Welcome to the fourth and last part of how to create the perfect CBO campaign on Facebook blog series!
In the first 3 parts, I showed you how to create a CBO campaigns and explained in detail almost everything you need to know about Facebook’s pixel, targeting, ads and more.
In the fourth part, I’ll talk about the different results you may get and what are the next possible steps. Should you kill your campaign and try again or just move on? Should you continue selling without scaling? Were the results good enough to begin scaling and hopefully make a bank?
All these question will be answered in this part 🙂
If you missed the first three parts, you can read part 1 here, part 2 here, and part 3 here.
So You Launched Your First CBO Campaign…
And now you’re either going to bed and hopefully by the time you wake up, the dashboard on Shopify will have these numbers(or better). But unfortunately, in most cases, your Shopify dashboard will look like this:
It’s not easy getting sales… Especially if you’re a beginner and you just launched your first CBO test campaign. You need to have the right product, a good optimized store with a high-converting product page, a good ad, etc, to get sales right from the start.
There are many things you can do wrong that can mess up your test campaigns. Even if you hire the best video ad service out there, it won’t help you get sales if your product is bad or your store is badly optimized.
And the biggest problem is that you might think you have it all when you actually don’t – I’ve encountered plenty of cases like these where dropshippers thought they had it all under control. In such cases, I always recommend getting some help and even publicly asking people to review your store and ads.
Is it the same case for more experienced dropshippers?
Yes and No.
YES – They’re not gods so they do get zero sales on multiple products they test. But compared to beginners, they can identify the problem almost instantly and decide what to do next.
NO – They’re more likely to squeeze that first sale from their test campaigns because they simply have much more experience. They’ve tested plenty of products and got sales so when they know what to do.
So what can you do to be more like the experienced dropshippers?
- Start by checking out ALL the articles written by me on this blog. It won’t take you more than 1 day, on and off, to go through everything I wrote. You can find articles about most common mistakes online store owners make, how to create high-converting product page, scaling and testing methods, case studies and winning product articles where I show you how I would’ve done things.
- Understand that what you think is “BEST” isn’t really the case. I recently checked some of my old campaigns and I couldn’t believe I actually spent money on these… Don’t try to reinvent the wheel – Best method is to look at successful ads you find on Facebook and learn from them. Check their store, product page, checkout flow, etc.
- Go through our official Youtube channel – Additional tips, case studies and lots of other useful stuff can be found there.
- Don’t expect getting sales right from the start – Remember that advanced dropshippers failed more times than you ever tried.
- Understand that like in every business out there, you need to invest money. The “lucky” ones can get a sale after the first $5 spend and continue getting even more sales while others can spend $2k with zero sales overall. Remember that this business costs are nowhere near to what you have to invest to open a physical business!
- Keep trying – If you’re going to quit after testing only 5 products, then dropshipping probably isn’t for you.
The Results And What To Do With Them
Sales with profit, Sales but only breaking even, Sales but we’re losing money and no Sales at all – These are the 4 most popular scenarios and I’ll quickly explain what to do in each of them before I show you some live examples.
Sales with profit – The best case scenario where not only do we get sales, but we’re also have cheap enough conversions to leave us some profit. It looks like we did something right and this is where we should just leave our ads working for a bit more time before we continue to the first stage of scaling.
Sales but only breaking even – We succeeded at getting sales with our product which isn’t an easy task at all. There’s no profit unless we tweak our ads and try doing some things a bit differently. Maybe one age group is buying our product so creating a new adset with only that age group could get us sales and profit? Maybe the price is high and lowering it just a bit will boost our conversion rate? Plenty of options to tweak our ads and hopefully start profiting. But even if everything fails, remember that the data you get now can be later used so don’t you stop your ads!
Sales but we’re losing money – This is where we need to decide quickly what to do next. Is there any room for improvements to get sales and actually profit or at least break even? Maybe if we switch from that low quality video ad and try using a high quality photo ad it will work better? Or maybe if we give this campaigns a few more days, it’ll be better…
No Sales at all – The worst case scenario. We have to check everything from our store to our ads and see if there’s something we missed. Just don’t be quick to judge and remember that getting results takes time. If only a few hours have passed, you’re way too early to judge.
To know exactly what to do and to identify the issue, you need to learn how to read your Facebook ad results. Check the article I linked just now where you can learn how to read your ad results and hopefully identify the issues of your future ad campaigns.
Make sure to also check the article where I explain the possible reasons to getting traffic but no sales. I go through most common reasons to not getting sales and advise possible solutions.
This Isn’t Rocket Science
After reading my articles, you’ll quickly understand that this isn’t really that hard and there aren’t any tricks or secrets. If everything from your ad to your store is well made, it will be really easy for you to understand the results. Logical thinking is all you need.
If you’re getting Add to Carts and Initiate checkout but no sales, what does it mean? It means that your ad and product are doing a great job at attracting the customers and getting them to actually go through the checkout process. But something in the end like shipping price, payment processors or something else is stopping them.
If you’re getting almost no link clicks, then this means your ad or your targeting sucks.
In the above screenshot, you can see a CBO campaign I had with 4 adsets in it. CBO as you know, is using the daily budget the way he wants to and decided how much each adset will get. In this case, on the adsets got a cheap, $8 conversion and spent only $8 while the other has eaten $40 and got only 1 sale.
So in this case, I just close the one adset that ate $40 and brough me one sale only and focused on the one that gave me that cheap conversion. I didn’t close the one adset that spent too much right away and gave it a “grace” period till I woke up the next morning. When it didn’t bring any sales while still eating a lot of my budget, I closed it. And after that, the CBO campaign with only 3 adsets left was working MUCH better.
Let’s look at this CBO campaign:
In this case, 2 of the adsets here are performing well while the 3rd one isn’t doing so good. What I did is close the one with $20 conversion and keep only the 2 best ones running. The next step, after waiting a few days, is to try and scale it.
How do we do it? I personally duplicate the good adset into a new CBO campaign 3 times and let it run. Some prefer increasing the budget on the original campaign but I like duplicating method more.
So in this case, the next logical thing is to duplicate the good adset into a new campaign x3.
And this is how scaling looks like:
First I had a CBO campaign with multiple adsets in it. I killed the bad ones and left the good ones and after some time of getting stable results, I continued to scale it. I slowly duplicated every good adset into a new, separate CBO campaign and did it 3 times per each good adset. Then I just continued and duplicated the good campaigns again and again until I was spending thousands of dollars a day.
Daily budgets from $20 to $50, depending on my mood – I either lowered the daily budget or killed the bad campaigns and duplicated x3 or even x6 the good ones. No “special” tricks or 8-figure “secrets”. Simple, logical thinking. That’s it…
What about less successful ad results… Do you have those too?
Of course! Plenty of “bad” results where I struggled getting sales and only breaking even or just losing money…
The screenshot above is a CBO campaign for a Valentine’s Day product where from day one, we pretty much struggled at getting sales. In the end, we kept only 1 adset and killed the rest and with this, we were only breaking even.
The other adsets that didn’t spend so much were tested in a new campaign again just to be sure we didn’t miss anything. The adsets we tested again brought no results and in the end, we decided to kill this campaign and try a different product we believed in.
This could’ve been a winning product but we had too many other products to test. But maybe we will test this product again on Mother’s Day and this time prepare a killer video ad and use the information we already got to test only the best performing audience.
To Sum It Up:
There’s no special tricks or secrets to succeed in dropshipping – The successful dropshippers you see on Facebook or Youtube use regular methods and they don’t have any special tricks they keep for themselves.
It’s just that when testing a product, they have everything perfected. The video ads they create are great and catchy, their store is optimized, the targeting and everything else is setup in the best possible way to get sales. So the one thing left is to check the results they get and decide their plan of action.
Unfortunately, this isn’t the case for beginners and in most cases, they miss something and that’s why they don’t get any sales… So in order to succeed, you have to take it slow and make sure you don’t miss a thing. If you rush it, big chance you’re going to fail…
Take it slow and before you touch anything, check the articles in this blog and our official Youtube channel.
Thank you for reading and I hope you liked the final part of the series 🙂
Good luck!
Struggling to find good products to sell? Not sure who’s your target audience? Tired of losing money on products you were sure were “winners”?
Then Ecomhunt is what you need! Find hot winning products that are added daily, spy on their ads & stores and import them into your store in 1 click and Start Selling Today!
Must Read Articles:
- 5 Dropshipping Youtube Channels You MUST Follow
- Learn To Read And Understand Facebook Ad Results
- Getting Traffic But No Sales? Here Are All The Possible Causes and Solutions

Daniel Aloni is one of the leading mentors in the Ecomhunt family. Daniel is a highly experienced Print On Demand seller with multiple 6 figures successful launches.
Thank you for this article. When you duplicate the successful adsets are you changing any of key parameter like audience targeting, placement, ad copy?
Hi Sreejit!
With CBO, I just duplicate it as it is and sometimes I play with my budget.
Sometimes I do change something and maybe add an extra interest or select a different age to see how it’ll work. If it goes well, I am duplicating the new campaign with new targeting again 🙂
Hi Daniel……As always GREAT Post!!!!
Daniel, one of topics you mention here is high converting product page.
Is possible any Post or examples you consider Great Product Pages???
Thanks a lot,