Orbit Media Studios created a checklist of 10 web design standards and checked how many of the top 50 marketing websites use them.

All of the websites had a clickable logo in the top left corner.

Having contact information in the top right corner of every page was practiced by 44% of the websites surveyed, with 56% not doing it. While it is considered common, it is not a standard, according to the article by Orbit.

An overwhelming 88% of the websites had the main navigation located in the header at the top of every page, making the horizontal navigation a standard for web design.

Only 32% of the top websites used a slideshow carousel with rotating pictures. Orbit designers see more sites preferring a static feature image.

A value proposition at the top of the home page is practiced by 80% of marketing websites.

A call to action was high up on the page of 78% of websites.

Social media links were present in the footer of 72% of websites and 26% had them in the header.


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