TikTok for business

Women are more likely than men to take action after seeing a TikTok video, according to DISQO statistics from April 2024.

For example, women are 9% more likely than males to make a purchase after viewing a TikTok video (31% vs. 22%).

According to an EMarketer survey, more than one-fifth (20.2%) of US marketplace customers purchased from TikTok Shop within seven months of its introduction.

Gen Z is the most likely group to make a purchase on TikTok Shop, according to Morning Consult.

Approximately 40% of Gen Zers aged 18 to 26 and 24% of those aged 13 to 17 had made at least one purchase on the site, compared to 37% of millennials and 14% of Generation X.

According to EMarketer, US TikTok users aged 18 to 24 spend 73 minutes (1:13) each day scrolling the platform, more than any other older age group.


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