It’s almost the most wonderful time of the year, and for us dropshippers it’s a chance to make a small fortune. Q4 is all about finding the right product to sell and the best way to do that is of course with Ecomhunt.
But before going to Ecomhunt, I decided to check the trending product on our newest Ecomhunt LIVE app, which is totally free for all our users, to see if I can find something interesting to sell there. Fortunately for you, I stumbled upon some really trendy women shoes that are currently rising in trend and I feel these can sell REALLY well.
The product I’m going to review and give you tips on how you can sell it too are these Sock Sneakers:
These shoes look trendy and I believe most women would love to have a pair. The aliexpress page has good quality pictures of this product which makes our life much easier – We don’t have to focus on a video ad and can just try and sell these with a good looking photo ad. The price is reasonable which gives us a pretty good profit margin if we sell these for $39.99 or even $49.99, and as it gets colder everywhere these are just the right shoes to sell right now ?
In this week’s article, you’ll get selling tips like targeting, ad examples, sale strategy, and more so make sure to read everything to not miss a single detail that might help you to make some sales.
1. Sock Sneakers Stats On Ecomhunt LIVE Analysis
Ecomhunt LIVE stats shows us pretty decent sales on Aliexpress, about 80+ sales a day on average, which is really good for us because it shows there’s plenty of interest in this product. The customer score is great and based on that I can say people definitely LOVE these shoes. On top of checking the customer score graph, I also check the reviews on the sale page just to be sure everything’s fine.
Looking at the top countries by orders, we can see these shoes are pretty popular in Poland and Israel. This is a critical information we can use to gain an advantage over other dropshippers – Instead of selling to US like the rest, we can start with Poland and Israel only and see how it goes.
Unfortunately, Brazil and Mexico are dealing with huge COVID-19 outbreaks so I wouldn’t sell there unless you use a fulfillment company who can guarantee a 100% delivery. Avoid these countries for now and let’s hope they’ll soon manage to win against this nasty outbreak.
Note #2:
If it sells in Poland, it will probably also sell in other European countries too. Try targeting Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, or just Europe in general and you’ll probably get some sales. Don’t forget to choose English(all) in languages to target only people who speak English.
If you’re a native Polish/German speaker, it can be a good thing to translate the sale page and target them directly. This will give you an edge over other dropshippers who can target only English speakers living in these countries.
Note #3:
Even if the US is not one of the top countries by order on Aliexpress, you should still target US just to see if you can get sales. Don’t use all your budget on Poland/Europe alone and always test USA/Canada too.
So based on Ecomhunt LIVE which tells us this product is currently trending ,we can see that it’s a solid product to try and sell during Q4.
2. Sock Sneakers Stats On Ecomhunt Analysis
These shoes have many styles on the Aliexpress sale page starting from $14 for a pair up to $20. If you pick the least expensive ones to sell, then a $40 selling price + free shipping is just the right price you want to sell them for on your store.
As you see, this product was posted on Ecomhunt 7 months ago and sold pretty well back then. You should know by now that winning products tend to return back and sell again and again so it looks like it’s making a comeback as we speak.
Let’s take a look at the original ad on Facebook just to see how it was doing back then:
Good engagement on this video ad followed by some great comments of really happy customers. This product definitely made some good sales when it was first posted on Ecomhunt and it’s ready to make some more this Christmas.
One more thing you should always do is go through the profiles of those who leave a comment – This will give you a better idea who is your target audience so you don’t have to waste money targeting uninterested people.
These shoes are women’s shoes so one of the target options is to target ALL women + some fashion interests like suggested on Ecomhunt:
Women of all ages shop in these stores so you definitely must have at least one adset with this exact targeting.
Now, if you want to be more specific, the first thing we see when looking at the comments is that these shoes are more popular amongst older women. This is also based on the reviews I found on Aliexpress where it’s clearly shown that it’s bought by older women(just check the photo reviews).
This means that for other adsets, you should try and target women starting from 35 – Leave the really young ages alone and target older women who look for more comfort than style. You can target the same stores as in the targeting suggestion above.
Targeting suggestion #2 example:
You can also try and target women who spend a lot of time on their feet at work who are in constant need of new and comfortable shoes. And if they’re stylish like the ones we sell here, then it’s a nice bonus.
First thing that popups in my mind are nurses and here’s a quick targeting example:
As you can see, I lowered the age from 35 to 25 because in this case, being comfortable is more important and we will miss quite a lot of nurses if we target only from 35.
3. Ads Suggestions + Examples
You can advertise these shoes by using a video ad but my suggestions is to try a photo ad instead. Same as with jewelry, shoes tend to sell really well with photo ads and not just video ads like other dropshipping products.
The reason to that is that there’s not really too much you need to display like product features and a good high quality photo is more than enough. The example you see above is something I made in photoshop using 3 photos I took from the Aliexpress seller page.
It’s a 1200×1500 photo ad, which looks great in Instagram and Facebook feeds, so all you need is to add some description text and it’s ready.
If you want a clickable photo, you will have to stick with a square photo ad(1080×1080/1200×1200). The 1200×1500 photo ad size takes more space on the user’s screen BUT you can’t make it clickable. Instead, the customer will have the option to see the original picture zoomed in, and if he wants to shop he has to click on the SHOP NOW button or on the link in the description.
So if you choose to go with the 1200×1500 photo ad size, make sure the link is displayed in the first 3 lines of your description – The link MUST appear before the “see more” button which shows the rest of the text in your description.
A good description text for a 1200×1500 photo ad:
“These shoes are the perfect combination between comfort and style
Get yours here => store link”
*Rest of the description text, like sizes/colors/material can come after the call-to-action text – This way the link will be shown in the description before the “see more” button.*
You can always go with a single square photo ad but you should somehow upgrade it to make it look more attractive. Add a special background, play with the colors a bit, blur and enhance some parts of the picture, etc… If you can’t do that, then just go with a simple slider video ad.
Pro tip:
You can always ask the seller for more photos/videos of the same product – Aliexpress sellers do not display everything they have on their sale page so don’t forget to ask them for some new footage you can use for your video/photo ads.
4. Selling Price + Tips
You have multiple versions of the same shoes, some more colorful and some less, and the price you will pay for these shoes is $15 for the cheapest version and $20 for the more expensive one. You should sell them for $39.99(minimum) or $49.99(maximum). This gives you a large enough profit margin after deducting the ad costs + all the other small commissions everyone else takes.
How to increase your Average Order Value selling these shoes:
I am a big believer in milking more money from customers on the product page BUT only if I have the right strategy to make it work. If you have a good upsell that works really well with the product you already sell, then yeah just go for it. If you don’t have anything like that, then don’t just add a random product…
Remember that any extra action a customer makes, like thinking about taking an upsell, is making him to stop and think instead of proceeding to the checkout page. If your upsell is just a random product, no matter how trending it is, then the customer will just spend more time on your product page instead of typing his credit card number and completing a purchase.
In our case, I can’t think of any logical upsell for these shoes so I would sell them as they are and not offer any upsell. It’s better to first score a customer, get your money, and later you can think on ways to sell him more stuff.
Instead of an upsell, we can offer quantity discounts if the women visiting our store decide to buy more than one pair. Now this is a lot more logical because there’s an actual chance they’ll like our shoes so much they would want more than one pair. OR buy a second pair as a gift to a friend or family member…
So if we sell one pair for $49.99, we can offer 2 pairs for 10% OFF or even a 15% OFF discount.
Another cool option is to offer shipping and if a customer takes 2 pairs, she gets 10% off + free shipping – This is a much bigger win for our customer than a simple quantity discount. You’ll have to test both methods to see which one works best.
To Sum It Up:
This is it for our trending product alert and I hope the tips I gave you today will help you score some sales. There are similar variations to these shoes on Aliexpress and I believe there are some waterproof versions as well so make sure to check them out.
Good luck!
Struggling to find good products to sell? Not sure who’s your target audience? Tired of losing money on products you were sure were “winners”?
Then Ecomhunt is what you need! Find hot winning products that are added daily, spy on their ads & stores and import them into your store in 1 click and Start Selling Today!
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- [New Feature] Ecomhunt LIVE – Catch Trending Winning Products Before Anyone Else!
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- Use These 2 Methods To Get Traffic And Sales For Free – Zero Investment Dropshipping

Daniel Aloni is one of the leading mentors in the Ecomhunt family. Daniel is a highly experienced Print On Demand seller with multiple 6 figures successful launches.
Thank you for the tip. Im going to try.
Very informative. Thank you.
My products very good