This week’s products is the animal ski masks.
The ski season is here and this product should sell like crazy! Skiing is a really popular hobby around the world and people spend A LOT of money on equipment, wears, etc. This mask is really cool and it has plenty of excellent reviews on aliexpress. I have a good feeling about this product and you should definitely test it out after reading this week’s winning product article 😉
So let’s jump in and see how can we sell this animal ski mask with ad examples, selling strategies and more.
1. Campaign Type & Optimization:
I begin with Website Conversion campaign optimised for Purchase. I don’t care about having zero data and the red color “warnings”. I ALWAYS go with a Website conversion campaign optimised for purchases.
If your ad, targeting and product are good then you will see link clicks followed by actions on your site.
Sometimes, I may choose the “Add to Cart” optimisation and that works too(Sometimes it can even work better than purchase optimisation). Each ad account acts differently and this is something you will have to test for yourself.
Facebook tries to scare us because we’re using a pixel with no data and warns us that we won’t get any sales. This is their way to drive us into choosing a different optimization event to milk even more money from us. They want us to start from View Content optimization and slowly progress to Purchase optimization. And by doing that we will burn a lot of money…
And I usually go with 1 day click conversion window.
2. Number of Adsets & Daily Budget:
I recommend launching 3 to 5 testing adsets per campaign. You should test out different targeting options, different audiences, different ad types and not just launch 5 identical adsets.
Recommended daily budget that I successfully use: $7~$10
I usually go with $8+ budgets.
3. Targeting & Strategy:
This niche is huge so we have plenty of great interests we can use and a lot of targeting combinations we can make. I went for the younger audience and didn’t target people over 35 because they probably won’t wear such masks when skiing. This could be a mistake so feel free to test people aged 35+
The targeting I chose:
- Men & Women(age 18-34) + skiing interests – Classic targeting suggestions by Facebook.
- Men & Women(age 18-34) + popular ski resorts – I googled popular ski resorts in U.S/CA and added them.
- Men & Women(age 18-34) + ski interets + animal interests – This is a combination which I think can work. We target ski lovers + combine it with animal interests. We can combine it with Cats and just show them the cat mask or add multiple animal interests and show them more than one mask.
Note: I targeted only people from the U.S but don’t forget that this is a global niche. You can target European countries like France, Germany, Austria or just target Worldwide(exclude “bad” countries). There are also plenty of popular European ski resorts and ski/snowboard equipment companies.
Men & Women(age 18-34) + skiing interests:
Men & Women(age 18-34) + popular ski resorts:
Men & Women(age 18-34) + ski interets + animal interests:
As you can see in the third targeting option, I went for the “Lion” interest and “Leo” astrology sign interest(we can also target people with birthdays in August). For this audience, we can show only the Lion mask and see how it works.
4. Ad placements:
I usually start only with Facebook feed but sometimes I mix it up and run it also on Instagram feed. Although if I decide advertising on Instagram then I usually separate and run a new adset only for Instagram users.
It’s just something I prefer doing but in both cases it should still work.
I run ads both on desktop and mobile. For Instagram ads, I target mobile users only.
Note: As you can see in this picture, I attached another “scare tactic” from Facebook that pushes you to basically spend more money by either raising your budget or going for a different optimization event. Do not be scared and run website conversion campaign optimised for purchase even if you have zero pixel data.
5. Ad Type & Copy:
We have lots of great pictures to work with and even a portfolio of happy customers wearing these masks. For testing, the photos the aliexpress seller provides are enough but I still think a video with a cool jumpy music will work better.
Here are the photo ads and ad text examples I created.
1200×1500 photo ad for men&women + ski interests/resort interests:
1200×1200 photo ad for men&women + ski interests + Lion/Leo interests:
I created this ad image by searching for a copyright free ski photo on pixabay and placed this tiger ski mask on it. This kind of photo ads work well especially if you use a suitable background. In our case, we’re targeting people in the ski niche so a ski background may bring more attention to our ad.
*I know this isn’t a Lion mask but a Tiger mask*
6. Product Pricing & Selling Strategy:
Setting a price is an important step that if done right will help you keep getting sales with a healthy conversion rate. And if done wrong, your conversion rate is going to suck or you won’t even get any sales.
Product price on aliexpress is $4.05 and another $2 for epacket shipping(USA). That makes our total price for the ski mask stand at $6.
I think we can easily price this product for $19.99 + $2.95 shipping.
Selling Strategy:
People will definitely buy more than one ski mask either for themselves or for their friends/family. We should offer quantity discount + Free Shipping.
We offer a 10% discount for 2 items and for each extra product we add an additional 5%. On top of that, we will offer free shipping for 2 or more items bought. Let them think they’re getting the deal of a lifetime here 😉
This is a seasonal product that looks great and has great reviews on aliexpress. If you can make sales with this product, then you’re going to enter into a very lucrative niche where people spend a lot of money!
I hope you liked this week’s winning product article – Feel free to ask questions in the comments 🙂
Good luck!
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Daniel Aloni is one of the leading mentors in the Ecomhunt family. Daniel is a highly experienced Print On Demand seller with multiple 6 figures successful launches.
Should i test on these days because christmas is around the corner?
when should i close this ad?
This product is for the ski season so it has nothing to do with Christmas. Christmas will probably only help you to get more sales but you can keep it till even March next year or till the ski season is finally over.
Will the Ads actually make profit with such a low cost product ?, Especially now that everyone is bidding to target the audiences (Black Friday up till New Year).
Can a Business with such low cost product & with a new fresh pixel start from the scratch, spend extremely less & still make success by starting on such competitive months ?
Yeah why not. Make a good ad around it, target the right audience and give it a try. Maybe try targeting a different country and not USA so you won’t have very big CPMs.
Try lowering the price, try offering some sort of an upsell or even maybe sell 2 masks in 1 package. It’s all up to you to make this product succeed.
I remember the days when I jumped into the Family niche on Valentine’s Day which you probably understand is super competitive. And I brought a simple product but with a special little twist and had sales. New pixel and everything and I still found success with the US audience.
Do you think an online shop with “Winning Product” of every week would work?
Thank you!
Hi Dacian!
If you can bring your touch to the products, make great ads then yeah it should work 🙂
Hi Daniel,
Man, I just started running my first ads. After writing ad text like This is a must for your home… , I wrote Get Yours ==> “bitly link”.
Of course, I shortened my link with bitly.
But I am not sure whether bitly link is clickable on my running ads what should I do?
I hope I made myself clear as I really can’t understand whether the link in the text is clickable or not.
Hey Mike!
The links on Facebook ad description are clickable unlike on Instagram. So if you have a link in your description, then it’s 100% clickable. Bitly or regular, all should work.
You can always preview your ad from the ads manager and see how it looks on your feed. And then you can click it just to be sure 😉
Thank you for the answer. When I preview, the bitly links look blue however I could not click nothing while I am previewing it.
However, I got 2 link clicks and one of them actually purchased the product. So I guess this is good.
My cost per unique link click is 2.29 USD and CPM is 14.18. What do you think of these : )
I only launched one adset and will launch another ad today.
Congratz on your sale Mike 🙂
By previewing it you probably looked at it from the ads manager right? You need to click on the arrow like icon there and choose “preview on desktop” and only then you’ll see and can click on the link.
Your CPM is great but the cost per link click is considered high. This is when I usually pay close attention and if I see no event(add to carts, initiate checkouts, etc) then I usually close the ad after a short time.
But in your case, you have events and an actual purchase so don’t touch the ad for now.
The high link click cost can be due to bad targeting or a bad ad. Your ad may not draw enough attention to it so people don’t click on it. If the price is still the same, then consider creating a new ad and launching a new adset with this new ad.
Don’t touch your original adset for now.
And please read these 2 articles, they’ll help you –
I talk there about the link clicks cost and when I usually kill an adset
And this one
This article is when you start getting some steady sales and you’re looking to make more. Check it out as well 😉
When I choose preview there are only mobile selections. Do you think the reason is I only chose mobile placements?
I understand I already prepared 2 videos and 10 pics so I will test them and I already started testing them but I only see clicks now like 7-8 and link click is around 1.6 USD.
However, I think the links work correctly I see that these are blue and I talked to Facebook and they said my ads work effectively.
I already read your posts a couple of times but I will read them again : )
And if you have any other suggestion, I will do it : )
If you chose only mobile placements, then previewing it on your desktop pc isn’t possible. You can still click “preview” and usually a popup message appears that says to open your Facebook app on your phone and refresh the feed to see your ad preview. It doesn’t always work.
Also one important thing is to make sure your link in the post is visible and appears before the “see more” text button. We want people to see both the link in the description and the button(shop now button on video or post). Remember that on mobile, Facebook now shows only the first 3 lines before all the rest of your text is “hidden” and you have to click see more to see the rest of it. But again don’t worry about your links in Facebook’s feed. They appear and 100% clickable no matter if it’s bitly or a normal website link.
$1.6 per link click is already much better than $2++ and hopefully it will drop and get a bit cheaper.
Here’s a suggestion – Break your ads and see what gender and age click the most. Sometimes you may find that you get some really good and cheap link clicks with let’s say men aged 45+ so making a new adset targeting only them could do some good.
And for better suggestions, if possible take some screenshots and share with me the results. Make sure you show me the amount spent, link clicks, cpms etc. All the necessary stuff and how much you profit per sale. Just to see how it goes 🙂
Another great post, love how clever the thinking process is.
When you say target worldwide and exclude bad countries, how do you class countries as bad? Like ones with high fraud etc?
What about just targeting all of the ePacket countries as not all have that?
I seen something on ecomhunt, millions of views, thousands of shares, targeting a lot of countries, do they do this from the beginning or as they scale?
Would it be wise to do all of my testing in a cheaper country, and once it’s solid – scale to all ePacket?
Glad you liked the article Anthony 🙂
By bad countries, I mean countries where there’s almost no chance of buying. Or other issues like bad postal service so your package will never arrive.
In african countries, a lot of people don’t have credit cards(not talking about paypal) so selling to them is impossible. In India and other countries, you have a big chance of a package to never arrive… Stuff like these.
Target the english speaking countries US,CA,NZ,AUS,UK. European countries GER, AU, FR, NE, FI, DEN, SWE, SP, ITA, etc. If you wanna target WW and exclude countries then just exclude all african countries, arabic countries, a lot of asian countries etc.
If you’ve seen an ad with such stats, this means it’s in scaling stage.
It would be wise to test countries that are guaranteed to give you lower CPMs and cheaper link clicks but make sure the people there can actually purchase your product. In the end, we want sales and not just clicks
Yeah that makes total sense, thanks Daniel! 🙂
No problem 🙂
I previewed it and the links work as it should man I read these posts before and I read them again : ) I By the way, l really like here.
Now I see clicks but there is no action, link cost dropped down a bit more. Now I have 3 ad sets, 2 of them have 11 clicks however there is no action (no add to cart etc. ) and everything is same including price etc and there is only one purchase. Maybe I should wait more or what do you think?
I watched your targeting video on Youtube yesterday. I have 3 adsets. One of them has under a million people and the other 2 have 8 million.
Some gurus tell that it should have more than 5 million people and so far they don’t seem to work well.
The best one which performs is under a million.
Should I narrow them down?
You should always judge the ads based on a few days and sometimes you can judge them a lot faster if you have really terrible results(like expensive link clicks + no actions).
Ads unfortunately don’t behave the same so if you had 1 sale, it doesn’t mean you will have another sale the next day…
And in order to answer on your questions, I really need some info here. Need to see your cpms, ctr, events(atc, initiate checkout, etc), amounts spent, purchases, how much profit per purchase. Attach a link to a screenshot to your next comment and show me all the details + write the details that don’t appear in the report.
I have no idea what targeting video you saw but if you have read my articles, you can see that I usually go with audiences that are lower than 1M and if it’s higher than 1M, then maximum of 1.5M. So 5M+ or 8M+ is a big No-No for me.
Keep it under a million at least and don’t be afraid to test smaller audiences. So yeah you can try and narrow them down
When I see these masks, I can only think of bank robbers and horror movies.
Haha yeah these are the kind they use in the movies and stuff. Just don’t target potential bank robbers and everything will be allright