The Cold season is upon us! It’s becoming colder and colder these days and the Sunny clothes are slowly being replaced by Wintery ones.
And as for us Dropshippers it’s also the best time to search for some new products to Dropship in the Winter Fashion niche.
So for this week’s winning product, my research was solely focused in that direction and I was able to find the perfect product that will make you bank this Winter.
And if you jump on this product right now you can easily transition your store into a Fashion niche store and keep on selling non-stop during this Winter and for the rest of the new year.
Because there’s one thing that is known about the Fashion niche – It’s an ever-green niche where you can keep on selling throughout the whole year.
In this week’s article, I am going to review everything there is around this product including the original video ad that runs on Facebook right now and the Shopify store that sells this product as we speak.
The review part is super important where you get to see everything the original seller is doing and hear out my opinion on it. If the original seller did well, then I’ll throw an “Attaboy” at him 🙂
But if there’s some issues, then I’ll speak out and give you some tips on how to avoid doing the same mistakes.
On top of that, for this winning product specifically, I am going to give you some targeting suggestions and a targeting strategy that will help you make more sales.
This product is about to become a big hit this Winter so don’t sit out on this one and start selling it right after you finish reading this article!
The Product

This week’s Winning Product are these amazing Women Winter Boots that are about to become Viral on Facebook, TikTok, and everywhere where they’ll pop up!
They’re comfortable and super warm and this is exactly what women will be looking for to wear the Winter. And a quick look at the Aliexpress reviews is enough to understand that the quality is superb!

Here’s what you can expect when selling these awesome Winter boots:
- Insane profit margin – Footwear is expensive, and people are already accustomed spending big time on the new stuff when they need it the most. With these boots being for Women as well, you have the opportunity to price this product for a pretty expensive price which will give you really good profit margins.
- Selling during Christmas without any delivery guarantees – What I mean is that you can advertise your Christmas deals when selling this product and not worry about delivering in time for Christmas. This isn’t a Christmassy product and I expect most women to be buying these boots for themselves. Start your campaigns now and keep on selling it long after Christmas.
- A ticket into the Fashion niche – Getting into the Fashion niche and successfully selling in it isn’t an easy task. Many have tried and failed miserably… But this product combined with this Holiday’s buying frenzy can be your ticket inside this niche! And once you’re in, you’ll have infinite products you can sell to your new and existing customers.
The Ad

The video ad is a simple combination of a few available clips from different Aliexpress sellers with a royalty free music I heard a million times already.
There’s no text description that explains a bit more into details about these boots, and I don’t dig the CTA card design at the end of the video.

I get it that they probably tried giving some Winter vibes to it but it just feels low quality and weird… A simple CTA text combined with your store’s logo will be a much better option than what we see in this video ad.
Overall I think the ad is pretty average and not much effort was put into making it. It works and brings sales but mainly because the product is simply really good.
Personally, I would never run such ad for this product and not even consider it as part of my tests. I suggest checking out Fiverr or other services and ordering a video ad to be made for you if you can’t create something better. A $5-$10 gig will bring you much better results than what we see here.
I also recommend you to try and order a review gig where you can send this product to someone and they’ll do a quick video review of these boots. It doesn’t cost much and in the end you’ll have a completely new original content you can use for your ads.
The Store

I’ll start by saying that I expected a worse looking store, or at least one with the same or more amount of mistakes, than the store I reviewed in my previous article.
Overall the product page on desktop & mobile view looks good and you an easily read about the features of these boots and see a relevant picture/GIF that shows that.

Some of the descriptions may even seem a bit short but there’s simply not much to explain about these boots so a GIF/picture with a sentence or two is enough.
But as always with my store reviews, this store isn’t perfect and there are some mistakes there you should definitely avoid doing:
1. Quantity Discounts

Having quantity discounts isn’t the issue here and if this store is regularly getting multiple orders of different products then they did nothing wrong here.
I chose to display this as an issue for those who are about to add this product to their super general store or are about to open a store and start with selling this product.
If you’re about to do that, then it’s better to use a post-purchase upsell instead of offering quantity discounts for the same product. The reason is that most purchases will be single orders and if you want to offer a different product then it’s best to offer it as a post-purchase upsell.

This is where the customer isn’t disturbed with bundles on the product page or the cart page, and you’re not in risk of your customers wondering around your store instead of heading to the checkout.
The one-click upsell pops up only after the purchase is already completed and the customer gets an extra screen with another product suggestion he can buy with a single click/tap.
And with these Winter Boots, you can easily try and upsell other Winter fashion goods and pay close attention if that works for you. And if it doesn’t then switch the upsell product to a different one and try again.
2. No Sizing Chart

This one is a pretty big mistake that should NEVER happen when selling fashion products that aren’t one-size fits all…
If you don’t have an easy to understand sizing chart like shown in the picture above, then you expose yourselves to possible refund requests from angry customers whose boots don’t fit.
And you also get less sales because some customers won’t be buying if there’s no sizing chart.
By the way, the sizing chart picture above was taken from the Aliexpress seller page so feel free to use it on your online store when selling these winter boots.
3. No Reviews

With 174 reviews on the Aliexpress seller page, and 28 of them being great looking photo reviews, I still as myself to this day why these stores don’t import them…
It’s so simple to do that – You install any of the available review apps and with a few clicks you import all the reviews you want straight to your store.
Having reviews on your online store for the products you dropship is a huge conversion rate booster and I’ve explained plenty of times and showed examples about how much reviews actually help with getting more sales.
So please do yourselves a favor and don’t forget importing reviews for the products you dropship.
4. No Guarantees & Shipping Details

The only thing this store has at the bottom of the description is this stock picture of a warehouse that you can see above and 2 sentences that add absolutely nothing to the customer.
Instead there should be 2 more sections which are Guarantees & Shipping where the store’s guarantees are either written, shown with pictures, or both – Stuff like 30-day money-back guarantee, Insured shipping, Safe checkout, etc.
And the shipping should give a clear timeline on when the customer can expect the product to be delivered – Start with the handling time and move on to an estimated shipping time while always using “business days” and not just “days”.
This 5-minute work you can accomplish with the help of ChatGPT is going to help you make more sales by calming your customers and assuring them everything is going to be alright with their order, and if not then they’ll get a full refund.
5. The ‘You May Also Like’ Section

Perhaps this store has tested it already and found out that customers are picking up more products with the help of this section, but I still think the main focus needs to be on the product you currently promote.
The products they suggest to buy aren’t random so it’s already much, much better than what I see on other Shopify stores where this section is full of products from different niches that have nothing in common.
So yeah maybe it works for them somehow and they get more sales…
But I still highly recommend you follow my advice and just focus on one style and try to get a sale as fast as possible. The profit margin is high enough and you can always sell more stuff to the same customer who just bought these cool Winter Boots.
We’ve successfully sold Women’s Winter boots and documented the whole process on our Youtube channel.
We’ve showed the whole process – From building a one-product Shopify store from scratch to the actual ad creation and running it on Facebook. I think that in just 8 days we were able to make over $2,000 in sales with this one product!
And the one-product store can also be part of your strategy where you put more effort into branding in order to get a better conversion rate and higher profit margins.
These series has 4 videos so make sure to watch it all because there’s plenty of stuff to learn there.
The Checkout

I kind of expected this one to happen and as with 95% of the stores I review, there’s once again no logo and the phone number isn’t an optional field.
I don’t need much to explain about why your logo should also appear on the checkout, yes? Simply don’t forget about uploading it to the checkout as well. It doesn’t look professional when it’s in this text format.
And about forcing your customers to put their phone number in order to checkout – Do this only if you have a solid SMS marketing plan where it’s worth it for you to lose some customers for that because the SMS marketing will get you much more money in the long run.
If you don’t have a plan to re-market to your existing customers with SMS, then please make this field optional for the customers who absolutely hate giving away their phone numbers and they would prefer simply not buying from you if that’s the only option.
The one good thing about this Checkout page is the “Why choose us?” section you can see in the Green square where they added some guarantee texts and some cool stats to increase the store’s trust.
This was probably done with a custom app and it’s a neat thing to have on your checkout. A small addition that can boost your conversion rate and get you more sales.
Shipping Page

The only problem with this shipping page are the missing shipping delivery times that are missing. You don’t want your customers to go back to your store’s home page to look again for the shipping times and decide which option they should take.
So if you offer multiple options, make sure to state the time it will take for the package to arrive. Just writing Fast Shipping isn’t going to cut it…
Payment Page

A standard payment page with multiple options available to choose from. Nothing wrong here and I also liked the Optional Remarks field which is pretty nice to have.
Selling Strategy

If you source this product using the available fulfillment companies out there, you can easily get a good price for this product so you’ll have plenty of profit margin left when you sell it on your online store.
As I already said, customers got accustomed paying quite expensive for footwear so I believe that you can price these boots for $49.99 and get sales easily.
You can set up the Compare Price at $99.99 or even $119.99 which will be shown as if there’s a huge deal on these. This is probably one of the oldest tricks in the book but it still works really well.
I don’t recommend setting up quantity discounts and offering 2 or more pairs for a discounted price because most women will be buying a single pair. But if you still want to do so then I won’t be stopping you…
Instead, set up a one-click post-purchase upsell and offer a cool Wintery product that women will love. Once the sale is in your system and your customer is already warm and happy from the purchase she just made, that’s when you show another cool product for an even crazier discount.
If you find a good product to accompany these Winter Boots, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to convert a pretty good percentage of your customers on that upsell purchase.
Variants/Styles – Offer up to 4-5 styles and don’t go crazy with 10 different styles. Make it easier for your customers to choose which will speed up the time it will take them to reach the checkout.
Black color boots are obviously the best selling ones, so add the reds, whites, a camo style, and you’re good to go! And make sure to display the best selling style first.

The Facebook targeting you see in the screenshot above is one that is recommend by Ecomhunt and can be found on the this product’s Ecomhunt page.
This targeting is on spot when it comes to target women who would love to have these boots, so you’re free to use this variation for your Facebook campaigns. (Feel free to set up the age at 65+)
But here are a few more targeting strategies I personally came up with which can give you an edge over the competition:
- Target women with professions where there’s some walking involved – The first thing I thought about is targeting teachers where they come to class wearing these boots, and then later switch to a different class (maybe have to walk a bit outside) to teach a different group of kids. There’s probably a better profession than my example right here so do some research and maybe you’ll find an audience that will be buying these boots like crazy!
- Target other countries and not just USA – USA isn’t the only place you can target on Facebook or TikTok so try out different countries as well. Find countries where it maybe only rains during Winter so these boots will be much more suitable there.
- Target young men/women and recommend this product for their older parents/grandparents as a gift – It will require you to change your ad a bit to display these boots as a potential gift, but it isn’t that hard and can work pretty well if you focus on the pain points like suffering from the cold, getting wet, etc.
To Sum It Up
If you’re looking for a trendy product to sell this Winter and get a nice profit with each sale, then these Winter Boots are exactly what you’re looking for!
And the best part is that it can be your ticket into the Fashion niche where you have tons of products you can sell and you can sell it all year round.
This article has everything you need to take this product and sell it on your online store successfully, so don’t sit out on this product and start selling it now!
And if you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to write in the comments below.
Happy Selling!
Struggling to find good products to sell? Not sure who’s your target audience? Tired of losing money on products you were sure were “winners”?
Then Ecomhunt is what you need! Find hot winning products that are added daily, spy on their ads & stores and import them into your store in 1 click and Start Selling Today!

Daniel Aloni is one of the leading mentors in the Ecomhunt family. Daniel is a highly experienced Print On Demand seller with multiple 6 figures successful launches.