Retail will have a larger share of US digital ad spending (27.9%) in 2023 than the five sectors with the lowest spending combined, according to a prediction by Insider Intelligence/eMarketer.
According to the “US Digital Ad Spending by Industry 2023” analysis by Insider Intelligence/eMarketer, retail will spend $73.55 billion on US digital advertising in 2023, $34 billion more than the second-place spender, consumer packaged goods.
“Retail digital US ad spend will grow by 12.2% this year, second only to travel at 14.3%,” per the forecast.
“Retail digital ad spend growth will pick up speed next year, hitting 14.2%,” stated the report.

Ariel Ben Solomon is the Growth and Strategy manager at Ecomhunt. He is the host of the Ecomhunt Podcast. Can be followed on Twitter at @ArielBenSolomon