Shipping fees are a main reason why consumers abandon their carts with an average rate of nearly 70%, according to an article published by Shopify.
Customers expect free shipping and fast delivery, according to a recent McKinsey report that says more than 90% of US buyers expect two to three-day delivery.
Another 30% expect orders delivered on the same day and a 2021 Consumer Trends Report found that 80% expect free shipping when ordering products of a certain amount. An overwhelming 66% expect free shipping for all online orders.
Shopify recommends one way to offer free shipping is to offer it conditionally or promotionally using a minimum order value, promo code to gain email subscribers, deals during peak sales periods, and on specific products to get rid of inventory.
Shopify states that free shipping makes it easier for a buyer to reach the threshold with 48% saying they will add more items to their carts to get free shipping.

Ariel Ben Solomon is the Growth and Strategy manager at Ecomhunt. He is the host of the Ecomhunt Podcast. Can be followed on Twitter at @ArielBenSolomon