TikTok was the most downloaded app in the US last year, with 94 million downloads.
According to Insider Intelligence/eMarketer, the next most popular apps were Instagram and Snapchat, which reached 64 million and 56 million downloads respectively.
Interestingly, the top three downloaded apps were photo and video-focused social media platforms.
According to the report, more than one-quarter of people in the US were monthly TikTok users last year, while a third of Instagram users were monthly users.
The age range that saw the most use was among 18 to 24 year-olds for TikTok, and Instagram had an older audience of 25 to 34.
The fourth most downloaded app in 2021 was Cash App, followed by Zoom, Facebook Messenger, Facebook, WhatsApp in eighth place, and YouTube.

Ariel Ben Solomon is the Growth and Strategy manager at Ecomhunt. He is the host of the Ecomhunt Podcast. Can be followed on Twitter at @ArielBenSolomon