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How This 20-Year-Old Found Winning Products and Grew A 6 Figures Online Store !

How This 20-Year-Old Found Winning Products and Grew A 6 Figures Online Store !
How This 20-Year-Old Found Winning Products and Grew A 6 Figures Online Store !

“You are one product away…”

“All it takes is one winning product…”

I guess you probably heard this from some of our ads, and some of you could actually make this happen, some of you are still trying and will eventually succeed!

Today, I want to share with you a great interview about a young entrepreneur success story.

Tell us a bit about yourself.

Hey EcomHunt, thanks for having me – my name is David Stone, I’m currently 20 years old and I live in Sweden. I’m a very driven person and I have always had a knack for digital marketing. I come from a very poor household and have been moving between countries at a very young age and I even had to flee one country since I was kidnapped, a pretty hard life in my experience so I always have that driving me forward. Of course, there are a lot more to the story but I want to keep this article a little short. So, once I finally settled down in Sweden at the age of five life was finally getting better. As of now I recently started my YouTube channel where the goal is to create pure and transparent content without the fluff and bullshit other gurus on YouTube are feeding their viewers.

When I turned 13, I started doing PPD (Pay Per Download) which was my first introduction to the wonders of digital marketing. I started testing a lot of ideas and finally had one idea which turned into a $100/daily business. I unfortunately had to quit since my mother got scared I was making too much money and it took time away from school.

Fast forward some years to 2017 I started getting into E-commerce & Dropshipping and that’s when everything started falling into place!

How This 20-Year-Old Found Winning Products and Grew A 6 Figures Online Store !

How did I get started with dropshipping?

As I wrote in the last section, I have been interested in the concept of making money online from a very young age and I had also gotten a taste of the pure euphoria that it yielded me. I started making $100/daily from PPD and once I had to quit since my mother got scared, I didn’t touch digital marketing for several years. Then I stumbled upon a Discord group called MSW where I basically began to read guides on E-commerce and I also started watching YouTube videos which I did for TWO weeks straight.

I set up my first store, which was focused on women’s products and makeup from AliExpress – oh my what a mistake that was. I managed to make $2000 within a week of opening it, but it yielded me something greater, I got into contact with some very big Facebook pages which ranged from 500k Likes to 13 Million Like. They wanted me to create stores for them and that basically threw me into overdrive learning mode, where I was forced to learn everything very fast.

The stores were set up and money started falling in from page posts and ads – I had never been happier because I basically proved to myself that it was fully possible. One month we managed to get £166,000 = ca $209,555 in just under FIVE days. That was a bliss – but unfortunately, I got extremely stressed out and I decided to go travelling, and once I did that I decided to start doing my own stores instead.

How This 20-Year-Old Found Winning Products and Grew A 6 Figures Online Store !


What did you do before dropshipping?

Before I started my first dropshipping store I was trading binary options with a Romanian signals group I found somehow. I started trading using MT4 a software to scan for signals and start trading once you got a pattern in the market. I quickly noticed that was not consistent and I was basically gambling. I learned something useful though and that is to never do binary options again.

After I started working with the stores I mention in the last section I started to get extremely stressed out, it was just getting to me so much that my heart started to let me down. I got heartaches and very strange heart rhythm so I said no more work and more self-development. That’s when I decided to book a flight to Asia and just stay there for a couple of months until I felt better – WHICH I did! I constantly thank myself for actually taking that decision even if I would lose out on a lot of money.

First Sale where did it come from? What was your experience with FB ads?

My first sale came from a Facebook page promotion I had contacted a pretty big page and they wanted to do a post on the product completely free, in turn that I would give them a small percentage of the cut. The product sold for just $2000 but since It was my first store, I was PUMPED! I saved the money and accepted that women’s makeup and products just weren’t my thing and I wouldn’t get far with that product.

This was the product by the way – a booze bangle great for smuggling in drinks for teenagers and what not.

How did you learn, what keeps your motivated?

I learnt basically everything from free content and TESTING – Oh my god I can’t stress this enough. You need do TEST, TEST and then TEST some more. Trial and error yields, you the most knowledge so don’t get demotivated just because something doesn’t work out the first time.

I started testing and playing around with Facebook, Instagram and Google ads and I started to see a very similar pattern in time required and budget needed to be successful with ads. I started seeing which kind of ads were converting and which weren’t and that’s basically a model I follow until this day! I stay motivated by knowing that within a year I made more money than people who stayed in school for 4-7 years getting their degree and by that time they are freaking 27-30 years old. I never liked school as I was always fantasizing about online marketing and how I would get that done.

Why did I want to succeed so bad?

I come from a very poor family, I never had a dad either and my mother was always the one taking care of me. I wanted to give back to her so badly for everything she’s done for me. The support she always showed to me when I had crazy ideas on things I could make money from. She is my motivation – the goal is to buy her a house some day in the woods where she loves to be the most.

I also worked at the famous car brand Volvo for a month, and I never really liked working and making someone else’s pockets bigger by doing slave work. So I worked there for a month, then said f*ck off to my boss and left. After that I was right into the beginning of my first store.

Once you throw away your safety of a job and start working on yourself – YOU CAN DO ANYTHING!

What is your sales record?

The one and only question – If we count all stores I’ve had in total and how that went the track record is around $3,650,000 in sales. Although I sadly don’t have ALL the screenshots to back that up anymore. I did however post very regularly in a group called MSW with all my earnings from time to time. So, I can back up at least a couple of million in sales.

The only thing people need to know is that drop shipping is simple, not easy. Once you get the jest of things you can do the exact same strategy OVER & OVER again. That’s the beauty of it since once you learn everything there is to know about a strategy you can only improve but you know you’ll always make money one way or another.

Start again what would you do different?

I would start re-targeting way earlier than I did, there are literally 100’s of things I would do differently, one of those would be starting LAA ads faster and start testing different ad creatives earlier. When I first did ads I only used one ad creative and I was very greedy with profits – so I never re-invested the money correctly which is sad now that I think about it.

5 tips to someone who is just getting started?

1. Start building a one type product store instead of a big store – you will have a MUCH better learning curve than building a general store. General stores usually require big budgets and will just stress you out. If you focus all your attention to a couple of products within the same type of products you can learn everything from scratch 20 times faster.

2. Create 5 ad creatives no less but more. This is important because you want to split test different texts, colors, everything really, but 5 ad creatives gives you a great start when scaling horizontally first.

3. Don’t be scared to try out new things, don’t be put off by big competitors and such – start building and mimicking everything you see that you found convincing. Once you start mimicking what’s already working, you learn way faster!

4. I know this might seem like a promotion, but its not! Get EcomHunt paid plan – It’s worth every cent and it will pay itself. You have a head start and can see all the information you need right from one place basically. Don’t waste time on product research when you can put that to the more tedious tasks!

5. Once you start getting orders every day, get a customer support virtual assistant asap.. You can’t imagine how much stress I had when I had to fulfill orders, customer support, website maintenance and every alone. It was extremely stressful to do all that and I suffered because of it and so will you. Don’t worry the mental clearness from having that done for you will net you more profit in the end.

Thank you once again EcomHunt for having me, It has been a pleasure.

So, What’s Next?

Now, David has already started another store and is using the same approach to growth. He’s using the dropshipping method with Ecomhunt again to test his products in the market. Once he hits another ‘winning product’ he’ll use it to build his next brand. This time around, he’s focused on making it even bigger and wants to grow the business into a major international brand. He’s also now offering aspiring ecommerce entrepreneurs free video tutorials on his Youtube channel.

“I love Ecomhunt since It takes away the whole process of finding great products so I can focus more on the growth of my store.” And for anyone else thinking of building a business using the same model, he agrees it’s a great approach, “The sky is the limit”

Follow David to see what he gets up to next on Instagram and YouTube.

Ready to start making some $$$ ?

How to Find Winning Products and Start Selling Online

Pros and Cons of Dropshipping and Wholesaling

Niche Store VS General Store

How to Make Sales in Every Way Possible !

Have a question? Got some killer tips? Comment below!

New Features: How To Find Instagram Influencers To SkyRocket Your eCommerce Sales For Any Niche !

How To Find Instagram Influencers To SkyRocket Your eCommerce Sales For Any Niche ! (2019)
How To Find Instagram Influencers To SkyRocket Your eCommerce Sales For Any Niche ! (2019)

How To Find Instagram Influencers To SkyRocket Your eCommerce Sales For Any Niche !

So happy to reveal our brand new features ! In the video below I’m going to show you the easiest way online to find relevant influencers for our winning products.

I will also show you some extra cool free features at the end of the video so make sure you watch till the end of the video!

Ready to see how it works?!

Make sure to subscribe to our channel for new free features and content 😉

Got questions? Comment on the video or below <3

How To Create An E-Commerce Brand

E-Commerce Brand

How To Create An E-Commerce Brand

It’s really about developing the space that your brand takes up in the mind of the customer and having a consistent system for how you interact with that customer. Beyond branding, there is a significant sales implication to building your trusted brand online. Through the years the business has found that personal interactions of their brand with their customers remains one of the most influential factors for e-commerce growth.

Your salespeople also have a huge influence on how customers view market differentiation and value propositions for their companies. Building a trusted e-commerce brand doesn’t come easy, or happen overnight, you must reinforce your brand over a period of weeks, months and sometimes even years. You can accomplish this by email follow-up, in-person meetings and even continued marketing on social media to your ideal customers.

One of the decisions a business owner must make is if you should hire a team or outsource freelancers to perform your marketing and social media. You’re interested in increasing the awareness of your brand, but are you willing to put the time and effort into hiring the right people to accomplish this.

As a sales and digital marketing agency, we are able to communicate important e-commerce brand messages across the internet and educate your sales staff about how to effectively communicate competitive differences and value propositions to your customers. To build a trusted e-commerce brand you need to answer this simple question, “Why should your customers choose you?”

What is a BrandHow To Create A Trusted B2B Brand

A brand is a product, service, or concept that is publicly distinguished from other products, services, or concepts so that it can be easily communicated and usually marketed. A brand name is the name of the distinctive product, service, or concept.

  • Something customers ask for by name
  • The name people use when talking about the product to someone else
  • When people think of the brand rather than the product
  • Something which has developed a personality beyond the product
  • Something people would pay a premium for under that and no other name

So when you ask the question “what is branding” — it is something that triggers associations in our minds.  Branding is about creating an identity. It’s what sets one company apart from another. In short, it tells us what we can expect from that company.  It’s about the perception people have of the company.

Branding (a verb) is doing those activities and communications, large and small, that create and reinforce a brand, i.e., what a company is known for.

Your branding (a noun) is all the elements that make up a brand, whether logo, packaging, colors, reputation for customer service, reputation for customizing customer orders without complaint, speed, self-serve options, low price, high quality — whatever.

Tips To Create A Strong Brand

In today’s world, your brand is your identity. A strong brand must entertain, educate, and inspire your customers. A great brand represents more than a product-it embodies a company’s core values, which creates an emotional connection between your customers and your brand.

Here are a few tips to consider when building a brand:

Tip #1: Have A Great Product

  • Is there a mass appeal?
  • Does it have unique features?
  • Can it solve a problem?
  • Are there demonstration or transformation as a result of the product?
  • Are there proven results?
  • Can you explain how it works and easily answer questions about your product.

Tip #2: Have Good Communication Skills

Brand is about building business relationships. Every tactic used, whether it is CRM marketing or social media has the ultimate goal of building a long-term business partnership. The skills required are underpinned by excellent interpersonal skills and a sales-focussed philosophy, as every action must contribute towards the sales funnel.

Use Customer Relationship Tools

Improve customer support with customer relationship management tools. By having the right tools in place you’ll be able to continue building relationships and your brand through automation and systems. A CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is all about improving contacts with existing and future customers. It runs from a sales office fielding calls from potential customers, through to scheduling sales meetings, and on to customer service and technical support after a sale.

There are also many other tools you can use to communicate with your customers like;

  • Your website can have a live chat that will be there to answer user questions.
  • Set up a helpdesk to make it easy for your clients to reach out to you for support.
  • Engage and encourage customers to interact with your product on social media.
  • Know how to connect and respond quickly to customers regarding your product when they need you most.

As a growing e-commerce brand, you’ll want to always be there for your customer’s questions, concerns, and even complaints. If your customer has a complaint or needs something fixed they’ll want to have easy access to your customer service.

Benefits Of A Strong E-commerce Brand

Your brand is one of your company’s most valuable assets.

  • Customer recognition. Having a strong brand works to build customer recognition.
  • Competitive edge in the market. Your brand is what differentiates you in the marketplace. When customers recognize and back your brand, it helps lend a competitive edge to your company.
  • Easy introduction of new products. When you already have a strong brand and loyal customers, it is often easier and less expensive to introduce new products or test them out before you further invest in them.
  • Customer loyalty and shared values. The recognition and elevation that a strong brand builds upon all lend to greater customer loyalty. Customers are attracted to brands that they share values with.
  • Enhanced credibility and ease of purchase. Having a strong, well-known brand enhances your credibility with customers, your industry, and the marketplace as a whole.

What Is E-commerce Brand Strategy

The e-commerce brand strategy is a long-term plan that outlines who you are as a company, what your brand stands for in the market, what you do, who you serve, where you’re going in the future, and — most importantly — how you’ll get there. Another word for this clarity is a vision. Why is it important? Because when brands are thoughtfully managed, they have the capacity to bolster a company’s competitive advantages and deliver huge financial returns.

When setting up your brand strategy you will also want to consider your Net Promoter or Net Promoter Score (NPS) which is a management tool that can be used to gauge the loyalty of a brand’s customer relationships. It serves as an alternative to traditional customer satisfaction research and claims to be correlated with revenue growth.

Use this quick step guide to plan your brand strategy;

Step #1 – Ensure customer relationships are your top priority

Step #2 – Build a trusted team around your brand that cares about your success

Step #3 – Set up proper systems and automation to continue building relationships automatically

Step #4 – Continue following up with your prospects until they’re ready to buy (use a tool like Mailchimp to sync with your online software so you can follow-up with all potential leads)

Steps To A Successful E-commerce Brand

Every day, brands fight for share in the marketplace, the attention of their prospects, and sales. The market is saturated with so many businesses that sell the same exact products or the same types of products as their competitors – and only the strongest survive and thrive.

Tip #1: A successful brand will

  • Engages your target audience
  • Differentiates your company from the competition
  • Creates loyal customers and employees who champion your brand
  • Is simple, soulful, and inspiring.

Tip #2: Building Your Brand Relationship

Recent Gallup research has shown that the process of forming emotional connections doesn’t begin when consumers try the brand. Instead, emotional connections start to take shape with every brand encounter that leads up to trial.

  • The best customers are loyal customers—those who see intrinsic value in your brand, and who choose to stick around to continue enjoying its benefits.
  • Trust – People trust you when they know what to expect…and when the things they’re expecting are good. Be consistent.
  • Be Authentic – This starts from the very beginning, when you list your corporate values, name your business, design your logo and more. People will see through an act, be yourself.
  • Patience – it takes time for a person to gather all the information they need to know about your brand before they decide to trust it. Understand this, and know that customer loyalty is worth the effort…and the wait.
  • Be mindful of the little things – It’s not just about how you interact during the sales process. It’s also about the support you offer during difficult times, the valuable information you supply on a daily basis, the gratitude you express, and all the others small things your brand does to prove that it’s capable of big things.

Tip #3: Tell Your Story

A compelling brand story gives your audience a way to connect with you, one person to another, and to view your business as what it is: a living, breathing entity run by real people offering real value.

  • Incorporate your story into the brand messaging – This is a great approach, as it taps into the “heart and soul” of a company, the original idea or concept that inspired the vision for what has come to fruition.
  • Build your personal brand. Remember how a story is infused with personality?
  • Be active on social media. Stories will spread through the power of social media.
  • Tell the story everywhere (like website, social media, email and content)
  • Encourage your customers to tell the story.

Tip #4: Foster Respect and Loyalty

Building relationships take time but growing and maintaining them long-term takes perseverance, energy, and purpose.

  • Customer loyalty is key to a successful sales effort – Customer loyalty comes about from satisfied customers, based upon receiving quality products or services delivered in a professional, timely manner (and handled in a professional, timely manner should an issue arise).
  • Make Community Members Feel Included
  • Always Cater to New Members
  • Enable and Impassion Community Champions
  • Single Out Members
  • Help Individuals Achieve a Goal or Dream

The E-commerce Branding Takeaway:

Branding is changing, strong and powerful sales and marketing strategies are being augmented with purpose and meaning through next-generation brand strategies. Creating—and sustaining—a successful brand is not easy. It requires consistent, thoughtful strategic planning and implementation, and staying ever vigilant to ensure the brand is always fresh and relevant.

A brand is a precious thing. No matter how big or small, it is the essence of a company—and it should be treated with care. It needs to be nurtured, fed and looked after like the living, dynamic entity it is. But in the day-to-day operations of running a business, thinking about the “brand” can easily be on the back burner.

In many companies this is the constant state:

  • The marketing team is busy pushing content out the door.
  • The sales team is busy closing deals.
  • The accounting team is too focused on making sure everyone’s getting paid.

Even those that do have the know-how and foresight to care for the brand are pushed to focus on the here and now. But for a brand to grow and thrive, someone must actively take the reins. We believe having the right team around your brand will help you build amazing relationships which in return will increase sales.

How-to-build-a-brand-team (1)

Please leave a comment or question below about your experience building a brand or if you’d like any additional resources. The rewards of a well-executed brand strategy are many, however, and done right will build lasting, mutually beneficial relationships that endure the test of time. We’re building a brand around EcomHunt by recommending the best e-commerce products on the internet!

Increase E-commerce Sales Using Popups

Increase E-commerce Sales Using Popups

In this blog, we’d like to show you how to use popups, how you can create them on your website and how to use the popup to create better relationships with your potential customers to increase conversions.

When we think of pop-ups we think of annoying banners that come across our entire page and block us from seeing the content we’re looking for. Unfortunately, marketers have ruined the results that popups could have. But if you create your popup with a relationship first approach you’ll see much better results.

Pop-ups aren’t just big forms that come across your website, you can set them up to be smaller so it looks better on mobile, you can create a bottom horizontal pop-up (like the image below) so it’s not so invasive and you can even have the popup only show on certain pages.

Pop-up To Encourage Relationship

Everything regarding your website should be considered a relationship builder, how can you create a better connection with your website visitors, build trust and encourage them to sign-up for your service. You must consider this first when creating your pop-up.

You can use a popup on your website too;

  • Introduce yourself and your business
  • Claim an amazing offer
  • Give something for free
  • Encourage a consultation

A business like Own Your Eating uses their pop-up to introduce the owners and tell their website visitors what to expect.

Own Your Eating

This is a great way to build instant trust and show your website visitors exactly what you’re offering them in your pop-up. Use this to create better relationships and you’ll see better conversions on your website.

Exit-Intent Popup

Another type of popup you can use on your website is an exit intent popup which isn’t so invasive to your customer. You’ll allow the visitor to browse your content before getting interrupted. When they’re finished and they go to exit out of your website you can offer an irresistible offer before they leave.

Their results after using a pop-up;

  • Crossrope.com converted 13.71% of abandoning visitors to active participants.
  • Crossrope.com recovered 7.65% of abandoning shoppers.
  • Crossrope.com increased subscribers by about 1800/month using OptinMonster.

This goes to show that you can think of creative ways to encourage website visitors to sign-up with you and your business.

Be Empathetic

A question you need to ask yourself is if your website is focused around you and your business or around the results your website visitors could accomplish working with you. By showing empathy on your website and even your popup forms your customers will feel like you care, understand and want to help them solve their problem.

Once you know who your ideal customer is you can now start showing empathy around your website which will build instant credibility and trust with your visitors.

They mentioned to use the key factors;

  • Job titles of key contacts – These are the people who you will begin any sales conversations with.
  • Key decision makers – The individuals responsible for making the final purchase decision.
  • KPIs – Which KPIs are shared by companies in a particular industry or sector?
  • Common complaints – What are the common complaints cited by key contacts and decision makers? Both in terms of their current solution (or lack thereof) and the relationship they have with its providers.

Grow Your List

They say the power is in your list. Have you been collecting hundreds or thousands of email subscribers for your business? Now how are you using email to continue the follow-up process and increasing revenue?

After using popup forms throughout your website to get subscribers for your offer you must also be prepared to send some marketing emails. What good is a list of customers if they never hear from you?

This is another great way to continue building relationships with your website visitors, asking them to take planned actions (like giving you reviews and feedback) and then asking for the sale when the time is right.

Some helpful tips;

  • Send an automated welcome email right away
  • Follow-up the next day as a reminder
  • Set up a cart abandonment email
  • Continue sending valuable emails
  • Ask for a sale after 6-7 follow-up emails
  • Send coupons and discounts

Take a look at our blog about 6 quick tips to grow your email opt-ins which will help you with email marketing following your popups.

How To Set-up A Popup

Now we want to show you how to set up a popup on your website and use it to grow your email subscriber list. Remember to do the above steps before considering your popup so you know exactly who will be seeing it and exactly what you should say to them to receive the highest number of conversions.

Consider using this article in WPForms to get even more details on how to set up your form with whichever mailer system you use. In this example, we will be using WPForms and Optinmonster to create a popup form on WordPress.

First, we will need a WPForm account and Optinmonster account. Once you have an account you can go into your WordPress account and install both plugins.

Setting Up Your Form

Grunt Style
Image Source: https://www.gruntstyle.com/

Log-in to your WordPress account and go to download a new plugin. You’ll want to search for the WPForm plugin.

Screen Shot at PM

Image Source: https://wpforms.com/

Once the plugin is installed on your website you can now start creating your form.

WPForm create newsletter signup form

Image Source: https://wpforms.com/

Now the fun starts, you’ll start seeing your form come together and you can start testing it out on your website. Use the preview button to make sure your form is exactly how you want it before hitting publish.

Make sure to go into the form plugin and adjust the settings for your WPForm to make sure it works just like how you want it.

Testing Your Popup

Now it’s time to see if your popup works and connects properly so the customer receives what they were promised. This could be frustrating because the popup settings could prohibit you from seeing the form more than once.

When creating pop-ups you can set it to open after 5 seconds, right away or on exit. The only issue you may face as the business owner is that once you see the form once and want to continue testing you won’t be able to see the form again to continue your tests.

Use an incognito window to see your forms more than once. This is a brand new page that isn’t tracked by cookies and the browser won’t know that you’ve already seen the popup.

Popup Form VS. Inline Form

The last thing we want to share is the fact that you can also choose inline forms so you don’t have anything popping up on your page. An inline form may look and function better on mobile but your visitors might pass it by.

There are so many variables that the conversion depends on, for example:

  • Who are your customers?
  • How does your website look like?
  • What information are you asking for in the form?
  • What is the goal of the form?

So how do you know which one works best?

You perform a test.

50% of your users will see an inline form, the other 50% will see a popup form.

The one that gets the most submissions is what works best for you but don’t stop there.

Now you can optimize the form itself, you can start by the fields, to the call to action button and the design.

Inline forms have a lot more distractions which often deviates your visitors from the core task: to subscribe. Hence, if you are focussed on capturing anonymous visitors, using a popup is a great idea.

The Popup Form Insights:

When deciding on a popup form on your website please consider these factors;

  • What will your customers enjoy using?
  • Does it look good on mobile?
  • Are you giving an irresistible offer?
  • Is it building a possible relationship with your visitors?
  • Will they get followed up with via email?

Not every popup, form or plugin is a one size fits all. It’s about what will work for your business, your customers and what will prove the best ROI.

Popup forms work, some websites increase email signup conversions by up to 600%! However, it’s best not to offer a generic ‘newsletter’, as conversions for that are typically relatively low.

Instead, offering something of high relevance to the page the person is on tends to work well, such as a content upgrade.

Conversions on this type of popup can go between 4% and 20% increase in conversions, some marketing companies even get higher numbers than this.

Please leave a comment below, or share some insights on what has worked for you regarding popups and forms on your website. We would like to hear your feedback and we hope it helps someone with their website forms.

Benefits of having an Abandon Cart (easy to setup)

Benefits of having an Abandon Cart (easy to setup)

Benefits of having an Abandon Cart (easy to setup)

Benefits of having an Abandon Cart easy to setup

When it comes to e-commerce you’re looking for new customers, repeat customers and to increase your revenue from your website. The majority of business owners put all of their focus towards trying to gain new customers to come to their website and shop. Many miss the mark on some other tactics to increase revenue which are actually fairly easy to set up.

What Is Abandon Cart?

You can use abandon carts to start gathering up all email address from your customers who came to your website and didn’t end up purchasing anything. There are ways to send auto emails, Facebook messages and somehow communicate with them to see why they didn’t follow through with the purchase. This would be considered a low-cost marketing strategy which is great for new businesses and even better for bigger business.

How It Works

Once your abandon cart is set-up you can set up an automatic email followup to tell them they forgot to finish their purchase. People get busy and things come up during their day so don’t blame them for leaving, just make it easy for them to finish what they started. Another tactic you can use is to add a Facebook messenger followup which will be more personal and allow you to answer any questions they may have before they purchase.

1. Customers who had forgotten to complete their orders often do so after receiving this email. Continue reading this article to see how you can grow your email list.

2. If there was a specific reason why they didn’t order, it gives us a chance to talk and help them, possibly resulting in a sale.

How To Set Up

There are many software’s out there that you can use to set up the abandon cart feature. We recommend a product called Zapier to sync with your store, website, and email marketing company. Do your research beforehand to make sure all three of these will sync and then you can use it to complete the process.

Additionally, if Zapier doesn’t sync with your store and email marketing you can use a product called Privy which will allow you to set up cart abandonment inside their software which will allow them to email your customer directly.

What Should You Do Next?

Benefits of having an Abandon Cart easy to setup

Now that you’ve set up your abandon cart feature and have your software’s synced with your store you can start gathering key information. Keep track of the reason why your visitors decided not to purchase (this will help you create a better shopping cart experience). Additionally, continue using your email marketing and Facebook messaging to follow-up with these customers until they decide to purchase your product.

The Key Takeaway:

People get busy and have a lot going on in their day to day life. As a business owner, we must respect that but also use techniques like this to continue bettering our business. Send friendly reminders, continue building better relationships and always be there for your customers. If you can get this right you’ll not only see an increase in subscribers but a significant increase in revenue for your business.

How this 20 years old french guy made $825,276.85 in under 4 months!

how this 20 years old french guy made $769,454.78 in 4 months!

Another huge success story from one of our users, today I want you meet Gabriel St-Germain, with the help of Ecomhunt winning products he was able to generate $825,276.85 in under 4 months!

Tell us a bit about yourself.

My name is Gabriel St-Germain, I’m 20 years old, and I live in Canada. I own multiple e-commerce brands and help others start their online business with my YouTube channel.

How did I get started with dropshipping?

I’ve been interested in making money online since I was 16 years old. I first started by learning affiliate marketing, but struggled to actually make any consistent income with it.

Fast forward two years, I was studying engineering full-time but was consistently seeking new opportunities. Early 2017, I was consistently seeing ads for “Free Watches” and I started picking up on this “Free Just Pay Shipping” model that was working well for a lot of people.

So, I decided to set up a dropshipping store and try selling this trending charcoal powder for free + shipping. Things took off quickly and I started learning as much as I could to scale this store. To this date, that first store (Beauty Charcoal) has done close to $1MM in sales and is still running today.

What did you do before dropshipping?

When I started my first store back in 2017, I was still in school studying software engineering. I always knew that I wanted to run an online business and have the freedom that comes with it, so I was consistently looking for new opportunities which lead me to dropshipping.

After my first store started taking off, I was very stressed out and had little to no free time because I had to split my time between my schooling and my business. I managed to get through it and still get honors from my university, but I eventually made the decision to quit school for the time being and focus 100% on my businesses.

My parents were not very happy with my decision but I don’t regret it one bit. I’m finally able to focus entirely on my business while still having free time to do the things I love.

First Sale where did it come from? what was your experience with FB ads?

My first sale came from Instagram Influencers. I remember buying a post on a meme page – a simple before & after picture – and watched as dozens of sales came in the first hour. Not as many people were doing Instagram Influencer posts back then and it was a lot easier to get sales, even with a bad ad.

The next day, I spent all the money I made on buying more posts from different influencers. I ended up selling $5K that day. That’s when I remember thinking “Wow – this is actually real.” My mind was blown.

It’s an amazing feeling when you get your first sale because it serves as a proof of concept for your store, and validates that what you’re doing is actually possible.

How did you learn, what keeps your motivated?

I learnt mainly by testing things out for myself. I didn’t buy any course or follow any specific blueprint – I just tested as much as possible and did more of what was already working well.

I think one of the best ways to keep learning and stay motivated is joining a lot of FB groups. There are dozens of super active FB groups for dropshipping with great advice & motivating posts daily.

Why did I want to succeed so bad?

I want to succeed so I don’t ever have to work 9-5 and so I can enjoy the freedom of owning an online business. One of my favorite quotes is “If you don’t build your dream, someone will hire you to help build theirs.”

The dropshipping/e-commerce space is extremely competitive so without setting goals and working towards them consistently, it’s easy to fall behind competitors.

What is your sales record?

My current sales record is $825,276.85 in under 4 months with one of my current dropshipping stores. My daily record was $17K in a single day with that same store.

I actually found the main product for this store using Ecomhunt! Some people say that products posted on Ecomhunt will become saturated… While it may be true that a lot of people will notice products from Ecomhunt, very few people actually go and make original video content for that product and try to build a brand for it.

I always tell people to not worry too much about saturation and instead focus on doing BETTER than your competitors. The way I see it, saturation is an indicator that a product has a tremendous amount of demand.

Start again what would you do different?

I would make original video content sooner. When I was starting out, I wanted to keep as much of my profits as possible instead of re-investing it into the business.

I would say that my biggest breakthrough in this business came when I started making original video content for my ads. It makes a huge difference!

5 tips to someone who is just getting started?

#1 – Focus on building a brand for one product rather than building a general store
#2 – Make original video content!
#3 – Split test more. I recommend split testing the first 3-seconds of your video ad first, then split testing thumbnails
#4 – Don’t worry too much about saturation, focus on doing BETTER than your competitors
#5 – Sell products that solve a problem. It is a lot easier to sell a product to a cold audience if it solves a problem

Lastly, keep learning and testing new things! Dropshipping is NOT a get rich quick scheme and requires a LOT of work. Make sure you go into it with the right expectations!

Want to learn more about Gabriel? Click here

Ready to start making some $$$ ?

How to Find Winning Products and Start Selling Online

Pros and Cons of Dropshipping and Wholesaling

Niche Store VS General Store

How to Make Sales in Every Way Possible !

Have a question? Got some killer tips? Comment below!

Tutorial: How To Edit Videos For Your Products Marketing Ads

How To Edit Videos For Your Products Marketing Ads

In this video I’m going to show you step by step how to edit an entire video for your online store products + a tiny surprise at the end of the video 😉

If you are like me and you don’t like waiting, you can click the link to see How To Create Videos That Goes Viral Like A Wild Fire In 60 Seconds.

Comment below if you have questions or special requests for our next video 😉

Till next time!

Should I use SEO or PPC for my E-commerce Business?

Should I use SEO or PPC for my E-commerce Business?

In case you didn’t know, SEO for an E-commerce store is a complicated task since there are so many products online. The ultimate goal is to rank on the first page of search engines but it’s almost impossible to rank each product page well. However, there are different strategies for different E-commerce businesses and you have to implement each strategy effectively to become successful.

First of all, if you’re a new business in the market, you should start with search engine optimization on your website by creating blogs, guides and downloads. The more you invest into your website , the more traffic you’ll get to your products. It’s also smart to start posting on social media as well because most of the time your users are on social media browsing and might like your product.

Over time you’ll start receiving new traffic to your website without having to pay for it. However, SEO strategies for E-commerce businesses are slightly different from regular SEO practices.

Secondly and more importantly comes pay per click advertising. After reading our tips below you’ll see that it’s best to invest time and effort into your potential customers before you start spending money on PPC. If you know who and what your ideal customer wants you can show them the perfect ads at the perfect time!

By following these practices you’ll start driving more and more traffic to your website on a consistent basis. Just remember if you want “free” traffic you’ll have to be patient and consistent to see the results you’re looking for.


Whether you’re writing blogs, social media posts or payed ads you need to focus your marketing around the keywords your idea customer is actually searching for. You can use tools like Google trends, our website EcomHunt and just thinking about what you would search for when you wanted to buy your product.

Helpful Content:

Use your knowledge to post helpful content around the internet. If you become the “go to” expert for your product your consumers will reach out to you when they’re ready to buy. This will also help with branding around your business name so your past consumers will go directly to your website to purchase instead of through your ads.


This is one of the most important aspects to running an online business and is helpful in a variety of ways.

  1. Google search engines – search engines look for websites that post helpful, consistent content around their keywords.
  2. Follow-up/Branding – the more your ideal customers see you around the internet, the better their relationships become with you.

Paid Advertising:

Once you know who your ideal customer is and you’ve gathered some reviews on your website you should start running paid ads. Think about where your customers are (are they searching on Google for your product or searching social media)? You can then start using targeted ads to show your product to these customers throughout the internet.


It doesn’t matter what type of business you run, they say the sales are in the follow-up. You can use tools like abandon cart which will email the customer if they don’t follow through with their purchase. Also use email marketing to continue following up with your past customers so they come back when they’re ready to purchase again.

The Key Takeaway:

Our top advice before you start advertising and running consistent SEO is to do a ton of research first. Ask your potential customers what they want, what will help them and most importantly what they’ll purchase. This will help you save a lot of time and money when running your E-commerce business. You can also reach out to us or visit our recommended product page. We’re experts in this industry and can help advise you on the best practices along the way.

Ecomhunt New FREE Features – Saturation Inspector?


Whats up everybody !

Mordechai Arba here founder and CEO of Ecomhunt with some amazing features!
These new features will speed up your work and of course give you extra advantage on your competitors and help you spend less money on highly competitive products.

Watch the video to learn all about them:

Click here to see the features in action => https://ecomhunt.com

Feature 1:
Saturation Inspector

How to use?
Each product we upload to Ecomhunt will get an auto generation stores search based on the product keywords and find other stores that are selling this same product.

The saturation inspector will show you how many stores are now selling this product, lot of store selling this product = lot of competition 😉

Feature 2:
Ecomhunt Shopify Products Import

How to use?
Can’t be easier ! all you have to do is click the import button, install the Ecomhunt app and you are all set! one click import from Ecomhunt to Shopify is on!

Got ideas, new features? Comment below !

What are the steps to start an eCommerce business?

start an ecommerce business

Start an E-commerce Business
What are the steps to start an eCommerce business

Start an eCommerce business – Starting an eCommerce business is a great idea! E-commerce is ruling the world in the current trend; you can be successful for sure. Yet, there are some steps that needed to be followed while starting an E-commerce business. Take a look at the process below to get your E-commerce business started right away.

Have a Business Plan

Writing a business plan will help you to think about your audience and you will sketch your business according to the customer’s perspective.

Create a Value Proposition

Creating a short yet detailed value proposition is a good measure to know how clear your idea is. It should be written in a way that you have only a minute to explain your business to your potential investors or customer. Practicing it over, again and again, will give you the confidence to explain your ideas to someone. Once you are satisfied with your approach, use it on your website as your company’s description.

Find Out Your Business Model

It is always a good habit to develop a framework at first for your business model. Since, once you go throughout the different stages of your business plan and wide study, you will be in a need to create some modification to your business model. There are numerous ways to sell a product online and you could employ several different business models too.

Analyzing the Market

It will let you know the industry in which you operate the outlook of the overall industry, the existing competitors and your target customer demographic. Prior to getting started in the writing section, try to spend several hours researching the market.

Make use of Google Analytics

You can make use of Google’s keyword planner and trends pages to get a good sense of how in demand your product is and know whether it’s trending upward or downward. Google is great for a general idea, just don’t bank on it.

Getting Traffic and Sales to the Website

So, now you might have come to a conclusion that you have a great business idea and it is in a growing market. Right conclusion- but have you wondered how to drive traffic to your website and get customers to buy it? And how much amount you can afford to spend on your products?

If you don’t know your customer, your business will fail”

So, in order to come with the best business strategy, you need to know your customer very well at first.

Select the Right Technology

With more advanced technology and Software as a Service Products, it is predominant to recognize the various moving parts and diagram on how they are integrated with each other.

Some of the different elements include:

  • Shopping Cart
  • Payment Processor
  • Fulfillment Center
  • Social Media Planning Tools
  • Accounting
  • Newsletter
  • Customer Loyalty Programs

Come up with the list of different products and services that you need to run your business as well as the monthly and per transaction cost of each of them. This will help you to understand the impact of these services on your margins.

Financial Management

The financial section is used to figure out sales, net income, and expenses of the business. Moreover, you need to create a monthly excel schedule with these following columns:

  • Projected revenue: First come up with your projected number of units sold and then come up with your projected revenue.
  • Fixed expenses: These are expenses that are fixed no matter how much you sell. Typically, these relate to monthly Software as a Service subscription, employee salaries or rent.
  • Variable expenses: these expenses change in direct proportion to how much you sell. Common examples include cost of goods sold and payment processing fees.

This strategy will help the business owners to understand what they need to achieve to meet their profit goals in a better way. In reality, projections are always off the market, yet it is good to give yourself some measurable goals to work for. Take a look at a recent article we wrote that shows 5 low-cost marketing tactics.

The E-commerce Takeaway:

Step 1. Get an affordable & reliable hosting. Look for a hosting provider that offers free SSL security and a reliable CDN.

Step 2. Install WordPress or Shopify. Most popular hosting companies let you install just by clicking a button. Choose a username that is not “admin” and a decent 7+ character password and you’re good to go.

Step 3. Buy a premium theme from Themeforest or use one they already have. Here’s a fun fact: you’ve probably just saved yourself a few hundred bucks. Here’s why: if you have a small budget (for web development, a small budget means <$1000), no one will make you a decent website from scratch.

Step 4. Get your first page online. Go to site’s dashboard => pages => add new. Start writing your first introduction post. Click post. That’s all that it takes.

Step 5. Sign up for Google Adwords and collect the free sign up voucher. Depending on your location, it’s anything from $50 to $100 and it might ask you to deposit and spend $10 first. But you’re getting a great ROI anyway.

You can’t go into this blind — you need to know your numbers. How much does your product cost, per unit, landed at your front door? What are your shipping costs, including all fulfillment components, such as staff, software, postage, etc.? What are your merchant processing fees?

Also, look for ways to cut costs, because as your sales volume increases, it can be a way to drastically increase your revenue. If you are doing a lot of volume in transactions, don’t be afraid to negotiate a better rate with your processing company.