This week’s winning product is in the gardening niche and it’s a product which I believe is going to explode in sales this Summer!
The gardening niche, if you haven’t known by now, is an absolute goldmine with a huge and passionate audience that is buying non-stop.
We even have a success story where a Nick Peroni did over $1,000,000 in sales with a single product in the gardening niche. I can’t reveal the product, but all you have to know is that it was from Ecomhunt ?
So who knows? Maybe this cool gardening product will be the next success story we post on our blog.
Oh and make sure to read the whole article because I will be reviewing everything there is about this product. From the Facebook ads to the store and the checkout process.
So don’t sleep on this product and start selling it right now!
The Product

This week’s Winning Product are these amazing protective claw gardening gloves. Not only does they protect your hands, they also replace some of the regular digging equipment due to the pointy hard claws located on the fingers.
You can basically do a lot of the digging with just your hands and this is something that any gardening enthusiast out there is going to absolutely LOVE…
Gardening as a niche is very lucrative and it’s basically exploding during the warmer seasons(which is beginning right about now).
So make sure to read the whole article to see the full review of the ads & store selling these gloves and my own tips that will help you make even more sales with this amazing product.
The Ad

I will start by saying that I am quite pleased with this video ad and pretty happy for this opportunity to show you something a bit different from what we’re all used to see.
The video ad starts with some quick demonstrations of this cool glove in action – There’s no text, just regular music. At first I was sure this is another one of these TikTok style ads on Facebook where all we see is the product in “action”.
Well I was wrong, because after about 6 seconds the video ad transforms into a classic style Facebook ad with text description. The original seller decided to start with a quick comparison of these gloves VS using regular tools which I very much liked.
And right after that quick comparison bit, he moved to explain more in detail about these gloves and their fortes.
Now, don’t get me wrong here… This video ad is pretty simple and it isn’t something we haven’t seen. It’s just that I really liked the structure of the video which is a bit more original from what we’re used to see on Facebook in the recent months.
I think this structure can work really well with other products as well so I suggest you take some notes and learn from it. Copying it with some of your own upgrades can possibly make you some good sales on the next product you decide to test 😉
The only thing I would change here is add a short Call-To-Action text at the end of the video with some kind of limited time promotion to get more clicks to your store.
Ad copy:

The ad copy is pretty short and to the point, which is something I personally like to do as well. There aren’t too many emojis like on some other ad copies I see, and the text explains well about why these gloves are a must have for gardening enthusiasts.
Perfect ad copy with nothing more to add. Although a call-to-action text at the end wouldn’t hurt, but that’s just me nitpicking here…
The Store

Now here’s a way to take a perfectly good winning product, with a perfectly well made video ad, and ruin your sales with a store that isn’t optimized well enough and has quite a lot of mistakes that just kill your sales.
Pay good attention to what I’m about to write here because it can save you a lot of sales for the products you test, and if you decide to test these gardening gloves on your store as well.
Before I begin to list all the mistakes the original seller made, I’ll just say that this store looks to be pretty standard. The product description is well made with enough GIF & pictures to explain everything there is about the product.

The description also has useful information about the store’s guarantees, the shipping times, and so on.
The product has many color variations but the original seller is offering only 1 color option which is a good thing. These are a paid of gloves and not some kind of a fashion accessory.
By offering a single color, he/she eliminates the “confusion” issue where customers are stuck on your store while trying to choose a color option they like the most.
The checkout process is much faster compared to where there are too many colors and customers wait too much time on the product page before proceeding to checkout.
But other than that, there are some critical mistakes done on this store that simply kill the conversion rate…
Here they are:
1. The gloves are way too cheap!

In my opinion, the price for these gloves is way too cheap and it instantly makes the product feel cheap as well. These gloves can easily sell for at least $19.99 and even $24.99 + Free Shipping.
In my country, I imagine these gloves will cost at least $29.99 and those who do gardening will buy them no questions asked. So selling them for not even $14? This just screams a “BAAAD” product! (by the way… the price is quite weird too).
2. Shipping isn’t FREE…

Well it’s free for orders over $49.99, so how much do you think the shipping will cost for one pair of gloves? I have no idea yet because I didn’t even get to the checkout review, but my guess is something around $5 maybe?
Either way, people HATE paying a shipping price that isn’t that far from the product’s original price. So if my theory is correct, and the shipping price is around $5, then it’s higher than 1/3 of the product’s price which is way too much!
3. The quantity discounts aren’t going to convert…

So here’s how these quantity discounts work – Instead of giving a discount on 2 pairs of gloves, industry standard discount, they are simply giving the third pair for free.
Now this may seem like a good discount, getting one pair completely for free, but who needs so many pairs on their first purchase? The customer hasn’t even tested them and you expect him to buy 3 pairs?
This isn’t an item you buy to your family members as a gift where you can expect a lot of units to be sold with each order, these are just simple gardening gloves with a cool tweak.
So instead of giving a discount on the second pair for customers who want to buy another pair for them or for someone as a gift, they just double the price to almost $28 and give a third pair for free.
From my point of view, I don’t see how this discount can work for them…
And then you have the third option which is buy 3 and get 2 free – 5 pairs? really? This is just terrible!
4. The ‘You Might Also Like’ section

So right under the product description, there’s this section with completely random products. The Amazon way of doing things but you’re not doing it right and you’re also not Amazon…
Here’s what this section does in this store:
- It confuses the customers with random products and prolongs the checkout process because they’re now browsing through all the random products this general store has.
- It loses sales because customers who are going through all these random products already forgot why they visited this store in the first place.
If you have nothing good to show in this section, if you’re not sure it will increase your sales, then it’s best to keep it off your product page on focus on that one original product you are promoting.
5. No reviews!!!

If you follow my articles, then you already know that reviews are a must have on any online store out there! It greatly improves the conversion rate and builds trust with your customers.
So why would this store not have any reviews? And why would it also display as if none reviews were added? I honestly have no idea why they did what they did, but a click on the Aliexpress link on Ecomhunt just opened me the Aliexpress product page where I can see reviews I can import.

And if there aren’t many on that link from Ecomhunt, you can always search for more listings on Aliexpress and you will definitely find more sellers with plenty of reviews you can import.
The lack of reviews on this store is a HUGE blow to their conversion rate and to their trust!
So as you can see, this store didn’t do so well to take the good amount of traffic they’re getting and convert them into sales. Even more than that, this can be the difference between a profitable campaign to a losing one.
Let’s continue to the Checkout review and see if my theory about the shipping price was correct and if there are more mistakes there that hurt their sales.
The Checkout

Alright so the checkout is pretty standard with 2 mistakes I was able to see on the spot:
1. There isn’t no logo, just text. This is something I’ve seen thousands of times already and it happens because sellers forget to upload their logo again on the Checkout settings. Your logo should always appear as a picture on the checkout page as well. And of possible, add a few trust badges next to it to increase the trust of your store.
2. The phone number isn’t optional and it can scare customers away from your store if they’re afraid of getting spam calls/SMS. If you’re doing SMS marketing then losing some customers won’t be that bad compared to what you’ll gain from your SMS marketing campaigns. But if you have no intention of doing that, then make sure the phone field is always optional.
Shipping page:

So my theory was correct and it looks like the shipping price is $5 for these gloves. That’s more than 33% of the product price which is insane!
It would’ve been much better to increase the price and sell these gloves for $19.99 or $24.99 and offer free shipping. And with that price range, you could also give a normal quantity discount and offer the second paid for a reduced price(and thus increasing your Average Order Value).
On top of that, there’s also a VIP shipping for $10 which offers almost no difference in the shipping times… Useless shipping option that pushes the customers away from the store.
And the cherry on top is the $0.42 insurance price which doesn’t even ask you if you want it and adds itself to the price automatically. I really have no idea why would someone do that at this point. It’s like they want to have the store with the lowest conversion rate possible…
Payment page:

Nothing wrong with the Payment page with both PayPal and CC options available.
To Sum It Up
This product review is a great example of how you can take a great product with a great looking ad and fail completely on the store level.
And then probably blame Facebook or even the product for not being a good one and not getting the sales it should have gotten…
This is your chance to take this product and market it the correct way with a store that will actually convert your target audience and make sales that this product really deserves.
Don’t sleep on this product and start selling it right now!
Good luck 🙂
Struggling to find good products to sell? Not sure who’s your target audience? Tired of losing money on products you were sure were “winners”?
Then Ecomhunt is what you need! Find hot winning products that are added daily, spy on their ads & stores and import them into your store in 1 click and Start Selling Today!

Daniel Aloni is one of the leading mentors in the Ecomhunt family. Daniel is a highly experienced Print On Demand seller with multiple 6 figures successful launches.