US e-commerce holiday sales will rise by 2.5% this year, compared to 8.6% growth in 2021 and a 33.0% increase in 2020, according to Adobe.
According to Insider Intelligence/eMarketer, while cash-strapped consumers are hesitant to open their wallets, the slowdown is also the result of a cooling effect following the boom of 2020.
Furthermore, Amazon and Walmart pushed demand forward with their October sales events, reducing holiday season e-commerce.

The graph shows how holiday e-commerce spiked in 2020, dropped the following year heavily, and continues to decline into 2022. Holiday sales growth this year has been lower than all years from 2015 until 2021.

Ariel Ben Solomon is the Growth and Strategy manager at Ecomhunt. He is the host of the Ecomhunt Podcast. Can be followed on Twitter at @ArielBenSolomon