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Winning Product #1: Magic Microfiber Towel With Full Testing Strategy Using Facebook Ads

Ecomhunt Winning Product #1
Winning Product #1 - Complete breakdown + Facebook ads

This week’s product is the Microfiber Glass Cleaning Towel.

This product is selling really well on aliexpress with amazing reviews and we think that it can do really well as a dropshipping product. In this post, we’ll share with you our exact approach if we were to try and sell it on our store.

From ad examples to selling strategy, we’ve got you covered 😉

find winning products to dropship

1. Campaign Type & Optimization:

We start straight away with Website Conversion campaign optimised for Purchase. We don’t care about having 0 data and we don’t mind the red color “warnings”. We ALWAYS go with a Website conversion campaign optimised for purchases.

If your ad, targeting and product are good then you will see link clicks followed by actions on your site and the sales will come.

Sometimes, we may choose the “Add to Cart” optimisation and that works too(Sometimes it can even work better than purchase optimisation). Each ad account acts differently and this is something you will have to test by yourself.

Facebook tries to scare us because we’re using a pixel with no data and warns us that we won’t get any sales. This is their way to drive us into choosing a different optimization event to milk even more money from us. They want us to start from View Content optimization and slowly progress to Purchase optimization. And by doing that we will burn a lot of money…

And we usually choose the 1 day click conversion window



2. Number of Adsets & Daily Budget:

We recommend launching 3 to 5 testing adsets per campaign. You should test out different targeting options, different audiences, different ad types and not just launch 5 identical adsets.

Recommended daily budget that we successfully use: $7~$10

We usually go with $8+ budgets.



3. Targeting & Strategy:

Before testing any product, you need to understand who’s your target audience. In this case, we think that targeting women first is our best shot to get a sale.

But simply targeting women won’t really work… We have to choose the right interests and target those who really need this product.

We decided to test it out and target:

  1. Women who like wine – They usually have complete sets of wine glasses and this towel is perfect to make them look sparkling brand new.
  2. Stay at home moms – Their work is to take care of the kids and keep the house clean.
  3. General “cleaning” interests – Interests we think someone who likes cleaning will be associated with.

Women Wine Lovers Targeting Example:

Stay at Home Moms Targeting Example:

General “Cleaning” Interests Targeting Example:

Audience Size:

We usually go with audiences starting from 100k to max 1.5 million. These sizes are ideal!

Note: These sizes are true for Facebook feed ad placements only.



4. Ad placements:

We usually start only with Facebook feed but sometimes we can mix it up and run it also on Instagram feed. Although if we decide advertising on Instagram then we like to separate and run a new adset only for Instagram users.

It’s just something that we prefer doing but in both cases it should still work.

We run our ads both on desktop and mobile. When we run only Instagram ads, we do it for mobile users only.

Note: As you see in this picture, we attached another “scare tactic” from Facebook that pushes you to basically spend more money by either raising your budget or going for a different optimization event. Do not be scared and trust us because we have spent millions on ads and so our friends. We know exactly what we’re doing!



5. Ad Type & Copy:

It may surprise you but video ad isn’t a default ad type we launch. Sometimes a photo ad can outperform a video ad so this is something we decide based on the product. With this product, we can launch photo ads and it should work well. The customers will have no problem understanding what this product does.

We usually also prepare video ads to test it more but if you’re short on time, testing it out with a quick photo ad is ok.


For the wine lovers, we have prepared a 1200×1650 ad image and the ad text points out a problem about wine glasses getting “cloudy” and how our product will fix that.

This ad type size looks amazing on mobile and it’s bigger than the regular 1200×1200. A great eye catcher 😉

As you can see in the ad text, we brought up an existing problem and provided a solution. Our link is visible and you don’t have to click “Read More” to see it. And we used wine emoji to make our post more appealing to the wine lovers.

Note: This ad size won’t work on instagram and it will have to be cropped to fit a square shape. If you want to run Facebook and Instagram ads simultaneously then make sure to use a square image size like 1200×1200.


For the next 2 targeting options, stay at home moms & general cleaning interests, we decided to use a different photo ad with a different copy. This is because we don’t really know for what they’ll use our cleaning towel. Maybe to clean their marble table? Or the tv screen? This is why we decided to use a 1200×1200 photo ad with 4 different surface examples.

As you can see, our ad text is general and doesn’t have a specific aim like the wine ad. We explained that our magic towel is perfect for all kind of surfaces and made our call to action more appealing with a “40% deal”. And to spice things up, we made “limited” it for the first 100 customers.

This photo ad size (1200×1200) can be used both on Facebook and Instagram feeds simultaneously.

Video Ad:

If you prefer video ads then finding video material for this product won’t be too hard. Plenty of videos online can be found of people using this product and you can always use some of the footage directly from the aliexpress product page.

Keep the video short and make sure the audience understands what it’s about after the first few seconds. Make sure to end it with a nice call to action like “40% off – Click the link in the description to get yours now”.

Our advice is to always make your own video from “Free to Use” footage to not get any copyright claims.



6. Product Pricing & Selling Strategy:

Setting a price is an important step that if done right will help you keep getting sales with a healthy conversion rate. And if done wrong, your conversion rate is going to suck or you won’t even get any sales.

I believe that most of you already understand that this product cannot be sold for $29.99 per piece. It’s not a jewelry or an electronic product that might look good enough to be bought for $4 and sold for $30+.

Probably the best price for this product will be somewhere from $9.99 to $14.99. With free shipping promotion or max $1.99/$2.49.

Selling Strategy:

For this product to be profitable, we will need a way to increase our AOV(Average Order Value). One of the ways to do that is offer our customers to buy more than 1 piece for a discount. This can be easily done by installing a shopify app that gives us this option. This way we may offer a considerable discount if a customer chooses to buy more than 1 piece of our magic towel. With that we have successfully increased our AOV.

For example: If we price 1 piece for $9.99 and offer 2 pieces for $16.99, our profit now will be around $10~$11 instead of $6~$7 if we sell only 1 piece. With a FREE SHIPPING promotion and a good product page, people will be willing to buy more than 1 piece thus increasing our AOV and total profit. And with the right audience, we may get really cheap conversions because our product isn’t that expensive.

Example of a “discount box” offered by some app in the shopify app store:

Add to this upsells and email marketing and we may find ourselves with a winner.

find winning products to dropship


This product is exploding on aliexpress and all you have to do is use the information shared in this article to take it to the next level. Or you can always try a different strategy 😉

Keep testing and success will come!

Looking For More Winning Products?

Ecomhunt got you covered  Discover winning products that are selling right now and get access to our analytics, ads, targeting suggestions and much more. We made it easy for dropshippers to find the best products to sell online.

Click here to join now for free 🙂

4 Ways To Recover Lost Sales So You Can Crush It In Christmas 2019

Recover lost sales
4 Ways To Recover Lost Sales So You Can Crush It In Christmas 2019

Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. It’s even better if you’re a dropshipping store owner who’s looking to make some serious money. But a dark shadow lurks and waits for inexperienced sellers to step in and ruin all their plans for this season. The shadow in our story is the constant rise of ad costs that may bring you from profitting to losing if you don’t plan ahead. Planning not only on how to bring sales but how to recover the lost ones.

In this week’s article, I’ll show you 4 ways to successfully bring back customers who left without buying and make them WANT to spend even more money on their second visit. Sit back, relax and read this article in full because if not, you’ll be leaving money on the table for others to pick up.


find winning products to dropship


1. Engaging With Your Audience To Recover Lost Sales

The comment section is there for both you, as a business owner, and the users to communicate. If someone asked a question, you should answer it. If someone said something nice about the product you sell, then you should say something nice back. If someone left a funny comment, then it will be cool to just comment back “hahaha”.

People often check the comments section to see if the business advertising the product is legit. Once they see that the business is responsive and the comments are positive, they’ll continue to the site and hopefully purchase the product if everything else is right.

By engaging with your users, you not only build trust but you also remind them again about the product they liked a few hours/days/weeks ago.

It’s important to remember that Facebook limits the number of comments you can leave so don’t overuse it. Simply check your ad post once a day and respond to 5-10 people. Make sure to tag them and to make it personal. Don’t just COPY-PASTE.


2. Using Retargeting Ads To Recover Lost Sales

Fact #1 – More than 95% of the users you’ll bring to your store will leave it without buying anything. This is where retargeting ads kick in to follow these users everywhere they go and to call them back to purchase your product.

Fact #2 – Most users will buy a product only after seeing the ad 7 times or more. Although Facebook and other advertising platforms are aware of that and already show your ad to users more than once, you can’t count on them to do it for you and you should retarget them yourself.

A retargeting ad is a reminder for your users that your product exists and still available for purchase. Like a salesman knocking on your door to sell a painting but in this case he will knock on your door every 5 minutes.

To create a retargeting ad you will need to have a custom audience. Something which is easily obtained if you have a facebook pixel on your store. Once you have a facebook pixel installed, you can just go and create an audience of all visitors in the “facebook audience” section.

You can create your first retargeting ad after you get more than 50 visitors and the most simple one will be to just point your users to your original ad. Later on, you can create new creatives showcasing different styles or colors of your product, flash deals, bundles and more. Use your imagination and learn from other online stores retargeting ads.


3. Using Email Marketing To Recover Lost Sales

Email marketing or how I like to call it, the bread and butter of an online business, is one of the most powerful tools we have. It’s a list of clients and potential future clients that can be used for anything related to our business. If used right, a big chunk of your sales can come only from email marketing.

This article is about recovering lost sales so we will use email marketing to recover those who abandoned our checkout after leaving their email. This is when the email is legally collected by us and now we can use email marketing to call the user back to complete his order.

You have 2 ways to do that.

The 1st way is to do it by youself in your prefered email marketing platform. You can assign abandoned checkout emails to a new list and create one or more emails that will automatically go out each time a new email is added.

For example: The first email can be a few hours after the customer abandoned checkout. The next email can go out in the same day too and the third email can go out the next day with some kind of deal to lure your customer back.

Our advice is to check out what works for others and copy their strategy. One of the best ways is to visit a big online store and to leave your details without buying. This way, you’ll get sale recovery emails that you can later copy and use on your customers.

The 2nd way is to install an app that does almost everything for you. I recommend using Abandonment Protector app because I use it for all of my stores and have nothing but good things to say about this app. Their system gives you really nice templates that you can easily set up and customize and much more… Use the suggested sending time in their app and you should be ok.

Note: We have absolutely no affiliation with Abandonment Protector Shopify app and recommend it only because we think it’s the best out there.


4. Using Social Proof To Recover Lost Sales

Did you know that 86% of consumers read reviews of businesses and that a big amount of them trust reviews as much as personal recommendations? These are just a few of the statistics taken from BrightLocal consumer review research – This is enough to make you understand that a real business, especially an online one, needs reviews to survive and flourish.

First, we will need to get reviews and testimonials for our product. This can be done by simply approaching people who loved our product and ask for a review, a photo or a video testimonial. We can message them on Facebook, Instagram or by simply sending an email. To increase our success rate, you should always add a little gift like a coupon code or maybe a freebie as a thank you for their review.

Or we can always use Shopify apps like Loox (we have no affiliation with Loox app) and others that automatically send out emails to collect reviews, build nice review pages and more. So if you don’t have time to do it manually then you can always get one of the review collecting apps out there.

Once we have our reviews, it’s time to show it to the whole world. We can leave a comment on our ad with a review or a customer photo for other people to see. We can email our users, especially the ones who abandoned checkout, and just brag about our “happy users” loving and using our product. We can use these reviews as retargeting ads and much more.

This will eliminate any doubt about our product and should recover lost sales.

If you have hard time collecting reviews and product testimonials, you can always use services offered on Fiverr where you can send your product and get a video review.


To Sum It Up:

The majority of customers that visit an online store leave it without spending a dime. If you have a HOT product and a great store then sales will definitely come but you’ll be leaving a lot of money if you don’t use the retargeting techniques shown in this article.

Let us know what you think in the comments and feel free to share with us your techniques to recover lost sales.


Struggling with finding good products to sell? Not sure who’s your target audience? Tired of losing money on products you were sure were “winners”?

Then Ecomhunt is what you need! Find hot winning products that are added daily, spy on their ads & stores and import them into your store in 1 click and Start Selling Today!

Must Read Articles:

Paid Theme vs Free Theme


Should we use a paid theme or a free one? This is one of the burning questions dropshippers ask us at Ecomhunt. One of the reasons is that beginners tend to think that when it comes to dropshipping, premium is the only way to score sales. When it’s actually not.

In this article, we’ll finally answer that question for you.


What Is A Premium Theme?

A premium theme is a paid theme you can install on your store. You can purchase premium themes in the Shopify Theme Store or get one from different online marketplaces like Themeforest, Envato and others.

Having a premium theme has it’s own benefits that can make your online store stand out from others and provide some extra features that a paid theme couldn’t.


Bring your store beyond what every other typical Dropshipping store out there looks like!


What Is A Free Theme?

A free theme is a $0 theme you can install on your store. You can get a free theme in the Shopify Theme Store or look for other free themes in different online marketplaces like Themeforest, Envato and others.

With a free theme, you may not get the “perfect” look you were aiming for but it’s not the thing that will stop you from getting sales.


Is Premium Theme Necessary To Get Sales?

The simple answer to this question is NO. In the article, “5 mistakes online store owners make – part 2“, we talk about the common mistakes dropshippers make when opening their stores. One of the mistakes is paying for premium themes, especially when you’re a beginner.

We found out that a lot of successful dropshippers prefer spending their money on other stuff like apps or product testing and not on premium themes. One of the main reasons is that they drive traffic straight to the product page which looks pretty much the same both on paid and free themes. This means that for a customer, a product page on a free theme will look exactly the same as on a paid one.

And with shopify offering free good looking and speed optimised themes, there’s no real need for dropshippers to buy premium ones. Especially if they’re testing a new store that could possibly cease to exist in a month or two.

Our answer is based on years of experience owning multiple 7 figure online stores and by gathering feedback from other successful 6-7-8 figure dropshippers.

You can read the first part of our “5 mistakes online store owners make” here.


Then Why People Purchase Premium Themes?

Their are a couple of answers to this question:

  1. Branding – In order for a brand to be more recognizable, it has to be unique. This is when store owners invest more time and money into the design. Changing existing logo to a more professional one and changing the overall look of the store. By installing a premium theme, the store can aquire a unique look that will identify itself from others.
  2. Unique Features – Some premium themes both on Shopify Theme Store and on other marketplaces offer unique features that a store owner might need. From unique shopping cart sliders to special color customizations that add a lot to the shopping experience.
  3. Built-in Apps – Some premium themes on marketplaces outside of Shopify offer built-in apps like scarcity countdown timers, on-page bundle upsells and more. Instead of paying montly, you can get them free forever for a one time fee.

As you can see, a premium theme has its advantages over a free theme and it’s logical for store owners who already sell well to use paid themes. But if you’re a beginner, there’s absolutely no need for you to spend extra $150 for a premium theme.


“There’s No Real Big Difference Between Premium And Free Themes On Mobile View”:

This is especially true if you’re driving traffic straight to a product page. On mobile, you won’t get close to the look you see on your pc/laptop and both premium and free themes will look the same with minor differences.

This is one more reason to begin with free themes over paid ones. Make sure your product page loads fast, write good descriptions and sales will follow.


To Sum It Up:

If you’re just starting dropshipping then there’s absolutely no need for you to spend $150+ for a premium theme. You better invest this sum into testing new products or install an app or two that will boost your sales.

If you’re already selling and looking to upgrade your customer experience on your store and make it look unique, then installing a paid theme will be a good choice. But only if you have the money to spare.


Struggling with finding good products to sell? Not sure who’s your target audience? Tired of losing money on products you were sure were “winners”?

Then Ecomhunt is what you need! Find hot winning products that are added daily, spy on their ads & stores and import them into your store in 1 click and Start Selling Today!


Must Read Articles:

How A Puerto Rican 22-Year-Old Built a 7 Figure Ecommerce Company

How A Puerto Rico 22-Year-Old Built a 7 Figure Ecommerce Company

Meet Rafael Cintron, with the help of Ecomhunt winning products he was able to build a 7 figure Ecommerce business using Shopify!

We spoke to Rafael and got for you an exclusive interview with all the juicy details about his success!


Tell us about yourself

Hey Ecomhunt community, thank you for the amazing opportunity, I’m Rafael Cintron from Puerto Rico, currently traveling through and writing this in Rome, Italy. Online business and entrepreneurship has always been my passion and finding ways to make enough income to travel around the World. 

Rafael Citron

When I was 17 I started my first business making websites for local businesses (first one was my cousin’s yoga studio) and after 5-6 failed businesses I finally got to know dropshipping and selling products through Shopify. Since I wanted to truly master the skills needed to succeed dropshipping I got a job for a now 8 figure Dropshipping company in Latinamerica and learned everything I needed to build a 6-7 figure store. I took the skills I learned there and started crushing it on my own.  

Fast forward to now, and I own multiple 6 figure stores with a full team of about 8 people and through my Youtube channel I teach people how to build successful Shopify stores with exact strategies and step by step case studies most people charge for. I also give out between 10-20 winning products (a lot of which I find on the Ecomhunt software) every month for my viewers to succeed as much as possible.


How did I get started with dropshipping?

I got started in the Winter of 2015 when I saw a video by world-known Alex Becker on how to build a 6-figure business fully online without touching a single product. Back then I was trying to launch a supplement startup and to me the idea of dropshipping seemed unreal since you never actually saw what you were selling. 

 I then created my first Shopify store selling aromatherapy and massage products, didn’t succeed at first but put all the money I had into ads and learning the skills for myself.


What did you do before dropshipping?

I was studying medicine at the University of Hamburg in Germany trying to start a business online to make enough profit and quit university to travel the World. 

It was really tough back then since my parents did not support my business ventures and thought people get rich only because they are lucky or come from rich families. I was spending around $300 a month to live and at one point had to share a room with 3 Syrian war refugees. Rags to riches to the next level.


First Sale where did it come from? What was your experience with FB ads?

First sale came from Instagram influencers, I sold a little Chakra necklace for about $9.99 and it felt like a dream. I never imagined selling something online that I couldn’t hold and I would just ship straight to my buyer. 

I started with FB Ads but failed in the beginning as I really didn’t know what I was doing and thought it would all be super easy. I slowly learned the right processes, took courses and went to seminars about  Facebook Ads and started gaining the skills needed to make sales profitably. 

Now our main traffic source is Facebook promoting products such as the amazing ones found on Ecomhunt and we make $5,000 – $12,000 days only through Facebook so its definitely been a massive change since then, I would recommend any beginner to start learning with the platform just knowing that it won’t be easy but it’s the  fastest platform to scale on and make insane amounts of money.

How did you learn, what keeps your motivated?

I learned mostly by myself and by mentors. In the beginning I couldn’t buy a single course or invest in mentorship so I tried learning for free on Youtube and got a job with a super successful Dropshipping company to learn the insights of the business. 1 year at that job taught me all the necessary processes and tactics I need to use on Facebook Ads to promote my store profitably and scale quickly. 

I would say nothing keeps me motivated, I’m never motivated to do anything. If it were for me I would be roaming through Europe eating paninis and drinking piña coladas at the beach. What keeps me going is discipline and a long term vision for potential. When I was 16, I told my dad (I remember every second) “Dad, it’s possible to make a billion dollars in a lifetime, I know we’re poor now but if other people have done it then I can do it. There’s potential for me to make it, and no matter what I will make it and achieve 100% of my potential.” That moment still fuels me, I can’t go a day without thinking “Did I push to the full extent of my potential?” and if I didn’t, it’s time to wake up the next day and push 120%. 


Why did I want to succeed so bad?

Life is too good to not experience it to the absolutely biggest level. I’m not a guy of luxury, I don’t wear a watch, don’t have a car, don’t spend much on clothes. BUT I love to do expensive experience. I’ll wake up pumped one day and just buy a trip to Greece or Spain and just go to some random beach town for 5 days. I’ll spend $2,000 on a helicopter ride over Australia or rent a boat to roam through Venice. Life is wayyy too short, I’ve had friends pass away before 25, in the blink of an eye it’s done. Money doesn’t buy happiness but at least it gives you insane experiences otherwise not available. 

Freedom and experiences, life the way you want wherever you want and do stuff reserved for the 1%.


What is your sales record?

$12,000 in 1 day with 1 product we found on Ecomhunt, best day of my life. We were projected to make around $4,000 that day and our manual bidding campaigns on Facebook just started destroying it and scaling hard. That store went on to make more than $250,000 in less than 3 months and was even featured in multiple magazines and popular blogs.

Start again what would you do different?

Definitely save up and get a mentor. It would’ve cut my learning process and success by YEARS. That’s why I mentor, because I know there’s a person like me out there that needs it, hundreds and thousand of them.  

A mentor will help you manage the struggles of becoming an entrepreneur so much better, improve your skills in light-speed time and get results faster than any other way. To me a mentor is crucial to succeed. 


5 tips to someone who is just getting started?

    1. Focus on Product: Most of my time and effort is dedicated to finding products to sell and which products we can make the most profit on. Your Facebook ads or any other marketing strategy can be flawless but if you do not have a product that fits a market need or solves a problem it’s really really hard to make progress. You can use tools such as EcomHunt to find winning products extremely easily and get the best of the market to test and start on the right foot.


    1. Creatives are more important than targeting: Most newbies focus on finding the perfect audience to target on ads and wondering why it’s not working. The truth is the Facebook algorithm is a million times smarter than we think, if you create amazing ads that capture attention Facebook will find the audience for you.


    1. Going General > Niche > One Product in my experience is the best transition for a beginner. Starting general gives you the skills to find and market a winning product (such as the ones on Ecomhunt) then focus on it’s niche and when the product is stable make it a one-product and scale like crazy.


    1. Starting a business is not easy, if it was everyone would be rich: This is the most important lesson in business. Everyone quits right after it gets hard, right after they have to put some effort into it. The people that truly succeed keep going even if it feels terrible. My most successful students all start struggling and then crush it later on and go on to make $1000s and $10,000s per month.


  1. Master 1 traffic source: Focus on 1 traffic source and master it, don’t try a bunch of systems because you will never get good at any of them. My most successful students all do 1 source, either Facebook or Google, and study it until they master it.


So, What’s Next?

Keep crushing my potential. I’m focusing 50/50 on my dropshipping and Consulting, helping people start and grow successful Shopify store with the correct strategies

For dropshipping, our goal is to hit $1 million per month by 2020 and have a full in-house team in Europe and automate the entire business. For mentoring, my goal is to grow my program with which I’ve created more than 20 6-figure students and scale it to help as many people in the World as possible. We are offering free strategy calls to any students interested and see if they are a good fit to work directly with me. 

Also will be traveling to about 20 new countries around the World in the next 6 months with my soon-to-be wife. 

2020 is going to be an insane year.

Ready to find your next big winning product? Join now for FREE!

5 Ways To Find Products To Dropship In 2019

How This 20-Year-Old Found Winning Products and Grew A 6 Figures Online Store !
How This 20-Year-Old Found Winning Products and Grew A 6 Figures Online Store !

Are you struggling with finding good products for your dropshipping business? Looking for new research sources to get unique ideas? Not sure if the chosen product will actually sell? Then this article is for you!

In this article, we’ll talk about the methods we personally use to find good products to dropship. And we’re absolutely sure that some of the research sources shown here have been never even considered by some of you.

So make sure to read this article so you can find great products to dropship in 2019!


1. Aliexpress:

Aliexpress still remains the number 1 place to manually research for products you can dropship. We have 2 main methods that we use to search for products:

Method number 1: Going in random

This method is great for people with general stores or for those who are not sure what to sell or what niche they should choose. We just go to aliexpress main page and scroll down till a cool product catches our eye. Once we see something we like, we make sure the seller has a good rating and that the product has good reviews.

If the seller is new or has a bad rating, we can search for other higher rated sellers that sell the same exact product. Or if the product has bad reviews, we search for the same product again and look for a supplier who has the same product but offers a better quality. Thus the reviews should be mostly positive.

Method number 2: Searching for a specific niche or product

This method is for people who know exactly what they’re looking for. It can be a specific product you just saw in an ad on Facebook and want to try your luck dropshipping it or you’re simply looking for new products to add to your niche store.

When manually searching like that you should always look and work only with high rated sellers. Or you can use the filters and look for products with most orders.

Once you found a product you like, make sure to check out the supplier’s personal store for more product suggestions. And you can always message that supplier and ask if he has more products to sell in that niche that may be available only in private.

Aliexpress manual product research can be very time-consuming. And when we finally find that product we want to dropship, we can never know if it will actually sell. If you’re not into trial and error or tired of throwing money on products that looked like “winners”, then you should check out Ecomhunt. Ecomhunt has a professional product research team that searches the web everyday for the best new proven to sell products. And that is just the tip of the iceberg 😉


2. Reddit:

If you thought Reddit is a place only to share memes and to talk about general stuff then you’re doing it wrong. Reddit is the front page of the internet and home to thousands of communities. But for us dropshippers, Reddit is home to endless product research ideas!

Our way to search for products to dropship on reddit is simple and works best if you have a niche store or you have a general idea on what you’re looking to sell.

For example:

Let’s say we have a crocheting niche store and we’re looking for new products to sell. So at first, we search in reddit for a crochet community and we can see that such exists. The community has 112k members and is quite active.

Our next move now will be to simply search for popular terms like “Love my new” or “Just bought” in the community search and hopefully we will find something cool to sell. Going with “Love my new” I already get 2 cool results.

  1. A crochet kit Christmas gift – She received it as a gift from her husband and decided to show it to the community. Her post received plenty of upvotes and people are in love with this specific kit. On top of that, there are more product suggestions in the comments that can give us even more product ideas. Our next step will be to look for something similar in aliexpress so we can add it to our store and sell it.
  2. A post about a new t-shirt – The lady decided to share her newly bought tee with the community and it looks like everyone wants one. So now we can design something similar ourselves and add it to our store. And we can also use this design and add it to other Print on Demand products and not only on a shirt.

As much as we like Reddit, it’s not the best place to advertise your store. Simply inviting people to check your store will be almost always considered as spam and running paid ads on Reddit’s platform doesn’t work too well…

Like most dropshippers, we prefer using Facebook ads to promote our products. If you struggle making sales on your store, You should definitely check out Ecomhunt Facebook ads training videos so you can run ads like the pros.


3. Ecomhunt:

This is where things get much easier. With Ecomhunt, you will get access to HOT products that are already proven to sell. This is one of the main worries every dropshipper out there has when choosing a product and Ecomhunt takes that worry away.

Will it sell or not? In this case you can be sure that Ecomhunt got you covered by showing you live ads on Facebook, targeting suggestions and video ad examples. And all it takes to make it happen is one click of a button using our import to shopify feature.

Ecomhunt also gives you relevant Instagram influencers for each product category.

Ecomhunt’s full feature list:

It doesn’t matter if you’re a total newbie dropshipper or an experienced one.

Join Ecomhunt now and enjoy a secret 31% off discount when you sign up => http://ecomhuntnow.com/


4. Etsy:

Etsy is an amazing research tool for products to dropship but you can’t really do it directly from Etsy if you find something you think may work in your niche.

The reasons are:

  1. Some of the products are unique and handmade only by that specific Etsy seller. You won’t find it on aliexpress and to dropship that product, you will have to talk to that seller and hope he gives you permission.
  2. The prices on Etsy are retail and even if you have permission to dropship their product, you will have to negotiate the price you get so you don’t have to sell it way too expensive.
  3. From our experience, getting an Etsy seller to agree for dropshipping is not an easy task. Most of our requests got refused because they are too afraid and prefer selling on Etsy only.

And this is why we will use Etsy only as an idea research tool and then look for the same/similar products to dropship on Aliexpress. You may be surprised by how many of Etsy’s products can be found on Aliexpress(or really similar products). All of these “handmade” products can be easily replicated by someone in china.

And if you’re looking for good aliexpress suppliers, make sure to check Ecomhunt recommendations. At Ecomhunt, with each winning product that’s listed we also provide a link to an aliexpress seller. These sellers are the best to work with and can always bring more unique products for you to sell on your stores.

Etsy is also a great place to get ideas for your Print on Demand products. From mugs to beach towels, Etsy has it all 😉


5. Pinterest:

Pinterest or how we like to call it – The social network of stuff people want to buy.

Pinterest is an amazing research platform for dropshippers. People all over the world “pin” products they would love to have. Some even create “boards” which revolve around certain niches or simply around them.

Sometimes, all it takes is one person who pinned a product related to your niche that he wants, and you can check out all his other pins and boards(if he has) and get plenty of potential product ideas that you can start dropshipping right away.

With Pinterest going public a bit more than 2 months ago, it’s going to grow even bigger than it is right now. If by now Pinterest isn’t one of your main research platforms, then it’s time for you to use it for your research.

The only problem with Pinterest is that it can be sometimes misleading. We can find a product with a lot of likes, repins and comments like “I want/need this” etc, but in the end it won’t sell on our store.

People want that product but they prefer to save their money for a different product that they actually need. This is where we recommend to use Ecomhunt that brings you products people actually buy and not just “want”.


To Summarize:

If you’re into spending hours upon hours manually looking for your next product then you now have some of the best online research methods. If you’re like me and you don’t like wasting your time and money on products that may sell… Join Ecomhunt and get access to over 1000 proven to sell products.


5 Mistakes Online Store Owners Make – Part 2

B2B eCommerce mobile

The first article was a success and a lot of you emailed us for a second part. So here it is 🙂

If you missed the first part, you can check it here.

Too Many Apps:

This happens way too often – New store owners that install a crazy amount of apps when they didn’t even bring 1 visitor. Fortune wheels, scratchcard popups, “someone from *random country* bought this” notifications, counters and more…

Save your money! Having a successful dropshipping store is not an easy task. With advertising costs going up on almost every platform, every dollar you save counts and you must manage your budget wisely in order to have a better success rate.

Focus on finding the right product, optimise your store so it loads up fast and install only a few must have apps. Apps like Abandonment Protector that does a great job reducing abandoned checkouts(we have no affiliation with this app).

And you should also compare app prices. Sometimes you can find more than 1 app that does exactly what you need.

Spending Too Much On Design:

Repeat after me: “I will not pay $100 for a logo. I will not buy a premium theme when I can install one for free. I will save my money for the important stuff first!!!.”

It drives me crazy when I hear how much time and money beginners spend on their store. I know a lot of successful dropshippers and they can create a good looking shopify store in a couple of hours while investing only a fraction of the money.

I know that having a good logo and design on your store is important, but it doesn’t have too cost you so much. You can get a normal looking logo for $15~$30 and install one of the free themes and trust me that your store will look great!

You don’t need to pay hundreds of dollars as if you’re an offline brand going online. Keep your store simple, fast, clean and everything will be alright.

No Sticky Cart Button:

One of the most important lessons I learned – What’s obvious to me isn’t obvious to my customers.

When I browse online and swipe down to read the product’s description, I then swipe up to find the “Add to Cart” button to order the product. This is obvious to me and to you but unfortunately such simple task isn’t obvious to A LOT of people.

So by not having a sticky cart button, some of the customers get lost and leave the store. Or tap back and end up on Facebook again, getting all confused and stuff…

You have to chew everything up and spit it out for your customers.

*Some themes have a sticky cart button by default and some don’t. If you don’t have a sticky cart button, you can get one by installing an app.*

Not Recording Your Customers:

By not recording your customers, you will have a really hard time understanding what went wrong.

For example: A customer clicks the “Add to Cart” button, goes to the cart page and leaves. Not a special case, really common actually… But upon checking the recording of my store, I noticed that the item was added twice to the cart. So my customers were a bit confused and didn’t know how to remove 1 item so they left without buying. It also could be that some of them thought that it was a “cheap trick” to get them to buy 2 items, so they left.

By recording your customers you can see how they respond to your store, identify bugs and fix them. You can use Hotjar to record your customers. Easy to install and you won’t need more than the free plan.

Not Transferring Your Customers Straight To Cart Page:

If on your store clicking the “Add to Cart” button doesn’t transfer the customer straight to the cart page, then you’re losing money as we speak!

Some of the themes (Free & Premium) have an ajax cart or some other cart style installed by default. If that’s the case on your store, go and change it quickly so your customers are transferred to the cart page.

This is a really important setting that can affect your store’s conversion rate. These stylish slider/popup carts may look good but they drastically reduce your store’s conversion rate because it either confuses your customers or it doesn’t look good on their mobile device.

And it’s preferable to get our customers to quickly buy the product and later we can offer them more stuff. It’s much easier to convert an existing customer 😉

5 Mistakes Online Store Owners Make

B2B eCommerce mobile

Here at Ecomhunt, we have reviewed thousands of online stores. From beginners to advanced sellers, these are the top 5 mistakes online store owners usually make.

Too Many Popups:

Customers hate popups! If the first thing your customer sees is a popup, I guarantee that there’s a big chance we already pissed him off. So instead of focusing on that cool product he saw, he will now think about that annoying popup. Add to this “click to allow” popup or that huge facebook messenger button that loads up on each page and we probably lost our customer.

Keep it clean. Customers visiting your store don’t want to be bombarded with newsletter popups or “click allow for [store name] to send messages” type of popups. We spend money on ads and when we finally get potential customers to actually visit our store, we want the process to be fast, easy and clean.

For now, the only type of popup you must have on your store is an exit popup. This to catch leaving customers and hopefully convert them with a small discount.

Slow Loading Time:

The number 1 way to lose customers. This may be obvious but you will be amazed on how many stores we review where the loading speed is really slow. The cause can be a lot of things… The usual suspect are the images, banners and other media files that are too heavy and cause the site to load slowly.

Instead of uploading JPEG image files, store owners upload their images in a PNG format. And if you didn’t know, PNG files are heavier than JPEG files.

Here’s what you should do:

First of all, use TinyPNG’s awesome free online service to compress your PNG and JPEG files. Next, check your site’s speed on GTmetrix. Their free service is great and they’ll compare your site’s score to the average score. Make sure to read and follow GTmetrix suggestions.

Image files aren’t the only reason for a slow loading time. Sometimes, the reason can be due to a bad theme installed or other coding related issues.

Lacking & Bad Descriptions:

Copying an aliexpress product description is just you being lazy. Not only do they look bad and robotic, some of the text sometimes doesn’t make any sense.

This is what you should do:

  1. Tell a story around your product – It doesn’t have to be long. A few sentences is all you need for a product description to be appealing and actually help you to convert your visitors into paying customers. You can also add some reasons why your customer should buy the product and how it can be used daily.
  2. Don’t forget important details – If your product needs batteries to work, you should definitely let your customers know what type of batteries they will need. Or if batteries are included or not included in the package. By not including(“forgetting”) important details in your product description, you literally throw your money away. Because no matter how good or “HOT” your product is, a customer wouldn’t buy it if he doesn’t have all the needed information.
  3. Bad product titles – Don’t use the same product title as you see on aliexpress and hope for the best. Make it more appealing by giving your product a unique name or add your store’s name in the beginning for it to look more brand like. For example: Instead of “Silver Butterfly Necklace Shine In The Dark Ruby” product name, use something like this “Magicalbeast’s Magic Shine necklace”. This in an example of a better looking product title with “branding”.

Too Many Product Options(Variants):

So you’ve found a great product on aliexpress that you think has a good chance to sell. You import it to your store using Oberlo and you see that it has 20 colors to choose from.

Does your customer really needs 20 different color variants to choose from?

If you’re going to continue with 20 color variants, you’re about to lose customers only because they will have a hard time choosing one. Your customer will spend a lot more time checking all the colors available and then going back to see again the colors he liked the most. This is bad because we need our customers to convert fast. This ain’t the flea market where customers stroll and check stuff out.

Instead, you should keep a maximum of 4-5 of the most popular color variants. Less options = The faster your customer will choose and proceed to checkout.

No Reviews:

Nowadays, it’s so simple to import aliexpress reviews to your product page and edit it so it looks good, that there’s absolutely no reason why you shouldn’t do it.

Reviews are super important and have a huge impact on sales. Studies show that 84% of people trust online reviews as much as friends and that 91% of people actually read them. This should be enough for you to understand the power of reviews and to add them in your store if you haven’t.

Make sure to edit the imported aliexpress reviews. Not only by correcting grammar mistakes, but also changing the origin country and names. If most of your traffic comes from the US, it’s best if the review is written by “Eddie Murphy” from the USA and not “Dima Kazlov” from Russia.

How To Increase Your Average Order Value(AOV) With Bundles And Upsells

Bundle AOV

Advertising costs are on the rise and increasing your Average Order Value can sometimes be the difference between a profitable and a losing campaign. And even if you’re not spending a dime on advertising, I don’t know anyone who would refuse to accept bigger orders and to make more profit per customer.

In this article, we’ll cover the methods used by store owners to increase their AOV. And we will provide numerous tips on how to setup a successful working system to increase your AOV which will lead to an increased profit.

Offer Bundles to Increase Your Average Order Value:

A Bundle is probably the most popular way to increase your AOV. Widely used on leading ecommerce websites like Amazon, all it takes is one tempting offer and the customer will be willing to spend much more than he intended when he first visited your store.

Bundles such as you see on Amazon and different websites can be easily done by using a custom shopify app. There are plenty of bundle apps on the shopify app store but if you want a recommendation, the “Bundles | Also Bought Together” shopify app is our favorite. You can check it here(we have no affiliation with this app) – https://apps.shopify.com/product-bundles-by-vitals

Buy More – Save More Bundle:

This bundle offer is our most favorite and it always gives us the best results. This option works best for low to average priced products. Sometimes, a cheap aliexpress product that costs $2-3 can’t be sold for $30. It really has to be something top quality for you to be able to price it at $30.

So instead, we offer our customers to buy more than 1 piece and give them a nice discount. A tempting discount they cannot resist! This way, a big portion of our customers will buy more than 1 piece and our AOV will increase. We also need to make sure that our profit for 2 pieces after the discount is considerably higher than the profit for 1 piece. So if you’re selling 2 pieces and profiting $2 more than selling 1 piece, you should definitely change the discount amount you’re offering.

Frequently Bought Together Bundle:

This is a straight copy from Amazon. We don’t really know if they were the first in the market to offer this type of bundle, but it really doesn’t matter. This bundle works great for a lot of store owners and can significantly increase your AOV.

The most important thing when offering this bundle is to have a logical connection between the products. As you can see, in this example the offer is an extra popular red color bikini that could be bought together with the black one. A Logical offer that will probably work really well.

If instead the red bikini, the offer was a wrist watch, it would probably fail. So it’s really important to offer related products and not just random “Hot” products.

Buy X – Get Y Free Offers:

One of the most popular offers that can be seen anywhere from your local small grocery store to retail giants. The offer of a “free” gift is one of the best psychological tricks out there and it works no matter how many times a customer has seen such offers.

You can use this method and offer the 3rd item for free or just throw in a random gift.

For example: If your customer buys 2 t-shirts, he’ll get a free sticker. Something as small(and cheap) as a sticker can be enough for the customer to decide and order 2 t-shirts instead of 1. The word “Free” has a lot of power and it’s a must for every store owner to utilize it in order to get more sales.

You can easily offer these options by choosing one of the available “gift options” apps on the shopify store. Or if you’re on a tight budget, you can always replicate some of these offers and add them manually. All you need is a bit of creativity!

Manual Example: On a product where you want to offer 1 free item when buying 2, you can simply write it in your product title. Or place a small “buy 2 get 1 free” banner with your offer. Next, change your quantity variant and make sure to add “get 1 free” in brackets. So when the customer chooses 2 he will see “2(get 1 free)”. And just make sure to send the customer 3 of the same item.

Pre-Purchase Upsells:

The pre-purchase upsells are usually activated after the customer already made a decision to add a certain product to their cart. Once on the cart page, a pop-up is triggered and offers another product for a discount. Pop-up upsell is the most popular way but there are also “upsell suggestions” which appear somewhere in the cart page and offer 1 or more items for a discount. Cart upsells do work but as we expalained in our previous article here, we prefer keeping the cart page clean to increase our conversion rate. This is why we don’t usually use cart upsells but as this article is about increasing your AOV, we had to include it.

To use pre-purchase upsells, you’ll have to install a shopify app. Some of the bundle apps available have already an upsell option in them so make sure to look for apps that offer multiple options.

Why You Should Use Photo Ads For Your Business

Influencer Recommendations

So Video ads or Photo ads?

Both is good.

Video ads are amazing! They work great and you can showcase a lot of your product features. And as we already know, customers LOVE videos and basically our entire newsfeed on Facebook and instagram is dominated by videos. But let’s not forget that photo ads are still working(and working goood!). And on certain products, photo ads can bring much better results than video ads!

In this post, we’ll give you some important tips about photo ads and why you should use them for your business.

Why Should I Use Photo Ads For My Business?

Reason number 1 – Photo ads tend to be cheaper than video ads.

Unless you’re using professional photos that were taken in a photo studio for your product, photo ads will always be cheaper than video ads.

With video ads you basically have only 2 options. You either create one yourself or pay someone to make it for you… Most of the dropshippers we know have a limited skill set when it comes to creating video ads. They can do some basic editing on Camtasia or other video editing apps so when the time comes and they need a more professional looking video, they will have to open their wallets and say goodbye to Mr. Franklin(or a couple of them).

And there are also online services that offer their video creating services for a fair monthly fee which do deliver some good videos but sometimes it’s just not enough. And the options are quite limited so you almost always depend on the service to offer new templates.

Reason number 2 – Time.

It will take you much more time to create a video ad than a photo ad. This point is self explanatory so there’s really not much to talk about here. If you’re looking to run some quick tests on a certain product, photo ad is your best friend.

It shouldn’t take more than 2-5 minutes to create a reasonable quality photo ad and test whether your audience likes your product or not.

Reason number 3 – Why not offer something fresh?

When the whole newsfeed is dominated by video ads, Offer something fresh and show a photo or two of your newest product.

2-3+ years ago, almost every ad you saw on Facebook was an image. Banners, product photos, clickable photo ads and more… But then, Facebook decided to change it all and focus on videos and suggested we ran video ads. And today, almost all the ads we see are videos.

So this is why you should try and run some photo ads to show your audience something else and not only videos. There’s a big chance that they automatically scroll down whenever they see a video ad. So if you show them a photo ad, they might just stop by and engage with it.

Reason number 4 – It works!

There isn’t a product that we run ads to that we don’t test it out also with photo ads. Sometimes, we even begin with photo ads and later on try some videos too.

If you’re running a jewelry or a POD(Print on Demand) store, photo ads are a must! Even if you’re running a store with products that have a lot of features, photo ads can still work and do some magic for you. So no matter the product, make sure to test it out with photo ads!


Up next are the best ways to use photo ads.


Photo Ads Recommended Dimensions:

We recommend using a 1200×1650 or 1200×1200 photo ads. These are the official ad image sizes which are supported by Facebook.

While the 1200×1200 image size is probably the most popular option, we found out that 1200×1650 works much better. It simply gives our product more screen space and looks amazing on mobile phones.

And there’s no need in any special effects or backgrounds. A single product photo on a 1200×1650 canvas with a white background is enough to get you sales.

Clickable Photo Ads:

You can use both 1200×1200 or 1200×628 image sizes. We recommend using the 1200×1200 image size simply because it’s bigger and looks better both on mobile and desktop.

Make sure to always include a “Buy Now” button and a good promotional text. Don’t just write your product title. Instead, let them know about your “FREE SHIPPING” deal for the first 100 orders 😉

Retargeting Photo Ads:

When you’re running retargeting ads, it’s always nice to show the customer something new. He already clicked on your ad and visited your website, but something stopped him from purchasing your product. This is where retargeting ads kick in.

Instead of just showing him the same video he already saw(or a different video that basically still shows the same thing). It can be really helpful to show him some good quality photos of your product. So make sure to run some retargeting photo ads for your products.

Customer photos ads:

In my opinion, and it comes after a lot of money spent on ads, nothing beats a genuine photo taken by a customer.

A simple photo taken with their phone that shows the product in their hand is the best social proof you can get! If you have some customer photos and a permission to post it on your page and run ads to, you should definitely do that! And also don’t forget to use the customer photo as a retargeting ad.

And it’s also best to edit the original photo and change the size to 1200×1200 or 1200×1650 if possible. If not, then run it as it is.

How to get customer photos:

  1. Wait for them to post it somewhere on your page. Some customers are kind enough to get back to your original post and leave a comment there with a photo of the product that they just received. If you see such comment, make sure to contact them and ask for permission to post it on your page and run ads to. It shouldn’t be a problem to get them to agree, but if you want to increase your chances, then you should offer a freebie for a permission to use their photo commercially.
  2. You can always use shopify apps like Loox that sends automatic emails to your customers and asks for photo reviews. When a customer agrees and uploads his photo review, you can later post it on your facebook or instagram page and drive some traffic to it.
  3. Send private messages asking your customers for some photos. If you see someone who left a comment that he just received his new product and he’s really happy, then don’t forget to send him a message asking for a photo. A simple photo taken with his phone.
  4. Manually send emails to your customers asking for photo reviews. Just like loox but it won’t cost you anything to do that 🙂

Sometimes, the photo can include your customer’s face and he can be a bit embarassed and not give his agreement to post it on your page. So make sure to insist one more time and offer something in return. Customer photos are super important!

To Sum It Up:

Photo ads are powerful and sometimes can work a lot better than video ads. And you don’t have to be a Photoshop master to create stunning photo ads that will make your potential customer stop and click on it.

When everyone follows a certain trend, you should definitely check it out. But never forget the basics.

Thank you for reading and have a great day!

5 Tips To Increase Your Store’s Conversion Rate

Increase Conversion Rate
Increase your store's conversion rate

Your online store’s conversion rate doesn’t just depend on how fast it loads and if it’s mobile friendly. There are many other technical and psychological factors that can drastically hurt your conversion rate if not applied properly.

Make sure to read these tips in order to maximize your store’s potential!

Send Your Customers Straight To The Cart Page:

We don’t want our users to click on our “add to cart” button only for a small cart popup to appear and disappear after 3 seconds. We want them to checkout as fast as possible without any delays or interruptions. By transfering them straight to the cart page, we increase our chances to get a sale.

On most of the themes we used, ajax cart was set as default. Or a different kind of  popup cart. Make sure you change this option in the theme settings and transfer them to the cart page. You can also transfer them to the checkout page but we personally don’t use this option because some users get confused and leave. But you can always test it out and see what works best for you.

Keep Your Cart Page Clean:

Our cart page is clean and doesn’t show any upsells or related products. Now, don’t get me wrong – Upsells and related products feed work well and can increase your average order to get you much more profit from one customer. But in our case, we were losing much more than winning.

What actually happened is that our customers were checking the upsells or the different products and ended up without buying anything. By giving them an option to check out different products, they got lost in the process and left. This is why we decided to change our system.

Instead of offering upsells and showing them other products, we decided to clean our cart page and first get a sale. Once we had that customer in our pocket, it was much easier to sell him something else numerous times by using personal email marketing or simply by retargeting him with different products on Facebook and other platforms.

In the future, if we wanted to increase our AOV(Average Order Value), we offered bundles on our product page and made sure our ad clearly displayed our deal. For example: Buy our “Neon Shoes” and get this “Neon Hoodie” for 40% off! And of course displaying the products in our video or photo ads.

Don’t Give Your Customers Too Many Options:

By giving your customer too many options, he may really have a hard time to choose one. This is quite common with dropshippers who important products from aliexpress with a lot of variants. Instead of your customer spending 10 seconds reading and clicking on the “add to cart” button, he will be checking out all the colors and sizes or whatever options your product has. This is a big NO-NO and you’re going to lose a lot of customers to this.

Make sure to keep just a few relevant/popular variants available so your customer doesn’t get lost. A good read on the subject by Psychologist Barry Schwartz: The paradox of choice.

Offer Multiple Payment Gateways:

This might be obvious to some of you but there are a lot of people who have only one single payment option on their store. If you’re only accepting credit card payments, adding PayPal can substantially increase your conversion rate. Even if you don’t like PayPal and have bad history with this company, it’s not a valid reason to deny this option from your customers. Same goes if you’re only accepting PayPal.

In case you can’t offer any other checkout options, It’s best to let your customers know about it. For example: If you’re only accepting PayPal, you can let your customers know that they can checkout on PayPal without having an account there. Simply by checking out as a guest.

Or if you’re only accepting credit cards, you can always set up a followup email for the ones who haven’t completed the checkout and ask if the lack of payment options made them leave without buying. And if the customer replies back, you can work stuff out and hopefully get him to purchase from you.

Remind Your Customers About Your Store’s Deals:

If you’re running a FREE SHIPPING store, an announcement bar saying “FREE SHIPPING ON ALL ORDERS” isn’t enough. You need to constantly remind them about your free shipping promotion.

If he’s on your product page, make sure that “FREE SHIPPING” is written in your product title and description. When he goes to the cart page, make sure the text under the total price is saying something about FREE SHIPPING and not the regular “shipping and taxes calculated at checkout” text. This may cause confusion and you’re going to lose a potential customer.

Same goes with every other deal. You have to basically show it to your customers in every place possible on your store!

To Sum It Up:

You need to always think as a 1st time customer visiting your store. Everything needs to be organized in a logical way so that the buying process is quick and easy.

Make it easy for them to understand and the sales will follow!