there are definitely milestones you need to hit before reaching 4, 5, 6 figure days.

If you started all over again, what would you do differently as an E-commerce entrepreneur? 

I would’ve started sooner. This industry is getting more and more competitive every day and the quicker you’re able to take action the sooner you’ll be able to get through all the mistakes and actually start making money. I also would’ve invested more money on education and masterminds. You can never spend too much on education, especially when things are changing on a monthly or even weekly basis. All it can take is one piece of golden information from someone who’s doing better than you to change your paradigm and allow you see what needs to be done in order to achieve your goals. The more you know, the better off you will be.

As an ecommerce entrepreneur, what’s your top recommendation to anyone looking to start a successful eCommerce business?


DON’T start an eCommerce business if you’re not ready to commit 1000% to it.

Don’t start an eCommerce business if you’re afraid to fail.

Don’t start an eCommerce business if you think it’s a get rich quick scheme.

Don’t start an eCommerce business if you’re broke and have 0 money. (Get a side job to pay for ads and subscriptions)

Don’t start an eCommerce business if you need to be told what to do.

Do start an eCommerce business if you want to grow as an entrepreneur and marketer.

Do start an eCommerce business if you have a dedication to learning and personal development.

Do start an eCommerce business if you are struggling at bringing in a stable income and you are willing to do whatever it takes to succeed.

Do start an eCommerce business if you’re committed long-term to making this a priority.

Do start an eCommerce business if you want to be your own boss and like taking control of your life.

Do start an eCommerce business if you have a passion for it.

Do start an eCommerce business if you want financial freedom.

Ready to start making some $$$ ?

How to Find Good Products and Start Selling Online

Pros and Cons of Dropshipping and Wholesaling

Niche Store VS General Store

How to Make Sales in Every Way Possible !

Have a question? Got some killer tips? Comment below!

How to scale your Facebook ad campaigns


Facebook ads have been working great for your business, right? Based on that success, you’re probably ready to turn around and increase your investment.

Maybe you already have and your fully optimized and profitable campaign has gone haywire. If so, you’re not alone.

There is a trick to scale your Facebook Ad campaigns.

It takes a deeper understanding of your business and the Facebook platform than you may think, and that’s exactly what I’m here to outline for you today.

I’ll show you exactly what you need to consider before you scale up your Facebook Ad campaigns so that you can fully understand the investment you’ll need to achieve your results.

Plus, you’ll understand exactly how to scale your successful campaign so that you don’t screw up the hard work you’ve already put forth.

How Most Companies Scale Facebook Ad Campaigns – The Wrong Way

Most businesses create small-scale Facebook Ad campaigns to test their results before making a large investment. THAT is a smart move. You should always understand the behavior of a campaign before throwing a ton of money behind it.

Also, you should learn how to measure the success of your campaigns, for instance by learning how to measure conversions with a Facebook Pixel, and therefore the ROI of your investment. This will give you an idea on what’s working and what’s not.

After companies realize that some of their campaigns are working, they increase the spend and scale up the successful campaigns, something like this:
Let’s say, for instance, they created and optimized a campaign with a $50/day budget, getting 10 conversions per day. The campaign is working well, so they will then increase that budget to $500 dollars overnight. Everyone would expect 100 conversions coming daily, right? Wrong, and that is the problem.

This, my friends, is not the correct way to scale Facebook Ads campaigns. The Facebook algorithm doesn’t allow for those types of changes to be made without having a more dramatic impact on your campaign. Instead of getting 100 conversions, you might end up getting maybe 20, if not less, and therefore you’ll pay much more and the campaign would not be sustainable.

Why is that?

What to Know About Your Business First

I’m about to tell you exactly how to scale your campaigns, but first…

Before you ever create a Facebook Ad campaign, it’s imperative that you understand some very specific things if you ever hope to be successful with large-scale Facebook advertising.

Most companies assign a Facebook Ad budget without ever knowing what they’ll see out of their investment. In order to truly understand that investment, you need to approach your campaign by starting at the end.

These are important considerations when scaling Facebook Ad campaigns because they will be the determining factors in the budget you assign to your goal and the way you approach your scaling.

Ask yourself these questions before you create your next campaign:

How many new customers do you want?

You should have a goal assigned to every Facebook Ad campaign. If you want to acquire 100 new customers, set that as your goal before you set yourself a budget. What are 100 new customers worth to you?

What is your customer’s lifetime value?

If a customer buys from you once, they may only spend $100, but how many times does your average customer buy from you? If they buy 6 times, their lifetime value is $600 and you may decide you want to spend more to acquire them. Even if you spend $100 to convert them and break even, you’ll be seeing a $500 return over the course of their lifetime as a customer.

How much are you willing to spend to convert each customer?

Now that you know how many customers you want to bring in, you need to decide how much each of them is worth to you and what you’re willing to spend to convert them. If your average customer spends $100, you may be willing to spend $25, $50, or even $100 to convert them.

If your average customer makes a purchase of $1,000, you may be willing to spend $200, $300, or even more to close the deal. You need to know what you’re willing to spend before you ever set yourself a budget.

How much will you need to spend to convert that many customers?

If you determine that a customer’s lifetime value is $250 and you are therefore willing to spend $50 to convert them, in order to acquire 100 new customers you will need to set your budget at or above $5000.

How to Scale Facebook Ad Campaigns

The trick to scaling Facebook Ad campaigns is simple —

Make small changes.

Rather than taking a successful campaign and doubling or quintupling its budget, move in smaller increments. The most that you may be able to get away with is a 50% increase, but we recommend making even smaller changes (think around 20%).

The way Facebook’s algorithm works, you’ll need to allow that change to take hold for 24 hours, then return and analyze the data. Ask yourself the following questions as you do so:

  • Have your CPC, CPM, CPA shifted dramatically?
  • Is everything within the predetermined KPI thresholds?
  • How has this change affected the cost per lead/sale?
  • Is this campaign still profitable in the long term?

If your campaign hasn’t changed dramatically and your numbers are still in line, go ahead and make that same incremental change and repeat the process until you have scaled to the desired level.

But…before you go and start making changes, be sure to read the next section. It’s vital to your success because there is another common mistake that many Facebook marketers make.

Make only one change at a time.

Every single change you make may have a dramatic impact on your numbers when you return the following day. If you start implementing multiple changes at the same time, you may find yourself with a problem you don’t know how to fix.

Move slow and you’ll have an easier time maintaining the success of your campaign, as it will be much easier to understand when and where you’ve gone wrong.

How to make incremental changes

Inside your ad manager, edit one ad set and get to the budget session. You’ll notice a button named “adjust budget”.


When you click on it you’ll be able to edit the budget and increase it by a certain percentage.

Now you know

Making any changes to your Facebook Ad campaigns can shift them dramatically. You always run the risk of turning a perfectly optimized campaign into a complete mess.

The key is to move slow, make small changes, and make them one at a time. If you apply those rules to your strategy you’ll be able to scale Facebook Ad campaigns with little risk and a better understanding of how those changes affect your advertising.

Be sure to ask your questions or tell me about your scaling experience in the comments below.