Google’s Digital Marketing Training Course recommends using a maximum of 2% of your important keywords on web pages.
According to an article in the Search Engine Journal, Google also recommends writing at least 300 words of content and specific areas to put keywords with a density of target keywords under 2%.
Keyword density is how frequently you use target keywords on a web page as a percentage.
Google also recommended: “Your keywords should be used only once in the following places on each page within your website: page title, subheading, first paragraph, and body conclusion.”
However, an SEO specialist called out Google for spreading disinformation, and a Google official confirmed that some of the course info was incorrect.
Gianluca Fiorelli said the Google recommendations are misinformation.
Then, Danny Sullivan at Google responded and said that the training course is not connected to the Search team.
So it seems that the Google course spread misinformation regarding keyword density and writing more than 300 words.

Ariel Ben Solomon is the Growth and Strategy manager at Ecomhunt. He is the host of the Ecomhunt Podcast. Can be followed on Twitter at @ArielBenSolomon