Mohammed Kamil Sattar (The Ecom King) revealed in his latest Youtube video the TikTok ads strategy for his business partner that led to what he claims was around $61,000 sales in 30 days.
According to the case study of the testing, there was a 41% profit margin of nearly $25,000. Sattar reloaded the Shopify page to prove that the results were indeed real.
The way the product was discovered was by coming across a viral video with 20 million views on TikTok and then seeing that the store had a poor website and incorrect pricing. Sattar also says that one can find winning products for TikTok by looking at old Facebook winning products or searching hashtags such as #tiktokmademebuyit and #amazonfinds.
The video that Sattar’s partner Jeremy ran organically got 2 million views but failed when using TikTok ads. The conclusion was that the product price was too high at $50 and so they lowered it to $29.95 and made $8,200 in revenue. Paid ads worked for one week and then petered out.
Jeremy created three creatives with his phone and used the conversion ad objective in the United States and Canadian market.
The ads strategy that worked was duplicating adsets. Increasing budgets by 30% performed poorly. According to Sattar, sound is very important when running ads on TikTok.
While the TikTok platform is similar to Facebook, in their testing, interest targeting, Lookalike Audiences, and Manual bidding did not work well on TikTok.
Jeremy said that TikTok customer service is better than Facebook ads and could blow up in the 4th quarter of this year.

Ariel Ben Solomon is the Growth and Strategy manager at Ecomhunt. He is the host of the Ecomhunt Podcast. Can be followed on Twitter at @ArielBenSolomon