Hey there!
For this week’s article, I decided to look for products on Aliexpress and post the ones that I think have the most potential to sell. For each product I pick, I will also give you targeting suggestions, a selling strategy, and some extra valuable tips to increase your selling chances.
Hope you like my picks.
1. Electric Body Massager
I chose this product for 2 main reasons:
The first one is the rising popularity of all type of massagers during COVID-19 lockdowns around the world. I’ve seen plenty of ads on Facebook and other places for massagers and almost every ad I saw was really blowing up.
I guess some people are looking to release the tension and a massager is just the thing they need. They’re also pretty cheap, even the high-quality ones, so you can find a massager and sell it for $50~$70 which is just about the retail price in stores.
The second one is the upcoming holiday in the US and other countries – Mother’s Day. This is a HUGE holiday and a massager can be a great gift to an elderly mother. I’ve seen plenty of comments from older women/men about how these massagers help them and how much they enjoy using the product.
If you hit the right audience and perfect it with a well made video ad, you can really hit it big! Of course, the video ad should talk about how this massager is a great gift for Mother’s Day and preferably show footage of elderly people using it.
Selling strategy:
This product has pretty good reviews on Aliexpress and it looks like it sells for $30 with a box. I would recommend selling this product with a box and not choose the cheaper version which is the one without the box.
You can price it on your dropshipping store for $55~$60 and offer free shipping with it. This is a standard price for this kind of massager and we still have a good $25~$30 profit margin to work with.
Quantity discounts is something that I don’t think will work here. In most cases, customers will probably order a single unit so offering quantity discounts will just take more space on your product page. You can still try it out if you really want to, but I recommend keeping it clean.
Same goes for upsells – I have no specific idea what upsell to offer with this massager so I would not offer anything. When I have no idea what to offer, I prefer not offering anything at all to not slow down the checkout process.
Colors – This isn’t a fashion item where offering more colors can improve your sales. It’s a simple massager that comes in red or blue so just import one color(blue) to make your customers choose faster.
There are plenty of interests we can choose from on Facebook and the only difference between a regular or a Mother’s Day targeting will be the age we choose and the ad itself.
If you’re looking to target people that will buy it as a Mother’s Day gift, then you can go for something like this:
Age 30-50, you can even go 30-60, men & women + massage interests. Show some elderly people in your ad, talk about how this product is a great gift for Mother’s Day, and you are good to go.
Another example:
Same as the first one just using a different interest. I recommend trying out a CBO campaign with one interest per adset.
There are plenty of massagers on Aliexpress and you don’t need to stick to this one because of me. Search for different massagers and maybe you’ll find something much better than the one I recommended here.
Take a look at this massager for example:
It’s an “acupuncture” massager that looks to be really well made. The reviews are fantastic and it sells for almost the same price as the first one. The first massager, which is a great massager, looks a bit standard compared to this one.
This acupuncture massager has a cool design and it just gives a different vibe from the first one, and this is why it can maybe sell even better. So just make sure to look for other options before jumping in on any of these massagers!
2. A Watch That is Also a Lighter
This watch is a gimmick – It’s cool but it doesn’t really solve a real problem. It is designed to attract attention and nothing more. Yes, it may be handy if you forgot/lost your lighter and you have this watch on you, but I think this isn’t the way to sell it.
If I were to sell this product, I would choose the gimmicky direction over being all serious about it and portraying it as a “big problem solver” for smokers. This product is cheap, cool, and it attracts people’s attention – And your ad should be the same.
Here’s what you should do if you want to sell this product successfully:
- Sell it for cheap – This product sells for about $10(including shipping), so price it around $24.99~$29.99 and offer free shipping.
- Create a cool ad – It’s a 100% emotional purchase with this product so make sure your ad looks super cool! I suggest checking out Fiverr gigs and looking for ones that can make a cool Tik Tok type video ad.
- Offer only one color(silver) – The silver one is what most people choose so offer just this one version. No point offering the black version which is just a dark version of the inside…
- Target young people – Based on the reviews and common logic, it looks like this product is a hit with the younger audience.
- Target worldwide – USA is the obvious choice but I recommend trying out worldwide targeting too. With this type of products, you can never where it can be a hit.
And most importantly:
Consider using Influencers instead of Facebook ads – This product is the type that can do really well as a simple post on some Influencer page saying how cool it is. I would search for young influencers or for meme pages with good engagement to try and close a deal.
If you don’t how to do it, then check out this article on how to promote products using Instagram Influencers. I also recommend checking out Biaheza’s Youtube videos about Instagram and Tik Tok influencers. If you have experience with Tik Tok, then it can be even better than using Instagram influencers.
In case you still want to try Facebook ads, here are my targeting suggestions:
The targeting is the easy part and all we have to do is target smokers. We can do it by targeting popular cigarette brands and using smoke related interests. Of course, the age group is young people so I would go for 18-28, 18-30 max!
Targeting example 1:
Targeting example 2:
Facebook has strict rules about selling tobacco products. Make sure to check their TOS on what products you can sell and what you can’t. It could be that lighters are fine but if you mention “cigarette” or “tobacco” in your ad, it will be disapproved and you risk getting banned. In this case, I recommend only using Influencers.
Also, please don’t forget that Facebook scans your Shopify store and they know exactly what products you have there. If you import this product to your general store and sell something else, you can still get banned if this product is not allowed.
Just having this product in your store is enough to get you banned… So don’t even import it before checking out their rules and being 100% sure it won’t get you into trouble!
3. Yoga Leg Stretcher
This yoga leg stretcher has caught my attention because of how simple it is to use. You can use this product anywhere and it also supports multiple yoga positions which is exactly what yoga enthusiasts are looking for.
It is also pretty cheap, about $6 with shipping(on this listing), and you can offer quantity discounts to throw in more pieces for a discounted price. Overall, a great product yoga enthusiasts will really like.
Selling strategy:
I would sell this product for $19.99 + $2.95 shipping or $24.99 + Free Shipping. I think $19.99 price point with a small shipping fee is better than selling for $24.99 + free shipping because there’s a small trick I would like to use when offering quantity discounts.
When offering quantity discounts, I sometimes like to sweeten even more the deal by offering a 10% discount if they pick 2 items AND also free shipping. This makes the deal look much better than just offering 10% discount for 2 items.
I think there’s a big chance your customers would want to purchase at least 2 pieces so this sweet discount can really close the deal for you. Make your customers feel like they really won and the sales will roll in!
Targeting yoga lovers is pretty simple – We start from women at all ages and combine it with general yoga interests. You can also include companies(if exist on FB) that sell yoga accessories. At first, I would recommend avoiding interest such as Yoga pants because it’s a bit too general. Women wear yoga pants everywhere now and not just for yoga classes…
Targeting example #1:
Women 22~60 combined with one single “Yoga mat” interest. This targeting option is safe to test and has the Yoga lovers we are looking for.
Another targeting example which I think is a bit better and more precise:
Women of the same age but this time combined with different yoga practice styles. These interests are more precise than the general “Yoga mat” interest – A yoga mat is not just for yoga and people use it for other stuff too.
To Sum It Up:
I hoped you liked my product picks and I hope my tips and targeting suggestions will help you to turn this products into winners. There’s a possibility one(or maybe all) of these products is on Ecomhunt so try to search for it to check its data.
You may find something useful like previous ad which can help you a lot if you decide to sell the same product 😉
Good luck!
Struggling to find good products to sell? Not sure who’s your target audience? Tired of losing money on products you were sure were “winners”?
Then Ecomhunt is what you need! Find hot winning products that are added daily, spy on their ads & stores and import them into your store in 1 click and Start Selling Today!
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- 5 Reasons Why Your Dropshipping Store Is Failing
- 5 Facebook Ad Mistakes You Should Avoid Doing
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Daniel Aloni is one of the leading mentors in the Ecomhunt family. Daniel is a highly experienced Print On Demand seller with multiple 6 figures successful launches.