In this week’s article, I decided to talk about Ecomhunt’s dropshipping resources which are available for all our users for FREE.
Our e-books cover anything you need to know about dropshipping: From creating your first Shopify dropshipping store to secret tweaks and tricks that will take your online store to the next level.
Sometimes it can be a bit confusing and you might find yourself not knowing where to start, so this article will guide you through all of our e-books so you know where to begin your journey!
Ecomhunt’s Resources About Dropshipping
Ecomhunt is the #1 platform out there to find winning products and dropship them on your stores. On top of that, Ecomhunt also provides necessary research data for each product and gives you access to features & apps which will help you stay ahead of the competition.
Product & competitor research is a complex process and it can be very time consuming if you do everything manually. That’s why more and more dropshippers that are looking to scale their businesses are using Ecomhunt to save their time for the REALLY important stuff. So if you’re a dropshipper looking to up your game, then Ecomhunt is a must!
But what if you have no clue about dropshipping? Fortunately for you, we have you covered with EVERYTHING you need to know completely for free!
Ecomhunt is suited for both advanced dropshippers and complete beginners – If you have no clue how this business operates, we will take you hand by hand and teach you everything you need to know about dropshipping.
It may see complicated at first, but it really isn’t once you dive into our free e-books and all of our other sources. We have step-by-step guides with plenty of pictures for everything and replicating what you see will be a piece of cake.
And if you’re more of a listener than a reader, our Youtube channel is filled with videos to get you started! I’ll cover everything in this article to make it easier for you to navigate between all our free sources.
First you need a store:
To sell something online, you first need to have a place where customers can come, check what you’re selling, and eventually buy your product if they like it. The way most dropshippers do it is by building their own online store and listing their product there.
There are plenty of companies that offer to build for you an online store, but our preferred choice, and in our opinion also the best one, is to build an online store on Shopify. Why? Because it’s beginner friendly and has almost no need in custom coding.
With Shopify, you don’t need to worry about store’s loading speed, security, compatibility, and other complicated stuff beginners(and even experienced sellers) will find super hard to deal with.
To build the perfect Shopify store, and to setup it the best way possible for maximum conversions, you will need to follow the instructions found on our free Dropshipping made Simple e-book.
This e-book has absolutely everything you need to know about Shopify and how to build it completely from scratch.
The best part of this guide is that it’s very cost efficient and you won’t be needed to spend hundreds of dollars on unnecessary designs, or install useless Shopify apps that only cost you money. Every small detail is covered with screenshots to show you exactly what to do to setup your first 100% optimized Shopify store.
And as a bonus, you will also learn our ways on finding your first winning product to list on your new store and how to plan your campaigns for maximum results. This is by far the most detailed e-book about Shopify store setup you will find online so make sure to grab it!
Now, if you’re more of a listener and would like to watch a video rather than read the whole e-book, then we have the perfect video series you’re absolutely going to LOVE!
This video series was created by Mordechai Arba who is also the CEO of Ecomhunt, and in his videos he will show you how to build your own one-product dropshipping store from scratch. It covers the same stuff our e-book has and the actual product he tested, the video ads, and the actual Facebook campaign.
This whole process is transparent and you will get to see all the little tweaks and optimizations made to the store, the actual ad created for the product, and the campaigns + the results he got back – Spoiler alert: this product made sales and was profitable!
The only difference between the e-book and these videos is that the videos focus on a one-product store and not on a general/niche store like in the e-book. One-product store requires a bit more investing into branding, designs, and getting a special domain name as it revolves around one product we choose to sell.
All the other stuff are the same for all type of stores so this video series covers it all and even more than the e-book ?
Next is getting traffic to your new store using Facebook ads
Facebook ads is the preferred choice by most of dropshippers to get traffic to their stores. It’s really simple to use, has no minimum daily budget, and Facebook does a good job on finding us the relevant people for the products we sell.
Still, you have to learn and understand how to launch your campaigns because there are a lot of mistakes you can do that will just burn your money away. So to make sure you don’t waste your money, we have an excellent e-book that will teach you everything you need to know about Facebook ads.
Our ultimate guide to Facebook CBO ads e-book will show you how to setup and launch your first ad campaign the right way. You will also find real examples from our own campaigns and 4 testing methods to mix it up a bit if one doesn’t work.
Why is it important to try different testing methods?
Each ad account behaves differently and what works best for us isn’t necessary going to be the same for you. That’s why it’s important to keep testing different methods till you find the one that brings you the best results(Same goes for scaling techniques which are also covered in this e-book).
It’s also important to know how to use Ecomhunt and all its features to find the best products to sell
Even though we cover finding winning product on our Dropshipping made Simple e-book, there’s still a lot more to learn about the right way to use Ecomhunt and its features to find the hottest, most trending products to sell.
This e-book was made to educate our users on the right way to use Ecomhunt and to maximize its full potential to never miss a winning product again. Our Ecomhunt on Steroids e-book covers all the special methods used by us to make sure no winning product is left behind.
Methods like searching on the old pages for old winners and launching them again on the right time, the correct use of all our apps & features, and more.
This e-book is a must because it covers a lot more about finding products to sell than what you can find on our Dropshipping made Simple e-book.
After getting all that done, it’s time to learn some advanced dropshipping hacks to take your store to the next level!
So you have built your first store, chose a product to sell, your ads are running, and people actually buy your products. But is it the maximum your store can bring you? Are there maybe any hidden issues that affect your sales?
Well if you don’t know the answer for these 2 questions, then you should definitely check out our Hacks for Dropshippers e-book!
This e-book is going to show you even more optimization techniques you can implement on your store to get more sales from your customers. It will help you understand how customers visiting dropshipping stores behave and what you should do to close the deal as fast as possible.
On top of that, there’s also the super important part about locating issues and improving your online store’s speed. It may sound a bit difficult at first but trust me that it’s super simple and the apps we’re going to use are 100% FREE.
Like I said before, we made sure our guides are very cost efficient so we will never ask you to spend extra money on stuff you don’t need.
This e-book is a must if you’d like to take your store from having an industry average performance to a much better one.
And then there’s the Evergreen Secrets to unlock the power of your existing power and make more sales without spending extra money on ads
This guide is all about making extra sales from your already existing traffic and customers without spending more money on ads. Email marketing, Funnels, retargeting, are all methods you can and should use to get more from your customers and traffic.
Each of the topics is explained followed by detailed examples and methods you can later use on your own store. For example: With Funnels you’ll learn about upsells/downsells which are ways of selling more to your customers without spending more on ads.
Email marketing can be used both ways to recover lost sales and to get more from your already existing customers. And there will be real examples from our own campaigns for you to better understand how everything works.
And last but not least, our product research, Shopify store, and Facebook ads checklists
These checklists are here to make sure you don’t forget anything important when creating your store, your ads, and when picking your next product to dropship. It’s easy to get lost and forget something on your first dropshipping venture, so these will be pretty handy.
On top of that, there’s also stuff we DON’T recommend doing on these checklists and these were designed so you don’t make any stupid mistakes that can cost you money…
These checklists are recommend for anyone who’s dropshipping and not only to beginners, so don’t be lazy and actually use them!
To Sum It Up:
Dropshipping is a very exciting venture and I know that sometimes you just want to quickly create your first store and launch your campaigns to get sales. Unfortunately, if you do it without the knowledge above, you’ll only be losing money…
So before doing anything, please read every e-book recommended in this article and take it slow. Trust me, your chances to succeed in this business will be much higher if you take your time and learn first.
Good luck!
Struggling to find good products to sell? Not sure who’s your target audience? Tired of losing money on products you were sure were “winners”?
Then Ecomhunt is what you need! Find hot winning products that are added daily, spy on their ads & stores and import them into your store in 1 click and Start Selling Today!
Must Read Articles:
- 3 Hot Products I Found Using Ecomhunt’s Newest Features – Ecomhunt LIVE, Ecomhunt Lucky & Ecomhunt Adam
- [New Feature] Meet Adam – Your Aliexpress Product Research Virtual Assistant
- 5 Reasons Why Your Dropshipping Store Is Failing – Part 2

Daniel Aloni is one of the leading mentors in the Ecomhunt family. Daniel is a highly experienced Print On Demand seller with multiple 6 figures successful launches.
Daniel Aloni,
Je suis nouveau dans ce domaine du dropshipping, et j’aimerais me documenter avant de me lancer. Chacun de vos articles que j’ai lu m’ont déjà appris beaucoup de choses, c’est très percutant, très explicite même pour un novice comme moi. J’aimerais accéder à lecture des e-books auxquels vous faites référence, seulement je voulais savoir si ils existaient en version de langue française ?!? Auriez-vous cela ? Ou existe-t’il une astuce, démarche pour les avoir en français ?!?
Dans cette attente, je vous en remercie par avance, et vous remercie pour vos articles !!!
Cordialement Stéphane
Hello Stephane!
I’m happy that you found my articles helpful and glad you enjoyed them and learned from them 🙂
Unfortunately though… There isn’t any guide or e-book available on our site in French. I’m really sorry about that.
I would recommend joining our Facebook group to maybe find French dropshippers who could possibly help you out and maybe even form with you some sort of future partnerships.
It’s a big community so I’m sure you’ll find at least one French speaking dropshipper.
Again, thank you for reading our articles and Good luck on your journey!