This week’s products is this cool photography backpack.
This product is something that photographers would LOVE to have. It has excellent reviews with a lot of customers posting their pictures which will boost our conversion rate when we import these reviews to our store. Sales are excellent too and the price is pretty cheap so we have enough room for profit 🙂
The photography niche is huge and photographers are known to spend a lot of money on their gear – This backpack can be just the thing they were looking for to keep their expensive gear safe and easily carry it with them. Lots of options to target so let’s jump in and see how can we sell this photography backpack with ad examples, selling strategies and more.
1. Campaign Type & Optimization:
I begin with Website Conversion campaign optimised for Purchase. I don’t care about having zero data and the red color “warnings”. I ALWAYS go with a Website conversion campaign optimised for purchases.
If your ad, targeting and product are good then you will see link clicks followed by actions on your site.
Sometimes, I may choose the “Add to Cart” optimisation and that works too(Sometimes it can even work better than purchase optimisation). Each ad account acts differently and this is something you will have to test for yourself.
Facebook tries to scare us because we’re using a pixel with no data and warns us that we won’t get any sales. This is their way to drive us into choosing a different optimization event to milk even more money from us. They want us to start from View Content optimization and slowly progress to Purchase optimization. And by doing that we will burn a lot of money…
And I usually go with 1 day click conversion window.
2. Number of Adsets & Daily Budget:
I recommend launching 3 to 5 testing adsets per campaign. You should test out different targeting options, different audiences, different ad types and not just launch 5 identical adsets.
Recommended daily budget that I successfully use: $7~$10
I usually go with $8+ budgets.
3. Targeting & Strategy:
The photography niche is HUGE and fortunately for us, it won’t be a problem finding interests to target. The only problem we may have is the competition on these interests and the photographers being picky(sometimes). There’s a big chance you’ll see high CPMs…
But in order to fight this, we’ll need to have a good ad and find some interests the majority simply forgot to target. There will be a lot of testing but once you hit the right audience, this niche can become a goldmine.
The targeting I chose:
- Women&Men(age 25-65+) & Photography interests + Lightroom – Adobe Lightroom is widely used by photographers but from my experience not many know about this program. This means that this interest could be “missed” by a lot of marketers who are currently trying to sell products in this niche. By targeting Adobe Lightroom interest, we may get lower CPMs and remove a good portion of our competition.
- Women&Men(age 25-65+) & Photography interests + image editing interests – Same as above. Trying to avoid targeting the classic photography interests
- Women&Men(age 25-65+) & Classic Photography interests – This is what everyone who just enters this niche targets. Big camera brands…
Note: I targeted only people from the U.S but don’t forget that we can target Worldwide. You can target European countries like France, Germany, Austria or english speaking countries like UK, AUS, NZ, CA. And you can always just target Worldwide(exclude “bad” countries).
Women&Men(age 25-65+) & Photography interests + Lightroom:
Women&Men(age 25-65+) & Photography interests + image editing interests:
Women&Men(age 25-65+) & Classic Photography interests:
Try targeting Germany and Austria – We had some good sales coming from them on one of our photography products.
Note: This is one of the times when a higher daily budget is better due to the expected high CPMs. I always recommend to test with a $8~$10 daily budget but this time it may not work. Try testing this product with at least $15 daily budget.
4. Ad placements:
I usually start only with Facebook feed but sometimes I mix it up and run it also on Instagram feed. Although if I decide advertising on Instagram then I usually separate and run a new adset only for Instagram users.
It’s just something I prefer doing but in both cases it should still work.
I run ads both on desktop and mobile. For Instagram ads, I target mobile users only.
Note: As you can see in this picture, I attached another “scare tactic” from Facebook that pushes you to basically spend more money by either raising your budget or going for a different optimization event. Do not be scared and run website conversion campaign optimised for purchase even if you have zero pixel data.
5. Ad Type & Copy:
This product is self explanatory and photographers will instantly understand that this is a photography bag. We also have some good product photos with camera parts packed inside so we can definitely use photo ads to test this product. But I still think that a video ad will work much better especially if it can show the packing of the gear is speed motion.
Ask the seller for video footage and if he doesn’t have, try looking for different sellers who sell the same item for video footage.
Here are the photo ads and ad text examples I created.
1200×1500 photo ad:
Another option:
6. Product Pricing & Selling Strategy:
Setting a price is an important step that if done right will help you keep getting sales with a healthy conversion rate. And if done wrong, your conversion rate is going to suck or you won’t even get any sales.
Product price on aliexpress is $10.5 and it comes with free epacket shipping(USA).
We can easily sell this backpack for $29.99 + Free Shipping or $24.99 + $4.95 shipping. Our profit margin is great(almost $20) and the price is pretty low so there’s no chance the price will be “too high” for them not to buy this excellent backpack.
Styles: Offer just 3 colors(green, red, purple) or even just 2(green, red). It’s just the interior so no point in offering all 4 colors – We want them to choose their color as fast as possible and proceed with the checkout process.
Selling Strategy:
I believe most customers will only get one backpack so offering quantity discounts won’t help us too much. But we can offer a cool tripod as an upsell! The aliexpress seller made that easy for us and he has a tripod + backpack listed for only $17.27 with free shipping too.
Create a new product listing on your store for this bipod and price it for $29.99. Then offer this tripod as an upsell for 50% off and sell it with the backpack. This will be a good way to increase your AOV.
Note: If you’re going to “brand” the backpack and give it a special name, remember to do the same for the upsell.
The Photography niche is a very lucrative but it has a lot of competition which makes it pretty hard to enter. This product may be your ticket because it’s pretty cheap($30 is nothing for photographers) and the quality seems to be really good. Once you get more data, you can always find more products to sell and hopefully you’ll manage to make this niche yours 😉
I hope you liked this week’s winning product article – Feel free to ask questions in the comments.
Good luck!
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Daniel Aloni is one of the leading mentors in the Ecomhunt family. Daniel is a highly experienced Print On Demand seller with multiple 6 figures successful launches.
Thank you sir,
You are suggesting good products…
My question is how can i group two different products and sell it at a time with one price to upsell on shopify, this feature mostly seen on Amazon,
thank you..
You can group them together manuall by creating 1 single listing. Let the customers know it’s the bag + the tripod and price it accordingly.
Thanks for sharing, Daniel. But don’t you think your audience is way too small? Every “guru”, every video out there, every course says that when we are testing the audience must be large enough (from 1.000.000 up to 15.000.000). Then when you’re scaling you can definitely refine by interests, demographics, platforms, placement, etc.
I have no idea why people are suddenly consider these audience small… Check out this article I wrote some time ago –
I talk there about small audiences and show the results I got from targeting an audience of 13k people. These are the kind of audiences you probably should not target when testing but audiences like 100k+ are fine.